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Everything posted by [kh]jman

  1. [kh]jman

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    @KombatMilc If you want to run on dedicated please read my notes regarding missing .p3d issues here and Alwarren is correct Alduric they are missing from the warfare structures.
  2. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Yes because that's what setting BTC_respawn_gear = 1 does. If want players to loose their gear on respawn set BTC_respawn_gear = 0 in =BTC=_revive_init.sqf
  3. I know personally that Norrin is not actively supporting his revive script until Arma3 multiplayer is more stable and out of beta so to be honest I'd stay clear of it at the moment. Suggest you try =BTC= revive, you can grab a working version with ALiVE from say Pyrgos Assault on our sample missions page. Also check out my posts in the =BTC= Revive thread as I've made some changes to it since A3 1.10 as Giallustio is busy with other things right now. A future release of ALiVE will include a revive module of it's own similar to BTC and Norrin's.
  4. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Zuff, just add the class CfgNotifications function from my description.ext into your mission and copy the notificons folder into your mission folder and that will draw the task hints correctly :) I was also having issues with the gear restore on revive so rather than debug the code (I have limited time!) I did the following to get it functioning... There's nothing actually wrong with the BTC_get_gear function but the actual call to it is either in the wrong place or is being overridden in a timing issue so as a temporary fix I've scripted a function that saves the player's loadout (calls BTC_get_gear) on a defined period that's parsed to the function via functions/fnc_initClientSaveLoadout.sqf. I have remmed out the original call to function BTC_get_gear in function BTC_fnc_handledamage_2: =BTC=_revive\=BTC=_functions.sqf // if (BTC_respawn_gear == 1) then {BTC_gear = [_unit] call BTC_get_gear;}; My loadout implementation is setup thus: init.sqf if (!isDedicated) then { initClientSaveLoadout = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "functions\fnc_initClientSaveLoadout.sqf"; [5] spawn initClientSaveLoadout; }; functions\fnc_initClientSaveLoadout.sqf /* * Filename: * fnc_initClientSaveLoadout.sqf * * Description: * Calls save client loadout on a defined period * * Locality: * Client * * Created by [KH]Jman * Creation date: 14/01/2014 * Email: jman@kellys-heroes.eu * Web: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu * * */ // ==================================================================================== if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; // ==================================================================================== private["_delay"]; _delay = _this select 0; if (BTC_respawn_gear == 1) then { while { true } do { if(alive player) then { BTC_gear = [player] call BTC_get_gear; }; sleep _delay; }; };
  5. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    It's working fine here with latest A3 hotfix on server and client. Download Pyrgos Assault here it has =BTC= Revive in it
  6. This is a known issue and is on the feedback tracker. If you want the commands fixed please vote it up here
  7. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Yes that's correct and in the case of =BTC= Revive you'll also need to add this as they are two new parameter arrays for setting colors of focused RscShortcutButtons. See http://dev.arma3.com/spotrep-00017 for changelog. Properties of scrollbars are handled by CScrollBar itself now Added: colorFocused and colorBackgroundFocused parameters for setting colors of focused RscShortcutButton
  8. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    I've already fixed that bug. Please read a few pages back.... Fix: In =BTW=_function.sqf, replace all 4 iterations of: (_men select 1) getVariable "BTC_dragged"] == "0" with (_men select 1) getVariable "BTC_dragged"] != "1"
  9. [kh]jman


    It's not O_SD, that's the terrorist's unit prefix. SUD_RU for the Russians Forces (Russian INDEPENDENT) and SUD_SD for the Terrorists Faction (Guerrilla OPFOR) The Units are: Russian Forces - Men SUD_RU_Soldier SUD_RU_Soldier_TL SUD_RU_Soldier_Sapper SUD_RU_Soldier_AT SUD_RU_Soldier_AR SUD_RU_Soldier_GL SUD_RU_Soldier_Marksman SUD_RU_Soldier_Engineer SUD_RU_Soldier_Medic SUD_RU_Soldier_Crew SUD_RU_Soldier_HPilot SUD_RU_Soldier_MG SUD_RU_Soldier_UAV SUD_RU_Soldier_Specnaz SUD_RU_Soldier_Specnaz_GL SUD_RU_Soldier_Specnaz_Sapper SUD_RU_Soldier_Specnaz_HSniper SUD_RU_Soldier_Specnaz_Marksman Russian Forces - Diver SUD_RU_Soldier_Diver SUD_RU_Soldier_Diver_Sapper Russian Forces - Sniper SUD_RU_Soldier_Spotter SUD_RU_Soldier_Sniper Russian Forces - Surpat SUD_RU_Soldier_AT_S SUD_RU_Soldier_AR_S SUD_RU_Soldier_Crew_S SUD_RU_Soldier_Engineer_S SUD_RU_Soldier_GL_S SUD_RU_Soldier_MG_S SUD_RU_Soldier_Marksman_S SUD_RU_Soldier_Medic_S SUD_RU_Soldier_S SUD_RU_Soldier_Sapper_S SUD_RU_Soldier_TL_S SUD_RU_Soldier_UAV_S Russian Forces - Ships SUD_RU_Assaultboat Russian Forces - Air SUD_MI48_RU SUD_KA60_RU Russian Forces - Armored RU_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F RU_MBT_02_arty_F RU_APC_BTR100_F RU_MBT_02_cannon_F RU_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F Russian Forces - Autonomus RU_UAV_01 Russian Forces - Cars SUD_Kamaz_covered SUD_Kamaz_transport Terrorists Faction - Guerrilla Men O_SD_Soldier O_SD_Soldier_AT O_SD_Soldier_Marksman O_SD_SOldier_SL Terrorists Faction - Cars O_SD_Offroad_01 O_SD_Offroad_01_armed The Groups are: Russian Infantry Basic Squad Weapons Squad Infantry Team MG Team AT Team Sentry Team SecOps Recon Team Sniper Team Diver Team Diver Team on Boat - Note this config class has a config error: 'Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles.SUD_RU_Assault_Boat'.' NOTE There are no groups configured for the terrorists faction There are no Motorized, Armor, Mechanized or Air groups currently configured for either faction therefore none of these group types will spawn when using ALiVE. In my view, the SUD_RU should really be OPFOR and the SUD_SD should really be INDEPENDENT as is generally the case in Arma ;).
  10. [kh]jman

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Great work guys and a very welcome addition to A3!
  11. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Great glad it worked :)
  12. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Sorry typo, add [] after colorBackgroundFocused ie. colorBackgroundFocused [] = ..... Download updated =BTC=_respawn.h (.7z)
  13. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Please copy and paste the exact error from your .rpt with line number where possible together with a description of exactly when the error occurs. Many thanks. UPDATE: I've amended the insert code here (note the new line number). Give it a try...
  14. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Meatball, please can you paste the exact and full error as yours appears to have typos. Also is it 'No entry' ? I'm guessing your error is: No entry 'mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\description.ext/BTC_spectating_dialog/controls/respawn_button.colorFocused' Try inserting the following code at line 12 of =BTC=_respawn.h colorFocused[] = {1, 1, 1, 1.0}; colorBackgroundFocused[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 1}; and report back...
  15. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    In Arma3 1.10 BI have changed class scrollbar on listboxes to class listscrollbar and for combos class comboscrollbar In =BTC=_respawn.h at line 140: change: class ScrollBar to: class ComboScrollBar
  16. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    pm me your mission file and I'll take a look at it.
  17. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    'random no revive' issue fixed. Not so random ;) The bug was in the getVariable "BTC_dragged" variable. If a player died/waiting for revive whilst the jip player was not on the server and was still waiting to be revived after the jip player joined, when the jip player then tries to revive the injured player the getVariable "BTC_dragged" variable for the died/waiting for revive player was <null> on the jip player thus causing the "First aid" addaction condition to always be false. Fix: In =BTW=_function.sqf, replace all 4 iterations of: (_men select 1) getVariable "BTC_dragged"] == "0" with (_men select 1) getVariable "BTC_dragged"] != "1" Download here Thank you to my tester [KH]Dessi for allowing me to murder him for testing purposes!
  18. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    No worries Giallustio :)
  19. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Hey Meatball. Concerning the 'random no revive' issue, it is rather annoying so I'm going to debug it and see if I can narrow the cause down ;)
  20. [kh]jman

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Glad you sorted it Garmagor. If you'd like a mission to test on Proving Grounds here is a mission from our server It requires: British Infantry, ALiVE, CBA and A3MP Co10_ALiVE_BNeedle_1_2.ProvingGrounds_PMC.7z Remove @sthud from the server startup it's a clientside addon and therefore not required serverside. server cfg You have two 'persistent' vars defined. Remove one and keep the one that's relevent. Here's our A3 server guide
  21. [kh]jman

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Missing .p3d files in @a3mp on first mission load can cause the server to kick back to the lobby. A reload of the mission after the kick back will let you in but if you restart the server it will kick you back again on first load. Adding -nologs to the server's startup will prevent the kick back to lobby on first load. Incidentally adding -nologs to your client startup will also significantly increase clientside performance since the addon produces a flood of rpt warnings which slow clientside performance during the rpt write process. Also if you have verifysignatures enabled make sure that you have copied the @a3mp bikey the the server's keys folder. There was an issue with the bisign files not working in the first version of this addon so i resigned them specifically for our server but I believe that Alduric has since updated and fixed the bisigns?
  22. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but the local java 'checking' process still takes an absolute age if you have large addon files even after the 1.1 update 6 :( Great news on the ArmA3Sync v1.2 though, will this circumvent the current checking of large addon file issue?
  23. Sounds to me like you have a corrupt Windows install, certainly not anything MSO related...
  24. You are correct. Development of MSO on A2 has ceased and we are not developing PDB for Linux.