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Everything posted by Junker

  1. Junker

    Adding sound

    add another trigger; relace This in the condition box with a name lets call it response. set the 3 timeouts to cover the length of the original sound and maybe add a few more secs for spacing.. Now in your original trigger type in the activation box response = true job done :)
  2. Junker

    Adding sound

    U forgot the Title[]=.. class Cfgsound { tracks[] = {blah}; class blah { name = "blah"; sound[] = {\sound\blah.ogg, 1.0,1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; };
  3. UH1Y foldy thingy :) _xtype = [this,1] execvm "\ca\air2\UH1Y\scripts\fold.sqf" _xtype = [this,0] execvm "\ca\air2\UH1Y\scripts\fold.sqf"
  4. this feature is great for a lock visual Vehicle locked = packed. Vehicle unlocked = unpacked. Saves time running to the vehicle only to find out its LOCKED :mad:
  5. Setobjecttexture is fun :) Spot The AAVP :D Pimp my ride..
  6. OH man and heres me looking to play another great classic game of TRASHMAN upgraded from the sinclair spectrum :D ...
  7. all you need is > [this] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs" < in each units inits unless you wanna force the Eject then u need a Para jump script :)
  8. Add this line to each units init line >> [this] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_getout.sqs" Then all u have to do is EJECT :)
  9. I got the custom sounds and music to work just fine... Try this with RSCtitles and music.. class Header { gameType = Coop; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 8; }; OnLoadMission = "FOG of WAR: Dolores Assault"; OnloadMissionTime = False; class RscStdText { type=0; idc=-1; style=2; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=1; }; class RscTitles { titles[]={fog1,fog2,fog3,fog4,fog5,fog6,fog7,test1}; class fog1 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=10; fadein=2; fadeout=2; name="fog1"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog1.JPG"; x=0.25; y=0.2; w=0.5; h=0.5; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog2 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="fog2"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog2.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog3 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="fog3"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog3.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog4 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="fog4"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog4.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog5 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="fog5"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog5.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog6 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="fog6"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog6.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class fog7 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=1; fadein=0; fadeout=5; name="fog7"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\fog7.JPG"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; class test1 { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=10; fadein=0; fadeout=0; name="test1"; sizeEx=1; controls[]={"Pic","Text",}; class Pic : RscStdText { style=48; text="image\test1.PAA"; x=0.0; y=0.0; w=1.0; h=1.0; sizeEx=0.05; }; class Text : RscStdText { text=""; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB"; size=0.8; x=0.095; y=0.3; w=0.8; h=0.05; sizeEx=0.03; }; }; }; class intro1 { name = "intro1"; sound[] = {\music\intro1.ogg, 1.0,1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; };
  10. Junker

    Sahrani Life

    you could script a silenced hand gun to disable the guy in front of you Just remove the bullet as soon as you fire it
  11. Junker

    Airstrike script

    try this on the last line. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">av8b doMove (getmarkerPos "target")
  12. try using the action command
  13. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    into each of the bomb sizes? SO jus replace all of them with that? Or do they need to be modified for each thing? ~~EDIT~~ Nevermind, got it working. All sizes work as they should. I also edited the height to .1 and now I can use missles or rockets and they still explode cuz there practically on the ground. Also, when it was set at 2, I could see the ammotype/object actually fall from the sky, so that was no good either, but now it is working and doing it's jobs at 35 m and doing the damage, so thank you both very much! and you learned alot out of this too
  14. Junker

    Really need help

    check the filters, make sure you havnt typed anything in the server name thingy. make sure all the buttons are right and try again. If that dont work check your firewall exceptions or block list just in case it accidentally blocked itself
  15. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    Well, I didn't get an error, but a new problem has arrisin. Now the "bomb object" starts out in the sky, flys about 10 feet over and then explodes away from the actual spot the IED should be. Looked like an RPG fired out of the sky... But thanks, were getting closer to a finished product lol change ammotype Your using rockets and they will fly off. Try tank type shells. Weapons and Ammo Classes change this part <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Deterimine the ordinance used to create the explosion ? (_theExplosion == "Small") : _ammoType = "R_PG7VR_AT" ? (_theExplosion == "Medium") : _ammoType = "M_Sidewinder_AA" ? (_theExplosion == "Large") : _ammoType = "M_Sidewinder_AA" ? (_theExplosion == "Huge") : _ammoType = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" AT And AA are no good for IEDs
  16. Junker

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Id say "START YOUR OWN" because thats what everyone else isnt doing and thats why there are none. People are just searching for CTF - PvP servers when there is a lack of them, IF YA BUILD IT THEY WILL COME
  17. Junker

    setPos formula needed

    i got lost at sea level
  18. Junker

    What ArmA Needs

    all you need know is a mission concept that can support and cope with this type of PvP Â Mass scale PvP sounds like a good idea even tho im a Co-Op Fan i could be CONVERTED Â :P IDEA of mine is a supply line type mission or FRONTLINE type mission (Like WW2 ONLINE)
  19. Junker

    AUTO Team Switch?

    have you tried making all your team playable ?? Tried the switchable unit function Biki Clicky
  20. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    Try this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_i = 10 #loop _bomb = _ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ] _ammoType setPos [getpos _bomb select 0, getpos _bomb select 1, (getpos _bomb select 2) +2] _i = _i -1 ? _i < 1: goto "next" goto "loop" #next _theObject setdammage 1 civvy1 globalchat "Large" exit Not tested it so it might not work
  21. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    Something like this. Alrighty, now I'm lost more... Does that stay the same for basicly all of it? Just the ammo-type changes? ~~EDIT~~ I tried just erasing the entire Large section of the script and adding yours. It works, but with an error at the top-left which I didn't right down. As well as it seems like it explodes like 3-4 times.. My guy gets damages, then damaged again, then damaged again, then finially it will kill me, but by that time i'm looking up at the sky and badly damaged, where i'd like it to just BAM and either wound me if i'm to far, or kill me if i'm in range. if ya want one big bang take out the ~0.4 line. As for the error i need to know whats causing it so plz post the error here
  22. Junker

    setPos formula needed

    sry to correct you but the right side should be [2,0,0] Remember [+EAST/-WEST , +NORTH/-SOUTH , +UP/-DOWN] :P
  23. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    id script like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_i = 10 #loop _ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ] _ammoType setPos [getpos _bombLoc  select 0, getpos _bombLoc  select 1, (getpos _bombLoc  select 2) +2] _i = _i -1 ? _i < 1: goto "next" ~0.4 goto "loop" #next _theObject setdammage 1 civvy1 globalchat "Large" exit Something like this.
  24. Junker

    What ArmA Needs

    Scripted AI = they do the same thing every time - in the same places at the exact same times. ArmA uses a function that make s the AI think for it self and decide weather to attack - defend or retreat. I wish a dev would support us on this theory Over to you SUMO :P
  25. Junker

    any newb friendly IED scripts?

    under each createvehicle line "OFFTOPIC" I do like the medival part of assassins Creed as it not got any of that fairy bashing - magic spells CRAP as for the futuristic bit yeah it is abit overboard but you mainly play the assassin PS I bet SUMO plays it alot :P