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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. johnnyboy

    List of surfaceTypes?

    @crewt: Beautiful! Clever to build up the bad array as new ones encountered (more efficient). Thanks for making my life easier! And I didn't know about the very useful pushBackUnique variant of the pushBack command, so thanks for that too!
  2. Hi guys. I figured out how to make footprints permanent (will post solution on another thread). But I would like to only make them permanent on certain surfaces, and will use the SurfaceType command to control when footprints will be made permanent. Is there a list of all Arma 3 SurfaceTypes somewhere? It will save me from having to walk every where (and on different maps) to record the various surface types.
  3. johnnyboy

    List of surfaceTypes?

    @crewt Thanks man. I found those also just by skipping around the map. And there's some more with "Stratis" in the name, etc. Good advice. There are different types on different maps. I think I plan to use this as the list of surfaces to NOT show prints. "GdtAsphalt","#GdtStratisForestPine","#GdtStratisConcrete","#GdtStratisRocky","#GdtRocks" Instead of exact name matches, I may exclude if these substrings are found in the name: "Asphalt","Rock","Concrete". That should get better matches on name variants found on different maps. It won't be perfect, but if someone wants to dial it in for a specific map, they can edit the list of names in the script.
  4. I figured out how to make footprints permanent. Run the following code for a given unit, and the loop will find near footprints (objects of type "#mark") and disable simulation on them. When simulation is disabled, they no longer disappear after a few seconds. Better trails for tracking someone are now possible! _d=[player] spawn { params["_man"]; while {alive _man} do { { hint format ["surfaceType=%1",surfaceType getpos _man]; if (typeOf _x == "#mark") then {_x enableSimulation false;}; } foreach (nearestObjects [_man, [], 3]); sleep 1; }; }; And you guys thought "#mark"s were just something in your shorts!
  5. johnnyboy

    JBOY Birds Of Prey [Release]

    I was excited to replace the attacking seagull with the big eagle, but it doesn't look right. Sadly the Eagle only has a soaring animation, so it does not flap its wings. So when I use it to attack an animall, its wings stay flat and never flap, so it looks stupid. You can use the Kestrel, but it really doesn't look much better. They used exact same model as seagull, but painted its colors differently. If you wan to use the kestrel, then modify JBOY_BirdAttack.sqf, and replace the string "seagull" with this string "Kestrel_random_F".
  6. I want to creat a simple object based on another object. For now I am starting with this pencil object: "Land_PencilRed_F" In the createSimpleObject example below, you have to specify the full path to the P3D. How do I find that path for "Land_PencilRed_F"? Is there a way to search with the config viewer? I tried and failed... obj = createSimpleObject ["A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\SignsAd_Sponsor_F.p3d", getPosASL Player]; obj setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,1)"];
  7. That's a bummer. Like Pierre says, you will have to hide it with a poster. Or create your own billboard of same type and set its pos to be a skootch in front of existing one. _myNewBillBoard setpos (_terrainBillBoard modelToWorld [0, .05, 0]); It might look ok, just the posts will look fatter and the billboard will look thicker from the side. See if it looks ok. Easier than finding the exact position to place a poster.
  8. I think your nearestObjects with no class name is returning the object you want. You just need to confirm its the right one, then use it. Something like this maybe...(untested): _objs = nearestObjects [[2132, 2111], [], 10]; _myBoard = objNull; { if (typeOf _x == "Land_Noticeboard_F") then { _myBoard = _x; }; } forEach _objs; _myBoard setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "StripClubAdvertisement.paa"];
  9. Connect the dots my friend... All will be revealed in good time!
  10. Wow, perfect. Thanks much for the bloomin' bubbles and bloody blood! I owe you a couple pints mate. Maybe you could educate me a bit on this...When I read the two scripts, I don't see a parameter saying "bubbles" or "blood". How does Universal translate into these entirely different looking particles? How did you find these...experimentation?
  11. If the above suggestions don't work I believe you could write a simple loop that does the following: Disable AI of wingman pilot (so he no longer steers) Get current velocity, vectorDir, and VectorUP of player vehicle set wingman's vehicle to that velocity, vectorDir and vectorUp This should force Wingman to maintain relative position. You could build in a little lag between getting player's speed and vectors and applying the speed and vectors, so wingman's turns aren't immediately synchronized with player (more realistic). You can script a way to end the loop upon whatever condition you want, like a player Action menu, or nearEnemy, or player's group goes into combat mode, etc.). When ending script you re-enable Wingman AI so he takes control of bird again. Also, just for scenic formation fly-bys with no player or AI, you can use this script: JBOY Fly In Formation. I know that's not what you are currently asking for, but maybe someone else will have a need for it.
  12. For a cutscene, I can make the nice local Tanoan long outboard boats move via setVelocity. But they need a boat wake effect trailing behind them to look good. Can I create this boat wake effect and attach it or move it along with an object? How would I do that?
  13. @HallyG: Works better than I hoped!
  14. Thanks @HallyG, that is real cool (great minds think alike!). I did something similar and it turns out it worked pretty good. Attached a boat_02_abandoned_f to a zodiac, and then hid the zodiac using setobjecttexture. Now i've got a driver (player or AI) and 2 gunners. I locked the 2 side cargo spots on zodiac, because they show outside the long boat. _d=[zodiac1] spawn { params["_zodiac"]; _longboat = createVehicle ["Land_Boat_02_abandoned_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _zodiac lockCargo [0, true]; _zodiac lockCargo [1, true]; detach _longboat; _longboat attachto [_zodiac,[.05,1.6,-.6]]; _longboat setdir 180; _zodiac setObjectTexture [0,""]; };
  15. Is using SetDir after Attaching to an object no longer working? Nevermind. Please ignore this post. Using setdir after attachTo works as it should.
  16. How do you create butterflies, bees, dragonflies via a script? I think this worked for me in the past, but its not working now: _butterfly = createAgent ["Butterfly", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; I thought I remember seeing class names for these but I can't find them any more. Please advise.
  17. Dude, don't give away my plan! @Evil Organ Thanks for the ClassNames brah! Google failed me on that search... @HallyG Thanks much for the solution. Using the crow function is a clever idea. I'm going to open that up to get what I need out of it. Cheers mate!
  18. My Property of Mabunga mission is now localized to French, so all texts (Mission titles, tasks, briefing, sidechats, etc.) have English and French strings. But what happens if a player is using German version of game? Will the text strings shown default to the Englsh version? Or will they get no text at all? I'm guessing it defaults to English... Please advise.
  19. Apex Version Released! Steam Link Includes: French localization thanks to LoupVert (aka @kawa ) Apex weapons Some Apex vehicles 10 random evac positions, so your path to evac (while escorting hostage and being chased) will be different every time you play Performance fixes (removed tons of needless triggers) Preventing evac chopper from being blown when player aboard. This frustrated players, because it was beyond their control to prevent. Improved AI lead rescue team's abilty to achieve objectives. In multiple playthroughs, the opposing rescue team captured hostage first, and started moving to their evac point. Had to chase them. Sometimes hostage would change hands multiple times (Blufor AI rescues hostage, Pirate AI kills Blufor and retakes hostage, then player lead Opfor takes hostage from pirates, etc. When playing as Blufor, I was even beaten by AI lead Opfor once (they captured and evaced hostage before my Blufor team could prevent it). Fixed possibility of Hostage getting stuck in building. Sadly, VTOL evac aircraft not included. They would not obey the land waypoints. COOP and PVP: Play using Player Hosted Server as one or more players. I played with 3 players and there were no problems. I haven't tested with more than 3 players. SP: You can play in SP as well, but for SP I prefer to host a COOP server and join as either OpFor or BluFor, as I prefer Group Respawn over Team Switch in SP. Dedicated Server: This mission crashes in dedi, and I don't have the bandwidth to fix it. Use Player Hosted Server...which works great for me. This is still my go-to mission for action. I never get tired of it, as its challenging and goes down differently every play through. Now my attention will return to JBOY Dog!
  20. I have a title specified in Attributes General for my mission, but when I export it to SP or MP, and then browse to launch the mission, I see the file name listed instead of title. What am I doing wrong? Thx.
  21. I'm talking about mission title displayed in Scenarios or when picking a mission to play in Multi-Player. There I should see my full mission title, not myMission.Altis which is the file name.
  22. Hey T.G. Still having issues? I just got back from vacation and saw this post. If you're asking for help, please provide more details.
  23. @domokun Hey man, thanks for the great detailed comments and the video link (I was able to watch only a few minutes while on vacation, due to bad wifi). Sorry you guys spent an hour on the coast first! lol. The anchors are marking where some boats are, in case the Opfor team loses its evac choppers and needs to evac by sea. You have a lot of great suggestions, and I may implement a few, but I need to move on from this mission, so don't expect them all. I recommend you try it again as Opfor, as then you experience the "hot insertion" via zodiacs. You may wan to wait for my Apex version that will be out shortly. I have one bug to fix, and then will release it. Thanks again for the awesome feedback. And I encourage you and your mates to comment and rate the mission on steam. I still don't have enough ratings there to merit stars (It irks me that my Leper Island mission has 4 stars on Steam, and this one has none...and this mission is much better IMO). Edit: I watched your video, and it was very cool to see how you approached my mission (the 2nd time anyway...lol). You guys did well. I've never seen the invisible Admiral bug, so I will look into that (weird!). The incomplete healing issue I believe is an Arma bug, as I have no healing related scripts running. The timing of how you converged on the VIP camp at same time Persians were engaging it was totally random. The opposing force AI rescue team is executing the exact same plan as you. They search the swamp (using a random search pattern) until they encounter a pirate camp; then they take down the camp, find the GPS in the camp, then move to the VIP. So its likely the Persians had taken a camp on SE side of swamp, captured a GPS, and moved to VIP camp coincidentally at the same time as you. I also enjoyed your run for the evac. The GPS tracker mechanic worked as I'd hoped: it motivated you to move fast and find transport if possible. You cracked me up when ordering hostage in truck: "Get in you tit!". In the end, the hostage didn't jump, he was killed by the AA blast. I've written a "Fall From Vehicles" script so that anyone who dies while riding on a LIttleBird bench, falls from the vehicle. You would have seen this effect if you had killed any of the pirate heli bench shooters who were chasing you.
  24. That's a known issue. I plan to modify it to detect, stop, growl, and look in direction of any enemy detected within 75 meters. But currently he only detects the dude being tracked. I won't get to this for a month or so. It requires script logic changes. You're welcome to dive in and try to fix it, else you have to wait. Sorry. Another known issue. I plan to fix it so dog doesn't take fall damage (big problem in steep jungle of Tanoa). You could look at the dog_create script where his handle_damage eventhandler is created. That can be changed to not take damage if source of damage is not a unit. Once again, make the changes yourself, or wait a month or so. I also plan to add a heal action on the dog so you can heal him. And maybe make him incapacitated instead of dead, so you can always heal him and continue mission. Adding a heal action is something you could script outside of my scripts if you wanted. Spawn a loop watching damage of dog, and add a heal action to the dog if damaged. The heal action would just have unit who plays the action play a heal animation, then set the dog's damage to zero. Yeah, there's a script that with an array of objects that can be dropped. You could tweak what objects are dropped, and the frequency. Right now I think that its too frequent (less objects should be dropped). I'm away from my arma computer, and heading out for a 10 day vacation, so can't tell you which one that is right now. I do plan on improving the dog in about a month. Other features planned: - detect bombs, mines, drugs, money (i.e., any object you tell it to). - detect any enemy within 75 meters - script AI Handlers to detect a scent trail and AI commands dog to follow trail (and AI follows dog until combat) - script AI Handlers to command dogs to attack detected enemies. - and more I can't remember right now! Anyway, I'm stoked you are using it, and appreciate the feedback. Please post a link to your mission, a video, or screenshot when you are ready to share something.