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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    Rocket Pods and Pilots

    Meh I used to love ACE but it makes everything too... clunky for me. I've stopped using it. :(
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    Rocket Pods and Pilots

    I'm currently training with the Raptors learning to fly an MV-22 Osprey for Pale Horse. Granted the only weapons we get are door/ramp mounted MMGs (aside from the occasional M61 or M134) for the crew chiefs, but I still know a thing or two about weapons in aviation. :p Any pilot has complete control over avionics, hydraulics, flight plans, and rocket pods. The co-pilot (gunner) may at any time take control over any of the aforementioned systems in the event of catastrophic pilot failure. I don't know how the Russkies do it with their Kamovs but I imagine they are similar.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    So is this the same answer for longer lasting smoke and fire effects? I think your effects are the best I've ever seen on this game engine, even better than that of Virtual Battlespace 2. All we need now is a sense of a persistent battlefield.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Actually after comparing the two I'd rather just have Blastcore, but with the lingering smoke (duration) of JTD Smoke. Any way we could do this? I think Blastcore looks way better than JTD's massive balls of smoke pluming into the air. The aircraft fires are especially orgasmic. :p
  5. Does anybody have some really high quality or original aircraft addon recommendations? Helicopters, planes, or anything else you can think of high quality or original will do. Thanks.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft Compilation

    It's so beautiful! *sniff*
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I'm reinstalling all my mods at the moment. Does anybody happen to know if this is fully compatible with JTD Fire and Smoke? I think it is but I'll check so all you readers will know for certain.
  8. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft Compilation

    I'd really love to see an Mi-26 addon. It's such a (literally) massive aviation achievement, especially for it's time. They are still in service with Russia as well as cheap 3rd rate nations and guerrillas. I see no reason to not have them in ArmA II. A massive helicopter capable of both vehicle and massive troop movements would be most beneficial. If we could somehow allow the helicopter to "anchor" objects inside it would be so freakin' awesome. An older game "Joint Operations Typhoon Rising" comes to mind.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    The sonic cracks seem to be way too overdone in this mod, otherwise the best addon since CSM back in ArmA 1 days. Also doesn't seem to be much bass to heavy weapons and explosions. All criticism aside, best soundmod for ArmA II by far. :) Oh and I've been using your mod since the War10Mod. Just as a side note, those sonic cracks actually scare the hell out of me. Even all the way across a wide valley it's like the gun is right next to me without any earplugs. Keep in mind any combat unit has earplugs equipped pretty much at all times.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft Compilation

    I've been looking for an Mi-28 for a long time. I didn't know the project to make one was finally finished!
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    This is a great addon, especially with Blastcore for the Mk82s.
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77159

  13. Wrong thread dude. Don't have to tell Placebo to move it, but please do. :P
  14. Here I thought pressing save would actually save my settings. So after I press save I must also save some other settings in yet another application not even mentioned in said menu? I think changing a 0 to a 1 in a .ini file is indeed easier, but that's just me. After re-reading that I realized how "snotty" it sounded, and I'm sorry for that. Just a bit frustrating that everything is changing to be more "user friendly" (hah yeah right).
  15. No I meant the in game config, that newfangled thing in the pause menu.
  16. When I make a change in ACE Config while in game the change does not apply. Why is that? I miss the old userconfig setup, so much simpler.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I just got back to these forums after a long leave of absence and oh my god, you've made a helluvalot of progress! Wow OS that A-10 sounds just... fantastic! I'm in the United States Marine Corps training to become a pilot so I've heard a few on the tarmac and overhead, you nailed it my friend. A lot of games and movies portray the A-10 as having a normal sounding jet aircraft engine, but it's turbofan engines do create a truly unique sound no other aircraft can claim. On an unrelated note; is 1.1 compatible with ACE2? Thank you for all your hard work OS.
  18. I need a little help getting ArmA II CO (bought separately) to start up with the beta and mods, such as ACE2. I know how to launch any two of this combination together, but not all three. Thanks for your time. Just in case, here is my target line:
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    Launching ArmA II CO With Mods & Beta

    So should I enable @CBA and @CBA_OA for Combined Ops with ACE2 or what?
  20. Is it possible to make the ambient civilian modules work in randomly generated towns? I've mastered the art of creating random towns through the TCS module, but they are empty, boring, and desolate.
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    Game Engine?

    Are they using the same exact game engine for ArmA2 as they did for ArmA? From the screens and little videos it seems the exact same, just way better optimized. The voices are the same, seems to use the same shader and texture drawing methods as well. Seems like a lot of the models are recycled from ArmA1 too, the civilian bus and the M1A1 stick out in my mind. I'm really wanting some better physics so when you shoot somebody they don't fall along a predefined path, and also when reloading, PLEASE let us move around BIS, thanks. So my question is: Does ArmA2 use a revamped game engine for ArmA2 or a completely different one which seems to still be lacking for a modern game, even if it is a simulator.
  22. I've scoured through the documentation but I can't seem to find the method to play ACE2 with the current beta in Combined Operations, having bought each game separately. This is what my target line looks like:
  23. I've got the target line working fine with the proper .exe, the problem is I'm not running Combined Operations with ACE2. The only way I know to make CO even launch at all is through Steam or the .bat file in the game's directory. Either of those methods do not work with either @ACE or the beta versions. Thanks for your assistance. If I'm not fully understanding what you're saying please let me know.:j:
  24. I don't have a beta shortcut in the ArmA II directory, only under Op Arrowhead/expansions/beta. (I just reinstalled everything ArmA)