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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. That's the beta patch right, not an actual patch?
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    Patrol Operations 2

    Oh okay that makes sense. I think it's a little misleading as there is a "class restriction" parameter. When set to off shouldn't what you described be disabled? So from what you said (correct me if I'm wrong) if I'm a team leader I'll get generic assault rifles, whereas if I'm an AT specialist I'll get Javelins or a Automatic Rifleman I'll get LMGs. Right? UPDATE: I can't seem to find the AT class in the mission. There's a Heavy Gunner, but that's about it.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    Patrol Operations 2

    For some reason the ammo box is extremely limited. I have assault rifles and an AT4, that's it. I have ranking disabled and it says the gear is unrestricted. Yet I still cannot access LMGs, powerful AT weaponry, or many marksman rifles. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Is it possible people without SLX who join my locally hosted server running SLX will get freezes and/or crashes? I seems my friends who do not have SLX on my SLX enabled server get disconnected after a while.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    GITS Evolution for Arrowhead

    So what is different in this compared to Hohei Evolution?
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    It says here the release date is December 2011. It's December! :)
  7. JuggernautOfWar

    Patrol Operations 2

    I just found this mission yesterday. WOW this is exactly what we've been looking for! Been playing it since with my biddies pretty much constantly. Superb mission! I've looked in the wiki but couldn't find what exactly the differences are between the different mission types such as domination, reconstruction, etc.
  8. JuggernautOfWar


    The town you assault first can be chosen or set to random in the mission parameters. Press 'J' once ingame to bring up your tasks. Once you review your objective press "make current task". Now you will have an objective marker to the current town. The mission area as well as FARPs always show up on the map as well. Ammo box is right next to spawn, not sure how you've missed it. In the Chernarus mission the ammo box is located in the building you spawn in. Great to see some other folks enjoying Hohei Evo! Great mission.
  9. There is never any smoke/fire effects when a vehicle is destroyed. I like the idea of smoke/fire being dependent on what components are hit, but there is never any effects at all.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    Great I can't wait until the next version. If you need any help testing anything specifically let me know. Maybe we can churn this out sooner with teamwork. :)
  11. JuggernautOfWar

    Saint Rows: The Third

    I've been playing the heck out of Saints Row: The Third lately (of course ArmA too) and I've got a question, maybe a bug. When bringing up my smartphone to call in some reinforcements (saints, Oleg, Shaundi, etc) they are all greyed out and unable to be activated. Why is that?
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    Great mission Psycho! I know I've said it a lot, but damn I can't get enough of it! I have three bugs to report. OPFOR Mi-8 helicopters work fine for vehicle transport normally. It seems when 2/3 helicopters respawn they lose the transport ability. When flying there is no HUD and no "Lift Helicopter" text. Metis AT Launcher is in the OPFOR weapons crate, but there is no missile. Also there is an M60 on both sides in the ammo crate, but with no ammo for it. The new cargo system for the C130 does not work whatsoever. Once loaded up and flying, you cannot eject the vehicle from the cargo hold. When the button is pressed nothing happens. Also the cargo system appears to be activated on the Mi-8 OPFOR transport choppers as well.
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    Saint Rows: The Third

    I've found this to be the case usually after I call one of my people once for backup. Is there some sort of cool down timer I'm unaware of?
  14. I can confirm this smoke/fire bug too. Glad it's being worked on!:)
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Mod

    I know there are a few AI mods floating around out there such as the popular Zeus AI. Is there a mod to improve the AI pathfinding and target acquisition? I remember Zeus AI being incompatible with a few other mods, and even the BIS beta patches a while back so I'm not sure I can use Zeus. I'm completely fed up with my troops ignoring enemies in their cone of vision even though they are set to engage at will. Also pathfinding is a complete joke, it appears to be worse than it used to be (vehicles leaving the roadway to get stuck on terrain or an object). To summarize: Best AI improvement mod? Is it compatible with mods? (mando missile in particular) Must be compatible with BIS beta patches.
  16. Holy moly! I just played through part of an Evo mission running all these mods. HOLY CRAP so many awesome improvements! Keep ip the wonderful work! It appears hostiles are taken down easier now. One shot from a 7.62 Mk17 drops an enemy, as opposed to ~5 in vanilla. This realism is a very nice approach, unless it's just my imagination. :p
  17. This sounds amazing Günter Severloh! I loved SLX back in ArmA 1 days and couldn't play without it! Sorry for a few time consuming questions, but please hear me out. I currently have WarFX Particles, JSRS, and Mando Missile Mod installed. I'd love to see all of these improvements in my CO game and on my Evo server I run, while still keeping the mods I have now. What mods do you recommend to be used with this? Maybe tell me what mods you're running and I can go from there. I've read on this thread something about GL4 and ASR_AI, though I'm not sure if they are compatible, or what they really do in the first place. :p Excuse my many questions, I've been away from the ArmA 2 scene for what seems like forever. :(
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    In my server on Evolution Mando Missiles appears to work fine until I launch a missile. It tracks as it should using Mando, but causes no damage on target. Bug? Hmm is this compatible with the most recent ArmA II CO beta patches and Zeus AI?
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Does this work with Mando Missile and the BIS beta game versions?
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    POSSIBLE BUG: The new C130 cargo drop system does not actually drop the cargo. Once action menu is pressed cargo simply stays in cargo hold. The most recent version is for ACE and vanilla.
  21. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    I've never encountered this. Maybe redownload the mission file?
  22. JuggernautOfWar

    co30 Hohei Evolution 2 - the Evolution must go on!

    There's some really nice changes there! I can't wait to get home tonight and test it out with my buddies online. I can't wait for the next release! Having a revive system with side missions would make my day! Keep up the great work, and let me know if you have any areas you'd like me to test specifically. :yay: UPDATE: BUG REPORT Affected Mission Version: 2.05 Beta When any one player dies all players watch in a sort of cutscene. This is obviously a huge interruption in any situation, but especially when in a firefight or flying an aircraft. I recommend immediate investigation as this is a huge problem whenever anybody dies. If you need any other information please let me know. To reproduce just play with another player and get him killed.
  23. Other than SimCity4 (played the hell outa that game back in the day) what are some recommendable recent city management/building games? So many of them seem overly simple with stripped down features. Preferably something with such control where you can design your own infrastructure like roads and railroads. Would be so cool to make a huge cloverleaf interchange from scratch instead of just clicking a preset "cloverleaf" button to snap one into place. Any thoughts?
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    City Building/Management Game

    So what's your favorite game in this genre specifically?