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Everything posted by Junker

  1. Junker

    if BIS were to ask us...

    TBH i'd say there to much PVP out there and it about time co-op ruled over it in one game atleast. No Offense
  2. Junker

    fixed wing

    thnx Dr Eyeball You saved my poor old fingers some work :P
  3. by attaching a dammaged event handler to any fixed aircraft and i shoot it, it doesnt report any named part that are dammaged. Car,truck,tanks and AI/players do it only the aircraft that dont. Any reason for this
  4. Junker

    fixed wing

    i tried a eventhandler for gearstate even that didnt report back true or false. can someone report these findings as i dont have an account on the bug tracker (Plus im lazy and old) :P
  5. Junker

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    I like it alot . wel worth the pennies 4 the bugs, they will be fixed
  6. Junker

    fixed wing

    no body knows
  7. you are looking in the main MPmission folder and not your profile folder ?
  8. Junker


    some buildings have an invisible ramp near the edge so u can walk over the edge, maybe thats whats causing your prob.
  9. Well you Italians like your fast cars why not a faster plane :P
  10. Junker


    Pffft quitter. Thats right let them know they have won... again.
  11. Junker

    Local Intro

    Im quite happy with SQS thank you very mucho
  12. difficult=1 is the highest setting make it 0.5 for medium.
  13. Junker

    How to set custom radio?

    maximum is 10 and no it isnt a bug. but having all that is a bit too much, you will lag out the server while you upload all your sounds to the other players. So if each sound it 90kb and there 20 people on the server that will be 900kb x 20 = 18 mb upload before you join the game.
  14. Add this to the init line of the vehicle and crash it. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nul=this addEventHandler ['dammaged', {_this execVM 'DamagedVehiclePartName.sqf'} ];
  15. Junker

    Local Intro

    duno if this is the right code but it near. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?!(Local) : Exit
  16. Junker

    2 SIDED EVO - 100MB

    i hope you meant 100 people and not mission file size :S
  17. Junker

    Happy Birthday Placebo!

    Happy Birthday Placebo A few more and you will catch me up
  18. Junker

    Happy Birthday Placebo!

    Happy Birthday Placebo A few more and you will catch me up
  19. Its in the same place as the camera script so i guess it can be accessed. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;//Several variables are initialized. _object = ObjNull _isObject = (_this select 1) _intensity = (_this select 2) _density = (_this select 3) _mode = (_this select 4) _lifetime = (_this select 5)
  20. hes on about the mission select in the campaign but thats just a dialog with a camera running behind it.
  21. maybe add PublicVariable "END1" in the trigger and move that one in the script to the top..?
  22. cookj71 hit the nail on the head, I have seen alot of scripts released on these forums, even i cant understand what is going on. Dialog script with about 30 scripts in the folder, where to start..? How about a single simple dialog so people can understand what makes that dialog run. Repawn scripts, again loads of scripts in the folder, where to start and why only Blufor side only People need to make a simple pack for the beginners so they can understand the basics of how to use them.
  23. You tried this ? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">publicVariable " "
  24. i think Javelins are reloadable in RL but in arma only humans can reload them I think this only works with the Primary weapons only, if ya didnt have a primary it would work for the secondary which would be your Javelin. They do check vehicles and as for squad mates they only check the dead ones trust me on this one a simple eventhandler is your answer, It just a simple line in the units init.