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Everything posted by Junker

  1. WoW thats gonna be some huge file with all them pics and the script too. :S
  2. the script i was referring to is the BIS script for the burning vehicles.
  3. i say if you want them to rearm, make script so that the unit dumps (eventhandler ["fired"] maybe) the weapon after he has used it. This should help with rearming i think.
  4. Instead of spawn dead vehicles all the time why not run the ingame FG.sqs which i believe is the burn effect for vehicles..?
  5. Junker

    stop time

    try skiptime or setdate. Setdate is the better option setDate [Year, Month, day, hour, min] <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #loop setDate [1986, 10, 10, 10, 0] ~1 goto "loop"
  6. you try adding the weapons to the ammo box's/vehicles ?
  7. Junker

    this setface???

    hey Stewy the faces can be set by numbers or names. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setface "10" or this setface "brian"
  8. detect nearest enemy and get there position. only the AI that has been reported will be detected.
  9. Junker

    addAction with format

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_t = _a addaction [format ["Time - %1",_time],""] This is how i got it work but not with a stringtable
  10. Junker

    Disabling Addons

    this line in the server config should stop the mods. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> equalModRequired=0;
  11. Junker

    Light limit?

    i have found that only lights nearest you show up, HOW many depends on your settings.
  12. piggyback ride, make the injured party do a sit anim and put him on your back
  13. Junker

    Dedicated server crashing

    1) Close the ArmA server. 2) Edit the file "ban.txt" and add the ID numbers to it. 3) Start the ArmA server again. You dont have to close the server to add to the ban list, all u have to do is add the ID, next time they try to connect they DONT
  14. Junker

    ServerSide Scripting

    its still broke ATM, fixed in 1.09 patch coming soon
  15. Junker

    DSUtils and BinPBO

    broken link :P good work, this may be the thing to stop all the hacks
  16. Junker

    Goodbye Public ArmA Servers...

    Im not leting these scum bags win, I have pre-ordered QC and i will be buying ArmA 2 aswell. We run 2 servers, 1 public and the other is for members or regulars. Regs get access to our password in a lock thread and it seems to work well
  17. Junker

    i would like to know

    why do people think evolution is the only game that is keeping ArmA alive..? Ok yes its a popular mission but it doesnt mean that its keeping ArmA alive, Our server plays alot of Evolution but the members do like to play alot of other Co-Ops too, mainly the no respawn type. i have always been a co-op fan since OFP days but you dont see me rant on about how rubbish PvP is in the forums. TBH moaning on the forums is a waste of space and time, do something about it instead of forum whoring. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS
  18. Every game that has MP always has PvP but only 10% of those games have Co-Op, So im thinking that the arma community are those 90% of Co-Op freaks (Like Me) that like to team play against the AI. Just a note: With the amount of people complaining there isnt enough PvP servers about or people playing on them. The number on the forums would make a few good server full if ya got your act together and arranged a few games.
  19. Junker

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    I think this line makes the multi spawn cheats fall under this category. Gaming is an activity, Cheaters and hackers are damaging the performance of that activity.
  20. Junker

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    i read this as SERVER goes down.
  21. Junker

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    Something i read in the KFC forums, Seems they do intend to use there tools for Harming/Destroying hardware.
  22. Junker

    i would like to know

    Erm.. Arma does have ranks its up to the mission makers to make use of them.
  23. Junker

    Evolution Air Crash Investigations

    its called LAG. the pilots computer has to update the server then the server updates you where the chopper is and stuff, If he gets desync or network lag this effect of crashing - turning upside down will happen.
  24. Junker

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    I am part owner of our server, I have had my keyboard locked up by a cheater, Thats like me coming around your house and locking you out while i trash the place. Personal note: If ya paid money for a server and people started trashing it you would soon change your tone.