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About Jambo107

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    Private First Class
  1. Jambo107

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Honsetly, with a variety of decent war based sims/games coming out, its make or break for Arma, I've got my copy around my clan, nice No-CD & Hamachi, does us over at least till Opf2. I suggest you do the same untill BIS listen to there community and get something done.
  2. Jambo107

    release over steam

    To not release it on steam would be to shot yourself in the foot. Its also a pointless ll because those who are against already own it in DVD form anyways and would have no need to use steam, to those who have an interest putting on steam would be the best thing BIS could do.
  3. Jambo107

    Game Performance

    Well if he can't get performance from that system what hope is there. Refund it, swap it and wait for any news on patches or better yet just wait till its in the bargin bin and get it then with all the patches.
  4. Jambo107

    ArmA 2

    No I've never developed game but I am quite aware of the requirements, dev process (I studied design at college and spent 2 months with a Games Dev team) But you must understand that if BIS don't listen to what we, as there consumers want then the game is going to fall flat on its face. Alot of people here would buy it sure enough, bugs n all but you never aim a game at the niche crowd. A common problem with Arma is because of the aweful performance of the first demo a lot of the non-hardcore (espiecally clans) simply didn't play it or if they did soon ditched it. This is where money is made and lost. First impressions count for everything, even now people are put off because performance is so bad, gameplay is weak and bugs have been carried over from Op:F. I'm quite aware that companys use the same code and improve on an engine visually, the problem I have is that the improvements are nothing ground breaking and have been kicking around for sometime in other games. In the reviews of the game graphics where not a high point of Arma and actually distracted people because they tried to cram so much in. This caused headaches in performance for so many people - They should focus on making the game 100% playable before even talking about Arma 2. Fix Arma 1, make it the game it was meant to be played and Arma 2 will surely rise to the challenge because it needs to, Op:F 2 has already a massive advantage over Arma 2. Just to short list Op:F 2 has over Arma ; Real Physics Amazing Graphics An original setup (USA/NATO vs Chinase based forces)
  5. Jambo107

    Game Performance

    Goto the shop you bought the game from, get a refund. Save your money for a finished product - Crysis is around the corner and has extremely large maps, not so much realism. Call of Duty 4 is out very soon and without a shadow of a doubt they will be some amazing realism mods out for it.
  6. Opf2 is based upon the same engine that Colin Macre Dirt is based upon. Amazing graphics, physics - Thats alot to compete with I suggest BIS pull there socks up and get there fingers out otherwise Codemasters will be laughing (and rightly so Flashy 2 looks to be amazing)
  7. Jambo107

    ArmA 2 on Xbox 360

    Well, Maruk at GC said the version on Xbox 360 would be on 100% And as you now, BIS would have from X360 version much more money than from PC Version. It's quite easy to understand that PC version today, would't make much money. But, it's only your opinion but Bis have made in my opinon a very good thing with this annoucing on Xbox 360. Considering how Elite bombed on the xbox they'd have to pull something pretty special off to compete with the other big names.
  8. Jambo107

    ArmA 2

    This has to be the biggest joke ever, they get a poor excuse of the game out of the door label it the ultimate sim and we all paid good money for it for what? A large scale beta test so they can develop Arma 2, which judging by the current screenshots looks exactly like Arma 1 execpt on a different island / different vehicles. As someone mentioned the Ai recongise corners! Wow that is one heck of an achievenment, I'm sorry to rain on peoples parade but all these 'features' should of been included in the original Arma - At the very least in the next patch. Its built on the same code, they must be an incredibly good reason why they can't be incorprated in the next patch. New Toys and Island, yeah I'd pay for that, stuff that Op:f 2 is going to have (real physics) or what was promised in the really early previews (fully destructable enviroments) Yeah I'd pay for that but the same bugged, broken, unrealistic game in a different dress? Don't think so its a f**king joke. Fix what you've already made, prove you actually listen to the community and then release Arma 2
  9. Jambo107

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    This is unbelievable, are you guys trying to de-rail this thread? (Which you already done) This is our one chance to let the devs know how we feel and now its ruined by fanboys and people who having nothing better to-do then get one over someone else. Now I'm asking, anyone (including sickboy and Skullburner) Stay out the bloody thread unless you have anything negative[/] to say about Arma that will help the devs. Or better yet take it up in PM as one rule abidding memember did with me (top hat to him! Skullburner and Sickboy should be warned and should remain out of the topic!
  10. Jambo107

    Conclusions of the dissappointed thread

    From what I read in the Complaints thread it was main cause behind the LoD / Texture flickering. Is there any conclusive tests to prove that? If not I can remove it but the LOD issue is a big problem.
  11. Jambo107

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Vilas I hope you can resolve your issues but could your issue be moved to a 'Vlias tech issue' topic in the tech forum? On topic: I keep hitting on the animations; I think for me (and this is purely my opinon) that animations & sound (with a semi decent) graphics engine go a long way in creating convicing atomsphere. Take the example of the Full spectrum Warrior games. Though a different genre and gametype still a similar theme (modern armed forces) If you watch the animation for they way they move, attack and so on its truely is amazing. (IMO it was crying out to be an FPS) I mention this because if memoary serves alot of the animations where motion captured, I mention in my other thread about Sanctuarys amazing work he did with the animation packs for Flashy; that'd be a good example of what is possible in Arma. I never played SLX mod (though I always wanted to ) But they was at least the opening of doors on vehicles. In reguards to physics theres a number of open source physic engines heres one http://www.tokamakphysics.com/ I'm not an expert in programming but maybe its something the dev team can consider testing? Even basic ragdoll and vehcile physics would go long way. Hopefully keep Arma and BIS alive in the face of direct competetion of there previous publisher. The way I see its a race to make Arma the best possible game while preserving all that made it great in Flashy before Codemasters release there game.
  12. Jambo107

    Conclusions of the dissappointed thread

    Please reframe from posting your opinon as this not the purpose of this thread. Its purpose is to collect what has been generally said in the complaints thread and list it here. Note I'm not presenting these as facts, I'm listing a clear idea of how some people feel could make the game better and I'm listing major game stopping bugs common to alot of people. If you wish to argue to the point of the complaints / suggestions / grivences - Please feel free to in either aanother thread or using Private messaging It'd be nice to see a conclusion thread of the good points so they can weighed against whats in here and the other thread.
  13. Jambo107

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    You do but you wouldn't be correcting me only giving your opinon, but not in this thread. In private or on another topic. On topic. Being runover, that has to be one of the worst bit of animation in any game. Thats something that needs to be improved. Sickboy implying people are stupid or are idiots is akin to flaming and is not very nice.
  14. After numerous people arguing for and against arma in the dissappointed thread I'm started this one to help BIS. Its a summary of what was said purely about the game. NO OPINIONS FROM EITHER CAMP If anyone does post an opinon then either close/lock this thread or delete there post. Please feel free to add anything I may have missed. Improved Ai In both Pathfinding, combat and CQB. Reduce the Cheating CPU Ai The ai can see through bushes, are all crackshots with every weapon and can spot your in the dark even without night vision - A reduction in Ai accuracy, hearing, perception would go a long way. In real life thousands of rounds can be expended before it hits it target, in Arma it only takes a dozen shots before the battle is over Team Ai The ai needs to use its roles better (eg machinegunners providing covering fire / suppression) Snipers acting a snipers. Team Ai needs to take cover, flank, skirmish/bounding overwatch, Retreat/Regroup, Fallback. At the moment at every shot they hit the ground where they stand, not seeking cover. Broken Ai Pathfinding, RPGs shooting at infantry, gunships can't target ground units properly, harriers the same etc. Close Combat Ai Ai dosen't use buildings or urban cover very well at all. They don't hide behind low walls or walls for that matter. They get stuck in buildings, spin in circles. The ai needs to use windows/roof tops etc In urban combat they should be a greater use of taking cover by droping to there knee in or around urban cover oppossed to going prone all the time. Graphics Issues LOD and Texture issues are ongoing and need to be fixed ASAP. The HDR issues are frequenet an option to turn it off needs to be impleneted however difficult it maybe it is killing performance of so many different computers. CTD's need to resolved ASAP It's killing multiplayer. Tracers are poor, Damage textures are poor (rusty wheels after being shot at?) Performance Issues The map is to large and Northen end is completely unplayable for many many people. Suggestions have been to reduce the detail of trees and foilage (especially bushes & grass) or (and evidence can seen with Saharni Lite) Cut the map in Halve and present it as to two seprate 'islands' or terrains (At the very least for map editiors) Streaming of data needs to be dramatically improvded. Sound The sound is weak in almost all areas, Voice acting, radio's, weapons - these need to improvded. Animations Alot of work needs to be done here to blend animations properly, to create new animatons for doors/getting in or out of vehicles. Animations transactions between being killed and last played animation greatly need improving (Kill a AT man in firing postion and you'll see what I mean) I'd even go as far as to suggest using an open source physics engine to implenet some really simple kind of ragdoll. Reloading, changing weapons, running, walking while in firepostion need overhauling. (check out santacurys OPF animation pack for examples) Gameplay Weapon ranging/accuracy & dispersion needs improving a great deal to the same level Flashpoint had. Localised hit damage (being shot in the arm should disable not kill me) Working body armour, Tanks need adjusting to the real life counter parts. Multiplayer Not enough BIS/Publisher supported servers. Again post if I've missed anything but no opinons
  15. Jambo107

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I have a Intel Quad Core and 8800GTX running in SLi w/ 4gig of total ram on a new brand new system. I still can't get more then 25 FPS at any given time, is that acceptable? (With every other game running on max with no problems) Take alook in the tech forum you'll see literrally dozens of people with the same issue. Like Oblivion? Battlefield 2/2142 though maps are no where near the size of Arma can handle 64 players, with full physics, high polygon models, effects thats are top notch. Maybe BIS should re-examine there engine and take advice from the games that are selling - scale down there maps and dramtically reduce the LOD for distant objects. Maybe even allow the 2nd core to be used! - Expanding on the smaller map - Notice of Sahrni lite runs much much better then the normal version?