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Posts posted by [kh]jman

  1. Bug report.

    2013/05/14, 21:08:33 Error in expression < 0;
    _array 	= _this select 1; 
    [_array] call _fnc;
    2013/05/14, 21:08:33   Error position: <call _fnc;
    2013/05/14, 21:08:33   Error call: Type Array, expected code
    2013/05/14, 21:08:33 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\revive_sqf\pvEH\pvEH.sqf, line 6

    Fires on server and clients. Happens once players have jipped in MP and have respawned once died.

    I'm afraid I cannot give you anymore info than that.

  2. norrin,

    Typo in revive_sqf\mobile\vcl_respawn.sqf @ line 45

    this addEventHandler ['GETOUT',{[_this select 0] execVM 'revive_sqf\mobile\mobile_remove_spawn.sqf'}];";

    this addEventHandler ['GETOUT',{[_this select 0] execVM 'revive_sqf\mobile\mobile_remove_spawn.sqf'}];

    Also might be worth inserting after line 42:

    _vcl_new lock false;
    _vcl_new setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";

    So in single player the mobile respawn is not locked after it respawns ;)

  3. Try this in the editor debugger (A3 dev version):

    position 1862.41,5762.52, 0.00143862 will spawn the unit infront of the air traffic control building at the airbase

    _unit = objNull;
    _grp = createGroup east;
           _unit = _grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_AR_F", [1862.41,5762.52,0.00143862], [], 0, "NONE"];
    _grp selectLeader _unit;
    _unit setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
           _unit setDir 24.95896;
           _unit setVehicleVarName "su";
           _unit setVehicleAmmo 0;
    _initinit = format["[{%1 setunitpos '%2'; %1 disableAI '%3';}]", _unit, "MIDDLE", "MOVE"]; 
    [call compile format["%1",_initinit],"BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; 
    _unit call compile format ["%1=_this; publicvariable '%1'",_unit]; 

    If it's for multiplayer on a dedicated you could try it with the new Arma3 netId/objectFromNetId commands, it won't return an id if you test this in the editor (shame):

    _unit = objNull;
    _grp = createGroup east;
           _unit = _grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_AR_F", [1862.41,5762.52,0.00143862], [], 0, "NONE"];
    _grp selectLeader _unit;
           _unitname = "su";
    _initinit = format["[{
    (objectFromNetId '%1') setVehicleVarName '%4'; 
    (objectFromNetId '%1') setunitpos '%2'; 
    (objectFromNetId '%1') disableAI '%3';
    (objectFromNetId '%1') setVehicleAmmo %5;
    (objectFromNetId '%1') setUnitAbility %6;
    (objectFromNetId '%1') setDir %7;
    }]", (netId _unit), "MIDDLE", "MOVE", _unitname, 0, 0.60000002, 24.95896]; 
    [call compile format["%1",_initinit],"BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; 
    _unit call compile format ["%1=_this; publicvariable '%1'", _unitname]; 






  4. I believe that the answer may be in this error:


           diag_log format["_taskState: %1 Type: %2",_taskState, typeName _taskState];
           diag_log format["_taskID: %1 Type: %2",_taskID, typeName _taskID];
    case "objective_1": {
    	if (_taskState == "") then {
    		[units group player,  // Task owner(s)
    		  _taskID, // task ID (used when setting task state, destination or description later)
    			["Clear the beach camp of enemy and secure.","Secure beach camp",""], // Task params
    		  position objective_target_1,  // task destination
    			true //  true to set task as current upon creation
    			"BIS_fnc_taskCreate", // task function
    			true, // execution on all clients; 
    			true // true for persistent execution (i.e., also for players connected by JIP)
    	] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    	} else {
    		if (_taskState == "Current") then {_taskID call BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent} else {[_taskID, _taskState] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState}

    Output when player JIP's:

    "_taskState: CREATED Type: STRING"
    "_taskID: objective_3 Type: STRING"
    Error in expression <exitWith {_task = _x select 1}} forEach _taskList;
     Error position: <_taskList;
     Error Undefined variable in expression: _tasklist
    File A3\functions_f\Tasks\fn_taskReal.sqf, line 35
    Error in expression <ent = _x call BIS_fnc_taskCurrent;
    if (_taskCurrent == _taskName && _state != ">
     Error position: <_taskCurrent == _taskName && _state != ">
     Error Undefined variable in expression: _taskcurrent
    File A3\functions_f\Tasks\fn_taskSetState.sqf, line 57

    It appears that BI's JIP code is still broken/buggy and as I say many .sqf files that work for players whom start from the beginning of the mission fail to run at all for JIP players (even if placed in initJIPcompatible.sqf). No diag_log output, nothing.

  5. @Holmes

    The legacy standalone version of pdb that you are trying to use contains many bugs/issues one of which relates to the tsc = any issue. The code fix will be in the mso dev git branch but will more than likely be reliant on other changes that were made in that branch. When A2 1.62 final patch is released we will be releasing the final version of A2 mso which will contain all the pdb fixes and after that if I have time I might update the standalone version. If you cannot wait and know Sqf/dB I would suggest that you pull back the mso dev git branch and try to refractor the legacy base code from it.

  6. Thanks for this Jman, the one issue I had with it was that where it came up on the left side of the screen is right where the action menu comes up, making it pretty unreadable when they overlap. So I edited a couple of values in the dialog.hpp file. If anybody using it wants the crew list on the far right instead where it is out of the way of the action menu and also hints, then just replace the part of the dialog.hpp file from line 24 to line 36 with the following:

    	class crewinfotext { 
    		idc = 10101; 
    		type = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT; 
    		style = ST_LEFT; 
    		x = (SafeZoneX + 2.25);
    		y = (SafeZoneY + 0.40);
    		w = 0.3;
    		h = 0.6;
    		size = 0.018; 
    		colorBackground[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    		colortext[] = {0,0,0,0.7};
    		text ="";

    Hopefully it works the same as it does for me on other monitors and it doesn't depend on monitor size or anything.

    Yeah that will not work for some resolutions. I suggest you just move it down (y) a little on the left side i.e

    class crewinfotext { 
    		idc = 10101; 
    		type = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT; 
    		style = ST_LEFT; 
    		x = (SafeZoneX + 0.02);
    		y = (SafeZoneY + 0.60);
    		w = 0.3;
    		h = 0.6;
    		size = 0.018; 
    		colorBackground[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    		colortext[] = {0,0,0,0.7};
    		text ="";

  7. I was my understanding that nil would execute on all clients.

    Taken form BI Wiki:

    [["Hello World"],"BIS_fnc_guiMessage",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

    Send a message containing "Hello World" to every player, including the ones who joins later using JIP.

    I will change it to true and see what happens. :)

  8. @Moricky I see that missionTasks.sqf is called automatically. Is this the case for JIP players too? I ask because it seems that in my mission on dedicated, JIP players are not seeing the tasks. Players see them fine if they join from the beginning. As you can see I am using BIS_fnc_MP

    I am using the latest A3 DEV version at all times.

    missionTasks.sqf: http://pastebin.com/ndUhqTyL

  9. @norrin

    Thx I've got the mobile respawn working now by adding the r_mobile_spawn_vcl name to the vehicle and attaching the EVH's to the mobile vehicle so it can be deployed (as outlined in mobile\vcl_respawn.sqf) which I'd completely missed!.

    When you start with the default loadout all it's fine with the weapon attachement but if you change your loadout you lost it when you respawn or be revived.

    Yes norrin your newFnc\returnLoadOut.sqf and newFnc\currentLoadout.sqf appear to be the cause of this. I was also losing NVG and backpack contents as well as optics on the primary weapon. I have revised those files (I use the DEV A3 version) and also edited the respawn\respawn.sqf (just to rem out the removeWeapons and mags code since they get removed in the revised returnLoadOut.sqf.

    Here's my revised code edits norrin: download

  10. Thanks Jman for taking time out to do this

    ---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

    just one more question i have class RscTitles in another script having this code as well its making it crash could i change this?

    class RscTitles
    #include <crewinfo\dialog.hpp>

    Just combine the two includes into one RscTitles class

  11. Make sure you move the respawn_west marker away from the primary respawn area and create a marker (insertion in demo, mine is called Camp Tempest and is a hidden marker) which then acts as the respawn marker. Do not place the marker next to the respawn_west marker then it will work.

    make sure you create the center and boot_hill markers as in the demo and add the includes to description.ext

    norrin, everything is working fine except I cannot get the mobile respawn to work on vehicle. I have named the vehicle mobile_respawn_west, added that to the revive_init.sqf: http://pastebin.com/xjmTZE2k

    When the player dies only an option for spawn at 'Camp Tempest' displays...
