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Everything posted by [kh]jman

  1. [kh]jman

    Bring back the OLD Compass from ArmA 2

    Proper Addons by Kju has a improved compass size. Improve Compass Size _Visuals_C_PROPER #================# Increases the compass size to make it better readable.
  2. [kh]jman

    Is this game busy online?

    OMG thats why I said "no offense intended". I'm sure if I typed in Arabic you'd have a laugh about it too. :)
  3. [kh]jman

    ARMACast | The Arma 2 Podcast

    Great, 5 stars. I remember Jerry Hopper used to do podcasts on Sahrani Radio in a similar vain and equally enjoyed those so love ARMACast keep it up!.
  4. [kh]jman

    how do you disable VSYNC with ATT?

  5. [kh]jman

    Is this game busy online?

    :icon_biggrin: PMSL Syria, your grasp of English makes for a very funny read (no offense intended)! @Rabhimself, This game is basically what you make it. If you are prepared to put some time into it you'll get rewarded. There are plenty of good public European servers, GOL, KH, UGAF, 1PARA etc. IMHO to get the most out of multiplayer download Teamspeak 3, hop on any of the TS servers associated with those servers (see squads and fanpages forum for more info) and get involved!.
  6. [kh]jman

    running a server - for ever and ever...

    In 'server.cfg' add the line: persistent=1; Persistence only works on certain types of multiplayer missions - those that have either base or instant respawn. The mission must contain either instant respawn or base respawn options located in the mission's description.ext file. When these two criteria are met you have created a perpetual world. The mission will terminate only when the mission logic terminates it. For example when a missionEnd trigger is activated.
  7. [kh]jman

    Kelly's Heroes [KH]

    Kelly's has a KHPackOA addon pack for our Combined Operations server. Please click here for further details.
  8. Apologies if this information is in ace.dev-heaven.net somewhere, I have not found it there if it is. I would like to know from an ACE developer what the folder stucture will be for ACEOA. Will the content be located within the root folder i.e /ACEOA, /ACEXOA or will it be within the expansions folder i.e Expansions/ACEOA, Expansions/ACEXOA ? It would be very useful to have a heads up on this so that we can prep the Yoma sync mirror. Many thanks.
  9. [kh]jman

    dedicated team killer.

    His name is Anthrax not antrax and he was banned from all our public servers this evening. He is definately an intentional TKer who obviously has some low self asteam issues. Lets not boost his ego by giving him any more airtime. @Infam0us If you really want his UID I will give it to you but only via PM not forum post.
  10. [kh]jman

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    With the "greatest of respect" that quote is from the 19th June 2009. I really don't think it's worth dragging all that up again. This thread has long passed over all that. :confused:
  11. That forum link is outdated information and no longer relevent so you can ignore it. If you want to run regular A2 then use: ArmA2Server.exe
  12. KH ArmA2:OA Public Server example (this is a combined server): arma2oaserver.exe -port=2302 -name=Server-KH -config=Server-KH\Server-OA.cfg -cfg=Server-KH\Arma2.cfg -profiles=Server-KH The arma2oaserver.exe reads the OA .pbo's from the Expansion folder and the A2 .pbo's from the AddOns and Common folder
  13. Players with a combined A2:OA can join an OA server just fine. The problem comes when an A2:OA server runs a mission on say Takistan where it has both A2 and OA models. In this instance players with just OA will not be able to join - they will get an error stating 'you cannot play this mission it is dependent on missing data.. bla.. bla.. It is the same for a server providing of course that the server has A2 installed before running the OA install.
  14. [kh]jman

    Problem with my server

    These are mission specific debug/error entries. Entries such as this are not necessarily 'show stoppers'. Most missions spurt out debug info/errors that do not actually cause any direct issues. Is there an actual issue with a particular mission? is it crashing the server? are these report lines directly related to that mission?
  15. I have a feeling a deja-vu. This is an old argument and what I said a year ago is still relevent where OA is concerned imho. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1339291&postcount=10
  16. [kh]jman

    Are my Server Specs ok?

    Specifications to run a server
  17. [kh]jman

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    I've updated the 1.07 wiki and added our mirrors: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2:_Patch_v1.07
  18. [kh]jman

    New beta build 71749 up

    Yes. It should default to 4 cores if it autodetects a quad core anyway but I explicitly set it. Set the -cpucount=4 switch and it all runs smooth. @the chief: Before the betas when I had HT on I just got the stutter issue not CTD's... perhaps you have some other issue such as an unstable overclock for example?.
  19. [kh]jman

    New Beta Build 71726 is up

    We tested the new beta server and build with an MP event last night. Very nice performance and no crashes. The only issues were some peoples internet connections dropping out and not related to ArmA2. it's a lot smoother, an increase in FPS and better lod switching certainly on my rig. I recorded the whole event. Wednesday 23rd June 2010. Omission War Coop Event: Runtime 1 hour 16 minutes. Excellent beta BIS!.
  20. [kh]jman

    enable/disable scoreboard

    In ArmA2Profile: NetStats=1; // Displays score board Download example default.arma2profile
  21. [kh]jman

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    Long answer Identify which keys you have missing on your clientside using the server's connection log and install the correct bisigns for those mods that reference the particular server keys (.bikey) in question into their respective clientside mod folders. Short answer Disable signature checking on the server.
  22. [kh]jman

    New beta build 71548 up

    It must be just your client machine then because mine works fine in the scenario that you describe above. ArmA2 is very stable for me I have not had a CTD or lockup for months.
  23. Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repo updated to ACE b.369 **Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z Alternatively you can click on this link to access KH Repos -> yashttp://www.kellys-heroes.eu/Server.yas Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  24. [kh]jman

    New beta build 71548 up

    Yes fantastic performance on my rig (spec in sig below) with cpucount 4 and exthreads 7 (HT on). No stutter, smoother and better lod switching. Definate overall improvement.
  25. [kh]jman

    Can't connect to some servers

    No worries cri74 ;) Yeah agreed if your host is running in non-dedicated it's going to be harder to diagnose.