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Everything posted by [kh]jman

  1. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.266 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  2. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.252 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  3. [kh]jman

    Kelly's Heroes [KH]

    Thanks to everyone who attended the Hells Gates event last night it was a great success!. I've put together a video of the nights event.
  4. For anyone who wants to keep up with the beta releases Direct download beta 3 or alternatively (same server but I know some peeps have issues with HFS)
  5. Yes you can. They are the old Beta 1 files.
  6. yes I'd be quite interested to see the visual difference between HDR 8 and HDR 32 too.
  7. [kh]jman

    how to sign a addon?

    This might be helpful.
  8. Just put HiFi after trsm in your command-line startup and you will find that you'll hear trsm sounds that HiFi does not have at the moment. Again just put Hifi after ace_sm in your command-line startup.
  9. If anybody is having problems with the direct download link please use this alternative link (at least until it's on Armaholic): http://www.hifisoundmod.co.uk/downloads/HiFi_sound_mod_Beta2.7z Edit, sorry I see it is: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9490
  10. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.239 (hotfix) **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  11. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.237 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  12. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.235 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  13. As a general rule I'd not have an issue with custom faces on our public server but unfortunately from an ArmA2 program/netcode point of view enabling customs just cripples the server when there are 20+ players connected. You cannot allow faces without allowing custom sounds as well and that just creates too much desync no matter how much speed or bandwidth the server has. Public servers can be a good source of teamplay, regular players can and do use Teamspeak and other voice coms software, good admining always helps of course but even admins can make mistakes. We allow regular publics who ask us on to our private server too it's a good synergy between the two. The public servers are nothing like as bad as they were when the game was first released and every rambo and hacker wanna be hit the server list!.
  14. [kh]jman

    Kelly's Heroes [KH]

    Quarter One 2010 [KH] News [KH] ArmA2 Dedicated Server News The ArmA2 Fallout server has been taken offline and replaced with an ArmA2 vanilla server for all those that don't play ACE2 (anyone?) Our dedicated servers are now as follows: ArmA2 Vanilla Public ArmA2 ACE 2 Public ArmA2 Event/Testing Upcoming Event News Teamspeak 3 is required. See our FAQ for connection details Tuesday 9th Feb - COOP Event - Hells Gate. Open to publics. Signup here Future Event News TBA - [KH]Airshow. Open to publics. There will be at least 60 slots possibly more. This will be a full airshow featuring some on the best pilots ArmA2 has to offer. The airshow details are still being worked on. A date will be announced soon. [KH] Video Streams We have a video vault with some of our ingame action. It features footage shot from our servers and offers you a taste of our play style, do take a look. More info [KH]Addon Pack Our addon pack has been updated with a few new files. More info Other ramblings Thank you to everyone who has donated in over the last few months I cannot tell you how helpful it is to receive donations. Our server is owned and paid for by members but as you will appreciate there are often costs not factored into the normal monthly running costs such as extra bandwidth considerations (YAS!) and server hardware replacements (we've got through three hard drives in one year!. Now we have an extra failover drive for our Raid1). The donations from the public go directly towards the server up keep and without them we could not offer the 24/7 public servers that we do and have been doing for the past 3 years since ArmA1. As a group we are always open to new members our recruitment proceedure is quite straight forward, a 2 week trial in which you wear our recruit tags and get down and dirty with our members on our public and private servers. After the 2 week period our members have an open vote and the result is determined. It works for us very well and we have recruited some excellent fellows from all around Europe over the past six months - we have three on trial right now. If you have not visited us before do come and stop by, we encourage all players including publics to use our TS3 server (for members it's actually compulsory), no need to be shy you can just listen in if your not used to voice comms. Lastly I just want to say a big thank you to the ArmA2 community for their excellent commitment to the game, special thanks to all the mod makers and mission makers out there and to the ACE dev team for ACE2. I started [KH] as a little hobby three years ago because of my obsession with OFP and ArmA1/2 and thanks to the dedication of it's members it has evolved into a living breathing community all on it's own. Grats to them. See you on the server. (hopefully!)
  15. I have this issue. I can tell you that Six Updater does not work with nod32 AV. It is not enough to disable nod32 to get six updater to work you have to uninstall it, something that I was not prepared to do - thats why we host a Yoma addon sync server for ACE2. You could try updating to the most recent version of NOD32 and see what happens, I use version 2.7 though as that revision was and still is the best version of nod32 to date. Them's your choices.
  16. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.222 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  17. @guiltyspark and tcp: In YAS did you delete extra files? If the old bisigns are in the folders they will conflict with the new ones and give you that error. Server is fine.
  18. [kh]jman

    dedicated server 1.05

    It is contained in the 1.05 update. Perhaps your armaserver.exe (1.04) was write protected or something? indeed it should have written over the 1.04 version. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:Dedicated_Server#Windows_2
  19. [kh]jman

    Server and AddOns

    means the mission file was not uploaded correctly. Upload it again.
  20. Sickboys knows my views on this already so I was not going to post but I would like to make one important point to the others who have posted here. I like the concept of the six-updater and I would use it if I could (Sickboy and I have worked through the issues preventing my machine from running six-updater). Sickboy deserves all of our support for what he and his team have produced. Yoma made an important point: There are advantages and disadvantages to Six and Yoma, it should be up to the end user which program they choose to use and in some cases have to use if they have extenuating circumstances (such as myself). Just one program should not be enforced on the community for this very important reason and not because you dislike the GUI of one or have a vested interest in another. Now if BI come along one day and decide to pick up one for intergration into any future ArmA's then thats a different story but they would go through considerable feasability and platform testing to make sure that the software conforms to certain standards and that in my view that would need a considerable amount of work involved on current incarnations of both programs.
  21. For info. We've now got a 24/7 Public Fallout server online: -=Kellys Heroes=- ArmA2 Fallout Public Persistent Server
  22. [kh]jman

    Kelly's Heroes [KH]

    We have had a Hard drive failure on our Raid 1 mirror and are working to get a replacement drive installed. We are limping on one HD atm. We will hosting only the one gameserver in the meantime. This will not effect our ability to offer the YAS this week and our ACE public server will be updated at 6pm as usual.
  23. It's key in the registry that ArmA2 does not remove on uninstall. Search for the username in question using regedit and delete the key. I've had exactly this issue before.