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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. Fixed this by updating my userconfig. Forgot to check that :j:. Figure I'll post it so anybody looking for the fix will find it from one more source. Alright I understand now. I think it's too late and I'm really tired, because what you were telling me was just not sinking in. Thanks for the patience and understanding, been a long week.
  2. I'm sorry. I really didn't know the devs are so annoyed with these forums. I've been gone for a little less than a year, just got back and there's lots of new stuff going on. I think it'd be best if you guys made it very apparent in the first post that you don't want these sort of posts in the BIS forums. I know I wouldn't ask for help if there was something on the first page. EDIT: Not to nag, but after checking the links you posted I still haven't found an answer for the Immersive Dismount which is all I was really asking about.
  3. So essentially these forums are useless then because we could look anything up or just ask the developers personally. I always search before making a thread or reply. Show me where it's listed and documented please because I cannot seem to find it. Anyway my belief is we're here to help one another, even with the most idiotic questions. We're a community unlike any other. No need to over exaggerate and insult one another. I appreciate all your help and hard work guys. :)
  4. You know how you can set up quick little missions using the mission creation wizard? You can create a "destination" or a "combat" mission in Operation Arrowhead for example. Anyway can you spawn as anybody but the German Kommando Spezialkräfte in the "Combat" missions?
  5. If R2T gets implemented into ArmA II I will donate $100 to BIS no joke.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Evolution or Domination

    Thanks for the very informative reply. So Domination is basically like Evo but with more of an emphasis on "anybody can do well" rather than Evos "high scoring players will continue to score higher because they unlock more"? I was more than anything just looking for a mission that uses ACE2 in Operation Arrowhead, whether it be Evo or Domi. Are there any? The threads I've looked in appear to be ArmA II/ACE2, or Operation Arrowhead/Vanilla. I can't find any OA/ACE2. Thanks again.
  7. I was snooping around in the ACE clientside config and I saw this. What is it? I also found the 'cartridges stay' function. Very nice hidden detail. :)
  8. (Ignore the mission selection screen) EDIT: I don't really know why I posted this picture here... you can delete this post if you'd like.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Evolution or Domination

    First time I've ever been accused of trolling on here. C'mon guys, we have a respectable community here. Help me out please. I haven't played MP since ArmA 1 and all I'm familiar with is Evo/CTI/Warfare.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I just got through playing a lengthly test session using JSRS for the first time and I must say... WOW these are the most authentic sounds I've ever heard outside of real life. What really impresses me (on top of everything else) are the Apache sounds. They aren't a loud, powerful, thumping - such as what you'd hear from a UH-6X series - like in most games. Instead it's a higher-pitched "whirring" like in real life. The blades are very small and light on an Apache compared to most other military craft, with two massive engines powering them. Your mod recreates this very well. PS. I'm a United States Marine Corps 2nd Lt. of the Sea Elk. I fly and maintian my V-22 Osprey for a living.
  11. Sounds nifty. Can't wait 'till that's implemented in the mod.
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    Operation Arrowhead Evolution or Domination

    Thank you and sorry, I don't know how I made that mistake. Go ahead and delete/lock this thread devs.
  13. Are there any evolution or domination missions for Operation Arrowhead, and preferably ACE2 as well? Another stupid question; what exactly is Domination? It sounds very similar to Evolution (what I'm used to from ArmA1) Thanks a bunch. :confused::rolleyes:
  14. Maybe it has something to do with OUTDATED: USERCONFIG/ACE/AEC_CLIENTSIDE_CONFIG.HPP :rolleyes:
  15. Hmm I can't even get it to work once in this OA version of ACE2. It worked fine in ArmA II vanilla.
  16. I figured it was that too. Even as I rapidly tap Shift+Space, Space, Space, Space the weapon never 'latches on'. Usually if it's lag causing the issue you can button-spam and it'll eventually accept the command, but not here.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    I believe so. We need something in the standard GUI for on-the-fly orders in any mission. Great workaround though. :p
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    British Armed Forces - Got Some Hard Times With It

    Looks like BAF Lite to me.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm running it with ACE in OA only and it seems to be fine. I don't like running CO because a lot of the units don't support new OA features.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Ooohh thank you so much. Haha I feel pretty stupid now, thanks for helping out anyway. :P
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I just downloaded this and read the readme. There's nothing about the four different folders "@JSRS-E", "@JSRS-V", "@JSRS-VW", and "@JSRS-W". Which one do I want? What do they do differently? Thanks again. :D
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Should I put this before, after, or as a replacement for ACE_SM in the load order? Thanks.
  23. My left shift+space weapon rest isn't working. I think because it's the same keys used to change between high command and low command?