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Everything posted by Jackal326

  1. Jackal326

    weapon config error

    Does the error occur just in MP? Because thats just a bug with the coding of the required addons (and is more of a nuisnace than it is a major problem (as the mission 'should' still function). If it occurs elsewhere, ensure you have the correct classname, which for convenience I have listed below. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Regular S.T.A.R.S. Beretta 92F = "SJB_Res92F" Barry Burton Configuration = "SJB_Res92F_BB"
  2. Jackal326

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    ahh good, I'm glad someone is finally making this weapon. I was planning on modifying the M82A1 Model from my weapons pack at some point in the future, but now there is no need I hope you find some good textures, as the model deserves to shine with high quality textures.
  3. Jackal326

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Probably imported from Call of Duty like the soldier's face texture?
  4. Jackal326

    units got the same face!!

    As raedor suggested, its caused by a sleection error. Make sure all of the head area (including eyebrows and such), are included in the 'osobnost' selection. That should correct your problem.
  5. Jackal326

    Jeep class bugs

    Probably also has something to do with the possibility that the units inherit from the TANK class and not necessarily the JeepMG class. I'm pretty sure thats the case for the examples you reference (as we know, the Car class cannot carry missile launchers without heavy scripting, so the tank class is used instead). I know this is the case for several units in VBS1 such as the Jeep with Recoil-less rifle, anf the HMMWV with TOW Launcher. Many errors occur with them, e.g. the driver being 6 feet above his seat, and also being invisible at when 'Turned In'. Check the config to confirm this.
  6. Jackal326

    Bonaire Island update

    Although then you run the risk of making them, non-bullet-proof and allowing the AI to see through them if you're not careful about the lods you remove.
  7. Jackal326

    Sig 552

    Glad to see you took my advise and used it to good affect I'll be downloading shortly to see how it all turned out.
  8. Jackal326

    PBO patcher 0.9

    Well, thats certainly put me off using the tool.
  9. Jackal326

    Sig 552

    Like I told you over MSN, just make a resolution LOD with less than 300 faces in total, that should act as the shadow lod then. Or search the forums for a better way.
  10. Jackal326

    Increasing from 512mbram to 1gb.. makes any diff?

    I think what he means is, if he removes the two 256mb sticks, and replaces them both with just one 512mb stick, will there be any improvement.
  11. Jackal326

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I love the AN-PEQ/1, its your best friend against enemy armour when you have aircraft in support as this T80 found out to its cost: http://sjb.gotf.net/vbs1_screenshots/images/ADF_LaserDesignator.jpg ...and the SASR Patrl lines up for a quick photograph infront of their HMMWV before heading back to base: http://sjb.gotf.net/vbs1_screenshots/images/ADF_Units_04_SASR.jpg.
  12. Jackal326

    Resident Evil Mod?

    There was a Resident Evil mod kicking about a long while back, I assume it has gone under though. I'd given them a S.T.A.R.S. Beretta 92F that I'd imported to use.
  13. Jackal326

    So many M16 / M4 AddOn

    Thats correct, the whole pack is being made for VBS1 first, then ported over to OFP. I'm aiming for a January release date for the VBS1 version, so I imagine a release in early February to give me time to make the necessary adjustments to the SEAL units which are being released in conjunction with the pack (chnaging head models, substituting VBS1 related textures etc).
  14. Jackal326

    TURKISH UNION Addon Pack 1 - v1.0

    Nice looking addons, although one thing did strike me as off-putting. The camoflagued face seen in this picture, I really hope its optional, because if its set as manadatory and unchangable for ALL units (all units have the face even the player) I know a fair amount of people who wont be too pleased. Other than that I look forward to the release.
  15. Jackal326

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Thanks Mr. Burns, I'll be sure to check that pack out. By the way, I read it as "anal" too, had to check it again afterwards
  16. Jackal326

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Hey guys, first of all there are some really nice animations on this thread already, and was wondering if you'd like to take a request for another. The default pistol animations (especially the crouching one) are just weak. I was wondering if one of you could make replacements for the standing, crouching, prone and reloading (in all three stances) for when using a pistol. I don't mind what they look like, just so long as they look more realisitc that the defaults
  17. Jackal326

    So many M16 / M4 AddOn

    Or a material 'sleeve' over the foregrip/stock, like this picture of an M4A1 I've been working on for my weapons pack: http://sjb.gotf.net/vbs1_ad...._v5.jpg The white on the barrel, magazine and stock is tape, the cover for the fore-grip area is a tube of white material with cable-ties at both ends holding it in place.
  18. Jackal326

    reasonable radio man script idea

    Its not impossible if you simply make your own radio addon (feel free to use my config coding as a base, but you'll have to ask Deadmeat's/BAS' permission for the model), and give it a magazine (and ammo, then you can use the "fired" event-handler. As the addon will only be about 800kb max. it can easily be distributed with your mission/campaign.
  19. Jackal326

    need desert navy seals

    Indeed, v2.0 of the SEAL Pack will be out soon, however, the desert variants wont be included in that pack. They will most likely follow in a future update, so, sorry Bowery, but you'll have to wait
  20. Jackal326

    reasonable radio man script idea

    No-one likes a huge action menu, makes performing urgent actions take more time than you have in most cases (e.g. "Wear Beret", "Wear Helmet", "Trigger Radio", "Swat fly", "Break wind", "Reload M4A1 Magazine" etc - not only looks unsightly, but hinders gameplay). BoweryBaker, I know we spoke on MSN about this yesterday, and just to remind you, making a new addon would definately be the easiest way, add a magazine (and the ammo type - if I'm not mistake its the ammo/bullet fired that is detected by the "fired" eventhandler, not the magazine), and then go from there. Also, you're free to modify the config.cpp of my SATCOM in your new addon (please don't alter the existing config as that'll cause conflicts), the model how-ever you'll need to gain the permission of the BAS Team (Deadmeat, Tigershark etc).
  21. Jackal326

    Inquisitors NVG's

    That simply looks like its mapped the new NVG texture to the OLD (BIS) NVG model. Are you sure you added the INQ model to data3d.pbo?
  22. Jackal326

    SEAL divers released

    You're lucky I managed to only use one model (God bless the hiddenselections config.cpp parameter) otherwise you'd be bitching about a larger PBO size for the units. The weapons .pbo is so large because it contains A LOT of models (unless of course you'd sooner me config the suppsed M4 to use the regular M4 model...that'd cut down on the file size as I wouldn't need to include the suppressed models ), even though they are binarized (which optimises and greatly reduces the filesize), they still take up a lot of space. Also, I don't compress my .PBO files as it takes OFP longer to load/pre-cache them upon starting the game.
  23. Jackal326

    Tears of the sun seals

    Yes they are the Tonali OPFOR units (kindly given permission by BAS/Ebud to use and edit the model). I have however greatly improved them (added random African faces, the XML arm-patch system, as well as other various tweaks), so they are not simply a change in class-name. GoOB, I'll consider changing the helmet, but ingame they look alright with the one they currently use. See for yourself (not the best of shots, but it'll do).
  24. Jackal326

    Tears of the sun seals

    Thanks for the feedback. First off, I'd like to point out Peanut is correct, the SEALs (and all relevent addons) will be made for BOTH OFP and VBS. Although the VBS version will be made first, as I can safely use the VBS textures within the realms of VBS (seems a waste of time to change what I already have for OFP, then change it back for VBS). Don't worry Cpt. FrostBite, all the content of the VBS version will be ported over to OFP (with a few changes obvious to avoid any law suits from BIS/BIA ). Infact, the OFP version will have MORE content than that of the VBS version, as it will include a few extra weapons (those which had to be cut from the VBS version due the the base classes not being present in the core product - long story), and will also include African Militia soldiers (which won't be part of the initial VBS release - will probably be added later). Also, the head and hands will be changed, so the units are compatible with OFP
  25. Jackal326

    Tears of the sun seals

    Yeah, anyway, I've further updated the M4s per the request of several community members and advisors. The old AN/PEQ model has been replaced with a newer, far superior model, made exclusively for SJB by Marcinko (who also made the amazing ACOG 4x32 day optic). Check out the link below. http://sjb.ofpr.com/vbs1_ad....PEQ.jpg