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Everything posted by Junker

  1. Junker

    Turning off all street lamps

    look here >> << Clicky da nana
  2. Junker

    Trigger Question

    type in the conditions (not(Alive shilka1) && (not(Alive shilka2) && (not(Alive shilka3) shilk1 , 2 , 3 being the names of the vehicle :)
  3. Junker

    Tank capture, non-threat

    the AI dont shoot you because the tank is disabled and class it as not a threat..
  4. dont start with the unit inside the vehicle
  5. player moveincargo [plane1,1] will put him in the back (co-pilot seat = 0)
  6. Junker


    there is a bug with this lockdriver - lockcargo - lockgunner and so on - It will stop u getting into them from the outside but once u get into vehicle u can simply hop into the locked slot :) try this - heli lockturret [[1],true]
  7. list all the vehicles or detect the vehicles via a trigger thislist and then random pick one, use _grp addvehicle _vehiclename and the AI wil use that vehicle.. When they are finished there journey just use _grp leavevehicle _vehiclename..
  8. add this to the init of the vehicle and shoot away :) this addEventHandler ["dammaged", "hint format['part damaged - %1',_this select 1]"]
  9. if (isserver) then {execVM "3dEditor.sqf";}; Isnt this code making the script server side only ?
  10. _group leavevehicle _chopper will make them disembark
  11. Delete the the chopper and spawn a new one with just the driver..
  12. one of these should work 1. hostage setcaptive true 2. assign him to the vehicle - hostage assignascargo vehicle 3. use Groupname addvehicle vehiclename.. not tested but there are afew more i can't think of right now..
  13. change these settings > [bIS_smokeShell, [0.4,0.8,0.4]].. the colors are [0.4,0.8,0.4]
  14. i thought garbage removal module did this.. ?
  15. this is from the parajump test from boot camp : Add a login and name it BIS_Smokeshell then call this script :) // Creation of the smoke [bIS_smokeShell, [0.4,0.8,0.4]] spawn { _sh=_this select 0; _col=_this select 1; _c1=_col select 0; _c2=_col select 1; _c3=_col select 2; sleep (3+random 1); _source = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.2], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.05], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [1.5,0.5], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10]; _source setDropInterval 0.03; _source2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _sh; _source2 setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 8, 0], "", "Billboard", 1, 20, [0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0.1, 0.1], 0, 1.277, 1, 0.025, [0.1, 2, 6], [[_c1, _c2, _c3, 1], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0.5], [_c1, _c2, _c3, 0]], [0.2], 1, 0.04, "", "", _sh]; _source2 setParticleRandom [2, [0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], 0, 0.5, [0, 0, 0, 0.2], 0, 0, 360]; _source2 setDropInterval 0.03; sleep (99999); deletevehicle _source; };
  16. sleep 600 in SQF or ~600 in SQS at the start of the script or before the createvehicle line..
  17. type unitname say "soundname" or playsound "soundname"
  18. Pick you LZ carefully and plan ahead - Flying low works too. As soon as i see light red dots on the screen i get low and land to drop off the cannon fodder and head back to base :P
  19. looked and searched - i even tested but cant figure it out whats the formula to convert daytime (12.5) to actual time (12.30)... ?
  20. Junker


    thnx for the replies but none of this helps me :(
  21. try this >> hint format ["Score = %1", X] but u might wanna change the X for something else :)
  22. try here >>> Ambient_Civilians
  23. X = 0 needs to be activated at the start of the mission so put that in a trigger or your init.sqs then make the addeventhandler ["Hit", X = X + 1] << something like that anyway :)
  24. we noticed this too - US using a enemy vehicle results in negative scoring - its prolly game mechanics.