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Everything posted by Jezuro

  1. Yup, instead of fixing bugs.
  2. There is one like this already... http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1874615&postcount=14
  3. I think Rothwell wanted to use a while-loop with sleep inside a state? But yes, the FSM won't halt at spawn.
  4. You can spawn a new thread in an FSM state.
  5. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=106881
  6. Being such a productive community, we thought you might be interested in a simple in-game tool that can help you set up just the right amount of "brown is real" to your missions :cool: I haven't looked around trying to find out if someone didn't write something similar already, so it's quite possible there's a better tool lying around. This is just a simple mission with custom dialogs built in, so don't expect anything too fancy. Feel free to add you own changes though. http://www.easy-share.com/1914180280/PPdialog.Desert_E_v3.zip Anyway, I hope it helps. Have a nice colourful and not too blurry day :) *edit: new version (3)
  7. Okay, after even my private server went down, I hope I just reuploaded the mission for the last time.
  8. Should be ok in version 3.
  9. If you mean the sound volume issue, then yes, it's been fixed.
  10. Yes. KnowsAbout was working oddly in a couple of builds, but is back to normal now.
  11. Jezuro

    Dogs of war usmc forces missing

    Also keep in mind that you need enough evidence AND have eliminated Prizrak to convince the USMC to come back.
  12. This one just got fixed, you'll be able to perform headshots with the M9 soon enough :)
  13. We're just working on solving this problem along with others that came up with the merged installation.
  14. Just for this once, we've decided to be nice and raised the time limit to 90 minutes. You can expect the new version in the next patch.
  15. Any chance that you have the High Command menu activated?
  16. The fix will be present in the upcoming patch 1.57.
  17. We were able to reproduce this bug, looks like it's been introduced in one of the latest patches. We're very sorry about the inconvenience, and will do our best to fix it ASAP.
  18. Jezuro

    BAF 1st mission.

    Also, make sure you're not running any unofficial mods, some of them have been known to cause some issues with the campaign.
  19. Jezuro

    what does arma stand for?

    I was merely reacting to the LOLed response for latin ;)
  20. Jezuro

    what does arma stand for?

    Actually... http://www.online-dictionary.biz/latin/english/meaning/arma
  21. Oh quite a lot, actually. Didn't even notice, did you? ;)
  22. There you go. You can switch to secondary ironsights on some scoped rifles. No problem using NVGs with them.
  23. Jezuro

    BAF completion party

    I can only say that the stuff we were drinking here in Brno definitely wasn't tea. The fellas up in Mnisek have always had more class, I guess...