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Posts posted by johnnyboy

  1. YeeeeeeeeHaaaawwwwww! Site is fixed, and downloading now.

    Its a countdown...8 hours to go...and then I get to pull an allnighter playing ARMA.

    This is bad news for the family, as I will be totally ignoring them for weeks (months?), and it being xmas and all. Better finish my xmas shopping while its downloading.... xmas_o.gif

  2. Knowing a bit about how ofp AI works, I suspect that the AI knowing your position was scripted by the mission designer, and not a flaw of the AI code itself.

    Detonating a charge should not give away your position. But a trigger scripted to the destruction of the bridge could easily force the AI to know it.

    I'm hoping it was bad mission design, and not uber ai code...

    Counting the days til my cz version arrives.

  3. In OFP, you would issue the following command for each streetlight:

    (object 12345) switchLight "off"

    In the editor, there is a "Show Object IDs" option where you can find the individual ID for objects built into the map. You can find your lamp object ID that way.

    Then construct a trigger that would execute the switchLight commands to turn off all the lamps.

    Whether the same command is supported in ARMA, I don't know. But you could do a quick simple test by creating a night mission, find the ID of one lamp, and create a trigger with the above line of code in it (substitute 12345 with the lamp object id).

    www.ofpec.com is an AWESOME editing help site...go there and search for answers to your scripting questions.

    And you can find the syntax for the commands at the new wiki.

    Here's the link for switchLight command:


    Post if the command works in ARMA, so the rest of us will know!

  4. The invisible target addon in OFP was super useful. For each side (east, west, resistance), they had 4 types of targets (infantry, army, air, all). So using these, you could get AI to shoot any particular position (your target range for example), and get choppers to target men, and men to target choppers with small arms, etc.

    Hope you get help on this soon, as I will want this myself as soon as I get the game.

  5. I get the blank page too. Hope some jerkweed isn't going on a shopping spree with my credit card right now.

    Did those of you who sucessfully downloaded have this blank page problem?

    I've tried both Firefox and Explorer browsers...
