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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    zGuba's Gameplay Modifications

    This is a pretty nifty addon. Why hasn't it seen any activity?
  2. Why does ArmA 2 show up twice in "expansions" but then only once on the right side of my screen in the main menu?
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Are there any addons incompatible with this mod? I've got a strange bug where handheld guided missiles such as Stinger, Metis, Javelin, etc shoot blanks. I cannot get a lock with any of these weapons and when I fire there is no missile. Almost like it is shooting air. Aircraft are fine. Also I don't know how in the world to actually enable the air support module. I'm not using ACE.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    Just Curious About Something Silly

    Nope I sure do not.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I believe he said personal muzzle flashes on firearms will be disabled, but vehicles will remain.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm a wee-bit confused. There's a lot of videos and information on 1.3 full, but yet current version says 1.2RC. So just to clarify 1.3 full is not yet out? If 1.3 isn't out yet should I just wait to download that one instead of going through the hassle of installing 1.2 just to install 1.3 in a few days?
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    Sound Mod Advice

    JSRS sounds very nice, but are there vehicles and explosions added yet? The standard explosions sound like I'm listening to them through an old hallway or something.
  8. The CROWS system on the HMMWV and Stryker handle differently. HMMWV has a movement damper whereas the Strykers do not. Kind of annoying.
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    More dynamic, co-op?

    Takistan/Chernarus Force is a GREAT coop mission which is completely dynamic. It's on all three major maps as well. It's one of the easiest missions I know to add content to and modify to your own tastes. It supports A2 (I think), CO, OA, and ACE2. There are also BAF versions where you have BAF gear, troops, and vehicles. LINK TO MISSION If you want my custom version of the mission please let me know. Lots of stuff added. :)
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Not sure if this has been stated before, but I believe this is the Spooky variant with the 25mm. Spectre has twin 20mm.
  11. You probably need to update your userconfig from @ACE/store/userconfig.tar.
  12. UPDATE: I got it all working except I get this error when starting the server. :eek:
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    Please Help With Dedicated Server

  14. Is there a way to make a mod list for the server within the server.cfg rather than the servers shortcut? I've got my server.cfg all set up but I don't have the ability to put my mods in there because the "target line" has a character limit. I've abandoned my dedicated serer tool server tool. It was not working at all. I'd like to do this the normal way with just a server.cfg and a server shortcut.
  15. JuggernautOfWar


    You can customize features per difficulty under your options>game settings menu. There you may enable/disable third person view.
  16. Thank you Sickboy, exactly what I wanted to know! :D Sickboy? You're awesome, know that? Only problem is every time I edit the .cfg output from A2DST it deletes everything I put in there whenever I start up the server. This is extremely annoying because it's impossible to automatically load up my custom parameters for the complex Warfare BE ACE Edition. As is I have to go through and one-by-one tick off all the things I do or do not want. I set the automatic parameters in the BE Parameters tool but the only way to apply those is through the server.cfg. Frustrating... to say the least. :rage: I've emailed the contact link within the server tool, but who knows how long that'll take.
  17. Haha yeah I've been behind the times here lately. :rolleyes: I was about to create one anyway for a really annoying AI issue I've been having with Warfare BE ACE Edition. 1. I don't see the Warfare mission in there. (what I want to host) 2. I'm using Tophe's ArmA 2 Dedicated Server Tool and it can only read the MPmissions folder.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Please Help With Dedicated Server

    Okay this is better than the older software I was using by far. Thank you. I'm having an issue where it's not showing up in either my LAN or Internet filters ingame so I can't even attempt to join. What is the "parameters" variable? I see potential there but I'm not sure what it does. I'm like Albert Einstein in the '30s.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    Please Help With Dedicated Server

    I've abandoned my dedicated serer tool server tool. I'd like to do this the normal way with just a server.cfg and a server shortcut. Is there a way to make a mod list for the server within the server.cfg rather than the servers shortcut.? I've got my server.cfg all set up but I don't have the ability to put my mods in there because the "target line" has a character limit. That made a little more progress, thanks! I've messed with it a bit more and it seems it only happens on some missions. All the missions I've tested were official ones. It'll load some up just fine, and then "read from bank" on seemingly random other ones.
  20. It wants me to log in to visit those links. Anyway the dedicated server tool I'm using only reads from MPmissions. For example I can not play standard BI missions because they are in a separate folder. I can however load custom missions because they are in MPmissions. Well I can't actually play on my server at all because I get this error.
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Are we going to get an ACE version of Benny's new 2.068 mission? For some reason the AI squad leaders are clustering in the north west corner of the map. They wont move, respawn, or anything. If I tell them to disband they'll disappear and just respawn in the same spot. Due to this their AI squads just stay where they are because they have no leaders. How do I fix this? I saw something about Auto AI. Would that help at all? Correction: The AI squad leaders are hanging out at the exact grid coordinate of 000;000. They just wont move! :mad: PS. I'm not using any AI mods whatsoever.
  22. Is there any way I can move them into my MPMissions folder? My dedicated server utility requires missions to be in that folder as far as I know.
  23. JuggernautOfWar

    Mission mission.Chernarus read from bank.

    I too am having problems with this very thing.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    Please Help With Dedicated Server

    From Home. I do not have TS3 or Vent, but I do have Xfire, Skype, Steam, and Google Talk. I downloaded a tool that helps tremendously. When I try to connect to the server which is created I just get a message "wait for host". The dedicated server application just says "Mission [mission name] read from bank."