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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Yep. Fixed rudder is on the list, so finally it should be possible to gun-strafe with the A-10 with some sort of accuracy.
  2. Inkompetent

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    The amount of speed the aicraft bleeds isn't the F/A-18's fault. It's the flight model in ArmA that bleeds ridiculously much speed at high-G turns (and which allows ridiculously high Gs in turns, since no sane pilot would go over 9-10 Gs, and for example the F-16 can't even turn more than 9G. The flight computer makes it impossible). However the flight model is getting improvements in the next patch. Hopefully including weaker turn rates and less speed-bleeding.
  3. Inkompetent

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Yep, with Mando Missiles there are AA-threats and stuff with radars that should show up on the RWR and give lock warning tone. But for unmodded ArmA there are no radar missiles, and no radar (aside from the Su-34 and Harrier) afaik that *can* cause a lock-on warning, and since they are only armed with IR-missiles they don't need to lock with radar anyway And yes, AMRAAMs need a radar lock (which will at the very least give a visual warning on the RWR), but since there are no AMRAAMs in ArmA that's not our current problem There do exist systems to detect the launch flash from missiles to warn about IR missile launch, but it's horribly expensive and the F-16 doesn't usually carry that kind of equipment. And as for flares (Mando Missiles again! Whoo! they are used pre-emptively. If you suspect you will get shot at you pop flares/chaff to be on the safe side, since once you find out someone has fired an IR missile at you you are probably already either dead or in a parachute.
  4. Inkompetent

    Extended eventhandlers

    It all should be built up like this (one event handler class per kind of event handler), and be written separately from the vehicle (you see the vehicle's class as a sub-class of the event handler below). The EH-setup in MapFact Air isn't compatible with current versions of XEH. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Extended_Killed_EventHandlers { class MAP_AH64 { AH64_Killed="_this exec ""\map_air\data\scripts\replacewrecks.sqs"" "; }; };
  5. Inkompetent

    COOP Nights in North America?

    You can also take a look at SimHQ
  6. Inkompetent

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    Well, as a F4AF-player, what missiles in ArmA use a radar to lock on to you? They are all IR-missiles! Purely depends on if you give it Sidewinders or not. Sure, all stations can hold a Sidewinder, and you usually carry either Sidewinders or AMRAAMs on the wingtips as minimum Air-to-Air defense. Not sure how hard it is to add several different kinds of weapons to model model- and config-wise.
  7. Inkompetent

    What military equipment and vehicles do you want?

    An NSV on tripod would be kind'a sweet, since the DShKM is a kind'a stone-age weapon by today's standards.
  8. Inkompetent

    Kurdistan !

    Bah, if everyone were yapping like this about everything we wouldn't have a single WW2 shooter ever made, and BIS would be sued 250 million dollars for having "US soldiers killed in the game when US soldiers actually die in Iraq, and we don't like it. We even get a bit sad and cry sometimes." Cut the bullshit, keep the personal attacks to PMs, and let this thread be about the map that he's making.
  9. Inkompetent

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    I don't think the issue with people sticking with 1.08 is only an issue about people reluctant switching to stuff that works better than what they use but with a "Beta"-label on it, but that it also is about servers. Many servers runs on Linux, and with no Linux server being released for 1.09b they can't switch. Thus, the people that wants to play on those servers don't switch either, and we're left with a big chunk of 1.08-people.
  10. Inkompetent

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Yay! That's fantastic news! I crash because of that over and over and and over again, and I'll probably even be able to go over "Medium" texture resolution now, with my 640MB graphics card that I can't use to even half it's memory capacity at thew current moment! (which kind'a made me very sad, but better late than never!
  11. Inkompetent

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Also, since ArmA2 is becoming a multi-platform game where they don't use TeamSpeak I'm quite sure they are eager to get a working VON done. See it like this: The more we get done in ArmA, the more we get done in ArmA2. The VON has do be done *some* time, so why not do it and bug-test it at PC since it is wanted and there anyway, rather than remove it (since it's broken) and then re-introduce it in ArmA2? The only thing I think is sad with the next patch is that we don't get a full patch in between, since a new beta patch will keep splitting the community, and will keep us without a new Linux server even longer. Aside from that I can't see anything bad in the amount of work put into the next patch at all. It's not like it's small fixes in, but large things that requires a humongous amount of work to get working properly. Edit: Just saw 96D said pretty much what I did, and that if anything says that making big, serious patches fixing critical stuff isn't bad (i.e. VON, out of memory crashes, etc)
  12. Inkompetent

    CRIONYK's weapon pack and units

    Yep, it's an SD2. Got the old safety switch. This is how a SD5 looks like.
  13. Yep, the it's the SCAR-AK, developed for areas where the 7.62x39mm is more common than the 5.56x45mm ammunition. The SCAR itself is meant to be a "all weapons in one", where you simply switch reciever and barrel after need, so that the soldier can carry a single rifle capable of using both 5.56mmN, 7.62mmN and 7.62x39mm. I'm not sure how common the parts for the latter is though, since you most commonly only see the SCAR-L or or SCAR-H in use. (But then again, it's not like we'd get pictures from BlackOps or other special operations where soldiers are outside of the normal area of supply )
  14. Inkompetent

    Kurdistan !

    Woah! Those flyover pics were superliciously, deliciously fantastic! Gimme map and I'll get my F-16C out of the garage and have the flight of the year! Keep up the good work! And good decision on keeping the name. Heck, I myself even talk of Prussia today when talking about the geographical region and Prussia ceased to exist in 1947, and I don't get beat up by my Polish friend from that region because of that
  15. Inkompetent

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I'd love to see some new, neat (and old) AT weapons - mainly the Carl Gustavs! The Carl Gustav M2 (together with its predecessor M1) have been so vastly used I'd think it's only competitor in numbers sold would be the RPG-7, and the Carl Gustav M3 is still in use today by many modern armies, for example by Sweden, Ireland and the U.S. Rangers. The only CG I've seen in ArmA is a M2 that looked to be ported from OFP, but this community can do better than that, can't we? *hint* *hint*
  16. Inkompetent

    Real M136 v1.0

    The more generic version I'm struggling with won't be fully multiplayer-compatible (in terms of using it at a server which doesn't have the addon) I'm afraid, but I could always make a "light" and a full version of it. Depends on how I figure the light one will have to be made and if it works to my satisfaction if that one will come into existence though.
  17. Inkompetent

    USAF F-16C Falcon

    I really like this aircraft! Was sweet to see it has laser pod under in the GBU-version too! A little feedback though: The F-16 uses a 20mm M61 Vulcan instead of a 25mm GAU-12, and houses 511 rounds instead of those 300 or what it is, and also has a drastically higher rate of fire. Good job, and keep it up!
  18. Inkompetent

    Real M136 v1.0

    I can add one more update now, and that's that I've finally managed to properly debug the action menu system and learned much more smooth ways to make it more generic and modifiable. However I'm quite busy with ACE at the moment, but I'm working on Real M136 2.0 to and from, so it is progressing. As extra candy there will be three different AT-4s (no you are not so lucky you get the AT-4 CS or AST just yet). You'll find there isn't only the standard HEAT warhead AT-4, but also HEDP (High Explosive Dual Purpose) and HP (High Penetration) ones too.
  19. Inkompetent


    Well, it's already stated multiple times in different reviews and interviews that - yes. The AI will be able to use cars as cover, so don't worry
  20. Inkompetent

    Say (Sound Issues)

    Make sure the sound is mono, because if it is stereo the distance fading is totally fubar.
  21. Inkompetent

    possible to have 2 replacements

    There is nothing in the way of doing that. You can run as many replacement mods as there are different soldier classes in the game, as long as they don't overlap eachother. But since I don't think there is any such replacement for the SWAT people uploaded anywhere I suppose you'll have to write it yourself
  22. Inkompetent

    Do you like Evolution?

    I like the map. What I don't like is the kind of players it most commonly attracts and the amount of servers either running this or that Sahrani Life or what it's called, in proportion to the total amount of public ArmA servers.
  23. Inkompetent

    Jet Fighters

    A new AH-64 is in development by MapFact, so no worries on that part
  24. Inkompetent

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    No, what Marek was exactly saying is: "We are currently set on DirectX9 effects and exhausting all possibility's of it and it COULD be extended to DirectX10, but currently we don't find it that important.... That is also what i ask myself... DX10 can accelerate many things even if you don't use it for beautifying the look of certain graphics. It is a waste of hardware to not support it. "Assassins Creed" uses the DX10 functions ONLY to accelerate the framerate and they said its a noticeable different with DX9 and DX10 in terms of speed. So i think at the end of 2008 or even at the beginning of 2009 the majority of all players will have a graphics-adapter with DX10 support - why not use the sleeping resources lying there? Regards, Christian But at the same time developing for DX10 means extra time and work needed, while DX9 optimization ought to be the most important of the two, simply because DX10 isn't supported by a too big bunch of the players. Even if people have DX10-supporting cards like the GeForce 8800 cards many don't use Vista and thus it is wasted resources to develop DX10 graphics for that bunch of players. When Vista has got SP2 and been on the market for a few years DX10 ought to be the standard, but at the moment and surely another year or two DX9.0c (or newer iterations of it) will be the standard. And compare the budget available between Assassin's Creed and ArmA 2. BIS doesn't have nearly the amount of people or money that was put into the Assassin's Creed development. As long as they improve the framerates in cities and forests and do something about that soldiers are too visible in the distance, then that's all that is needed at the moment. The rest should rightfully go into more important gameplay improvements like the new micro AI. @ k@voven: Thank you for the translation. Was an interesting read!
  25. Inkompetent

    Happy Birthday Marek Spanel

    "Typical... Too high requirements for my Atari." Happy birthday!