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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. "One time...at bandit camp..." Poor @Vandeanson is trying to show off his cool Bandit Camp Spawn script in the above video, but is harassed non-stop by a feral JBOY Dog pack. Its actually demonstrates quite well how effective the dog pack is at chasing players. Its missing the dog barking and growling sound fx for some reason though. Go here to check out @Vandeanson Bandit Camp spawner:
  2. johnnyboy

    any way to cut/rewind animation?

    I'm guessing not. But if its for a cutscene, you could make a twin of the unit off camera (same face, uniform, etc.), and start the animation on the twin. Then wait X seconds until animation is at point you want, and setpos camera unit away, and replace him with the unit that is playing the animation. Of course the transition from first unit to second unit will be abrupt. But if you have multiple things happening in your scene you can cut away to some other camera target while you replace the unit with the animation unit, then cut back.
  3. Old topic, but posting this to help the next guy searching for this. The best way I know to disable player movement and still allow head movement is to do this: player switchMove "HubSpectator_stand"; Then to reneable player movement, do this: player switchMove "";
  4. Its probably not good for music, as it gives the little begin and end radio squelch sound.
  5. I searched for a while for this, and came up empty... I want to be able to point an object at another object in 3d space. So I need to calculate the values to use for setVectorDirAndUp. I know how to get the vector to the target (heading): _heading = [getPosASL _arrow, getPosASL _targetObj] call BIS_fnc_vectorFromXToY; And I know how to setvelocity using that heading, so the object moves toward the target. But how do I get the values for setVectorDirAndUp so the object is pointing at the target? I'll never understand vectors...they drive me crazy.
  6. Grumpy actually being grumpy...I like it! Thanks, I knew about the chairs...pretty lame.
  7. I'm currently using customRadio for nearly all dialogue because it comes in loud and clear. Eventhough guys in the same vehicle probably wouldn't use the radio, I said fu** it and use customRadio. Then it doesn't matter if you're in first person in vehicle or 3rd person outside of vehicle, you still hear the conversation. For me it wasn't worth fighting say3d...
  8. johnnyboy

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    Great news Duda! I read the first post and skimmed the last pages of the thread and saw no mention of scripted train control. Anyway, I will wait until you are ready to publish these features, as I have too much on my plate with my JBOY Dog mini-campaign right now. My dog wants to ride your trains! I greatly look forward to your scripted trains. BTW, your tumbleweed script is off the freakin' hook!!!
  9. I love these new Arma 3 effects: - Bullet hit blood effects with meat chunks flying - Blood stains on ground - Burning pieces of metal flying and burning on ground after vehicle explosion - Blood effects underwater I need to create these on demand for cut-scenes and scripts. Anyone know the Drop commands needed for these? Where should I look for the particle or billboard object names?
  10. johnnyboy

    Arma Image paths

    Hi @gc8, can you post how you modified the code to blacklist CfgVehicles?
  11. I somehow missed this gem of a tool. Awesome Larrow!
  12. johnnyboy

    Arma Image paths

    This post might be what you are looking for. Good luck!
  13. johnnyboy

    Detecting buildings destroyed

    Please post your solution when you get there. And...players should be punished hard and often!
  14. johnnyboy

    Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)

    @duda123, this really is an amazing mod. But I'm not a train driving enthusiast myself. I think your user base for this mod would triple or more if you add in script driven trains. You already have "auto-pilot" where player can jump off moving train and train keeps moving. It seems like that could be extended to be a script driven train. If the current code base works completely by player input controlling train's speed and switching tracks (left, right), etc., maybe that can be exploited without disturbing your core code too much (if you wrap those player input calls into calls callable by a script). Mission Designers could then script "simulated player input" to make same calls that player uses when pressing your defined train control keys. Maybe a Game Logic could be created to be the AI controller of the train (in place of player). Mission designer could put markers near junctions and sense when to issue call to turn train left/right, and markers for where to stop train, etc.. A Script API with calls to Start, Stop, Acellerate, Decelerate, Turn Left, Turn Right would be amazing. With those building blocks, us mere mortal scripters could then create all kinds of scenarios... Civilian trains with scheduled stops, where players and scripted AI units could board, disembark Troop trains moving troops, supplies and vehicles Train ambush and sabotage Staging a raid by riding a train into a town or compound Running battles between train riders and vehicles Strafing trains from the air Blowing up tracks and bridges and watch trains derail and fall Etc. A guy can dream anyway! :) Of course, this mod is beautiful as it is, so don't take this as a criticism in any way. I took a peek at the code a few months ago and was super impressed and intimidated by it, and promptly closed the files.... :)
  15. Good luck with the optimization dude! But if it proves too difficult, you could simply reduce the # of buildings furnished in a large town, distributing the furnished ones evenly among the non-furnished. It would still be a huge improvement over Vanilla towns. Keep that as a fall back position (you probably thought of this anyway)! Good luck matey.
  16. Does anyone ever read the thread or the top post?
  17. johnnyboy


    @DAP Looks great. Very impressive videos for this on Armaholic.
  18. johnnyboy

    Forced Ragdoll

    Nice. Awesome blues song dude. I'm a big blues fan...
  19. johnnyboy

    Forced Ragdoll

    Hey frogman, great minds think alike. The mission I'm working on is shotgun oriented, and I wanted the victim blown back when hit at close range. Here's the killed eventhandler for that. { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { params["_unit","_killer"]; diag_log ["killed",_this]; // hint format ["killed, mag %1, %2",currentMagazine _killer, _unit]; if ( (currentMagazine _killer) find "buck" >= 0 or (currentMagazine _killer) find "Pellet" >= 0) then { _distance = _killer distance _unit; _speed = 1; _zvel= 1; switch (true) do { case (_distance <=18 and _distance > 12):{_speed = 5;_zvel= 1.5;}; case (_distance <=12 and _distance > 7): {_speed = 7;_zvel= 2.5;}; case (_distance <=7): {_speed = 11;_zvel= 3.5;}; }; //hint format ["distance=%1, speed=%2, zvel=%3",_distance,_speed,_zvel]; _heading = [getPosATL _killer, _unit modelToWorld [0,0,3]] call BIS_fnc_vectorFromXToY; _velocity = [_heading, _speed] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; _velocity = _velocity vectorAdd [0,0,_zvel]; _unit setVelocity _velocity; }; }]; } foreach allUnits; You may have to adjust the following line to recognize your preferred shotgun's projectile. Replace "buck" or "pellet" with a substring that matches your shotgun's magazine name. Obviously you could make this work for a Barret .50 caliber hit as well. if ( (currentMagazine _killer) find "buck" >= 0 or (currentMagazine _killer) find "Pellet" >= 0) then You can tweak _speed and _zvel if you want to jack up the effect. Have fun bruddah!
  20. If you set Respawn to Group, you can test it solo on a player hosted server and get all the wave mechanics worked out and other bugs squashed. Of course, you ultimately need others to flush out any MP problems. Good luck, and have fun.
  21. Haha, that's my problem too. I get an idea and won't let it go until it works, so it takes me freakin' forever to finish a mission. Thanks for the informative post. Question: For my JBOY Dog, I want to reduce his enemy detection range conditionally, when he is in dense forest or jungle (otherwise he senses an enemy so far away its useless to the player). What's a good position test command to determine if the dog is in the jungle or trees (and hopefully not just on the edge of the forest, but in at least 10 meters or so)? Sorry if this is thread hijacking, but it seems like a similar problem as to what is being discussed here.
  22. Other than looking for a helicopter landing spot, what are some mission use cases for using selectBestPlaces ?
  23. My "attack waves" mission I originally described had the time delays set up so the waves overlapped. So it increased the tension (as Grumpy described). It was very replayable, since the wave groups were randomized, and never felt gamey (ie., "wave 1 complete...countdown to wave 2"). Just experiment with the timing, and try your "% of wave killed" too until it works to your liking. These missions can be entertaining where you win one time and get slaughtered the next. Have fun building and testing it! Edit: I favor Respawn to Group for these types of missions also.
  24. Now I know why they call him Grumpy. Not only is he a scripting guru, but also a merciless tactician. I'm going to have to go scout all those locations.