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Everything posted by Junker

  1. Junker

    Possible Hack/Cheat

    I myself pay to run a server and that server is getting bombarded by these guys and all they can say is "ITS JUST A GAME", Fair enough yes it is JUST A GAME, Yes coding the cheats is a challenge but what do you get out of ruining something thats costing people alot of money, Isnt there a law against this stuff ?? We pay for a service and these cheaters claim its all legal and above board ? They stat they dont hack yet they lock peoples keyboards, reverse engineer IDs (Supposedly) force HARDWARE to overload and shutdown, If this isnt hacking what is or is it a kind of INTERNET TERRORIST ACT. Play your cheats on your own servers and stop forcing your way of playing down our throats. Im not mad im just fed up with the attitude of these guyz, they harass, abuse, bully or even use racist names, No Need for it. @BIS please disable the DISABLEUSERINPUT command it has no purpose to mission makers.
  2. Junker

    Arma Chicago Servers Closign

    and it also states testing and approval for release, these things take time. TBH BIS are not to blame for servers closing - lack of players - or anti cheat programs. Hint : Stop blaming others for your misfortune.
  3. Junker

    Arma Chicago Servers Closign

    Maybe it's just the language barrier but where does this news say that ? Just call it a Hunch or a rumor going around But it does state the release of the tools soon.
  4. Junker

    Arma Chicago Servers Closign

    seems to me that most of the people that moan are newcomers to the ArmA Community. Reasons your server fails to attract players ? 1/ no proper admin coverage resulting in being overrun by cheats and idiots. 2/ Missions that no one wants to play. I have been following BIS produts since the start OFP - VBS1 - ArmA and i know from the past that BIS are trying there best to fix the problems and resolve issues, Yes its slow and yes they said they would release the tools but you guyz need to learn patients. BIS are a small company that almost went under making ArmA and was forced to release ArmA Earlier than expected, For me this was godsend because if they didnt release it early we prolly wouldnt have ArmA now and BIS would of been gone too. I love what BIS are doing there ideas of this game gave gaming a different perspective and no other game has come close to it, I enjoy it and look forward to more products in the future. my 2 cents and no im not creeping for a freebies :P @Sepp if this isnt official then what is > NEWS Release of tools by maruk
  5. Junker

    Arma Chicago Servers Closign

    Cackle, BIS have already said the tools will be released be QG is released, this will all happen in 3-4 weeks time. BTW what you pay in 3 months pays for 2 years for our server.
  6. Junker

    10 Digit Id Keys

    be warned 12 digits have started to appear now.
  7. But its heading in the right direction. Plus they are working on hacking the signatures (Saw this on youtube)
  8. from what i read they cant TK there own.
  9. My rules as admin. Ask Regulars to write down the ID of any cheater or TKers if admin isnt on (REPORT IN FORUM) Ban All 10 digit IDs Ban players that start TKing from the start. kick abusive named players and ask them to change it (other way around works better :P) As Admin i dont put up any sh*t and the regular respect our server for this attitude. ZERO TOLERANCE is the key to keeping a clean server.
  10. It is possible but i myself cant figure it ATM.
  11. Junker

    Why so many Evolution servers?

    we at SES treat Evolution as good mission for training, getting used to all the vehicles, weapons and how AI react in certain areas. I myself think ArmA wasnt really designed for PvP in mind. my 2 cents
  12. Junker

    People ruining a good game

    Not really cus the spawn will only happen within the area of the hacker.
  13. Junker

    What stats would you want to see?

    what would be interesting is the percentage of what units / weapons and vehicles u have used.
  14. Junker

    What stats would you want to see?

    next they will be wanting HEALTH BARS and a JUMP BUTTON :P Dont like stats myself its not part of the game and makes people RAMBO to get to the top. ArmA is a team game
  15. Junker

    People ruining a good game

    Drop them a line and see what they say, maybe theres alot of players out there willing to contribute to getting this Punk Buster
  16. Junker

    Banned from my own server?

    Voted admin can ban people I thought they could only KICK if there only voted admins. Anyway thnx for the ID i will keep an eye for this guy.
  17. Junker

    POLL: Do you want ArmA Anti-Cheat?

    I vote YES, anything to shut these losers up. Its people like this that make game life shorter
  18. Junker


    ROFL SES have been using this title for over 5 yrs now and it orignates from MONTY PYTHONs  life of brian yet u think this title would make people go out and take there own lives How about the game it self  running around with guns shooting other people...? Maybe we should change it to Flower Arranging Squad :P
  19. Junker

    Evolution V3.0

    to 1 and 2 sometimes you spawn in the bunkbeds and they cause the damage or death. 3. i always ask who is in the team so i can see who to join.
  20. Junker

    Tailrotor Failure Script ?

    Group the trigger to the heli dont setfuel 0 cus the 0.8 damage will make him land anyway.
  21. Junker

    Tailrotor Failure Script ?

    just setdammage too 0.7 > 0.8 and the heli will go into tail rotor failiure.
  22. i had made a custom face and when i joined a server ATI people saw me as pale but Nvidia people saw me as dark. ATI View - PALE Nvidia View - DARK is this some sort of shader thing ??
  23. Junker

    ATI v Nvidia in Arma

    i also find inside hangers and buildings the shadows turn BRIGHT grey not sure what the Nvidia see.
  24. Junker

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    thats the placebo so the addicts wont go into shock from cold turkey :P
  25. Junker

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Your all like drug addicts looking for a fix :P