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Everything posted by imutep

  1. Great idea and very useful Thx andersson
  2. imutep

    ArmA (OFP) Script Editor

    New version 1.2.9500 is out Download Version 1.2.9500 Regards
  3. imutep

    UAV RQ-1 Predator

    Yeah...it's released. Thx EMSI Mirror from BIS.4Players. UAV RQ-1 Predator Regards
  4. imutep

    Airlift v1.51b

    Nice to see a new version of your Airlift-script Mirror from Assault Mission Studio. Airlift - Chopper PickUp-Script 1.7 Regards
  5. Nice one, Mandoble. Frontpaged at Assault Mission Studio Regards
  6. imutep

    Jet Fighters

    Hohoho...realy nice SU
  7. imutep

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Great...so i used them in my upcoming campaign
  8. imutep

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Realy nice Wait for release BTW: I got an error-message in ArmA, when i used the Hinds. Something like that: "burst is not a class /displayname ..."
  9. imutep

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    Thanks for the signed version Mirror from Assault Mission Studio. ArmA_GroupLink_II Plus 1.0signed Regards
  10. imutep

    Map Making (A to Z)

    I've uploadet all parts and a rar-file (incl. all parts) to our server. Here you can download all released parts and the future ones. Mirror from Assault Mission Studio. Map Making (A to Z) by Allie Regards Imutep
  11. imutep

    Belle foille - [sp] mission by ams

    Is fixed Sorry, i didn't know, that fromz Soundmod is writen in the mission.sqm
  12. <span style='color:brown'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Belle Foille V1.23</span></span> (Created by Assault Mission Studio) Update 19/02/08 to version 1.23: > script updated > little other changes Update 06/01/08 to version 1.2: > eventhandlers bug fixed > scripts updated > tested with patch 1.09beta > many little other changes Update 07/12/07 to version 1.1: > Downloadsize now 3.92MB (before 10MB) > little new features Hi all I'm proud to present you my newest SP mission called Belle Foille. In this mission you have to rescure the premier minister of Sahrani and his bodyguards, they are captured by the commis and hold them in the little city Arcadia. First class street combat and house fight ala Imutep with music from Prodigy and Bill Brown. In the mission you change the player and continue the mission with a smaller Team. It's not easy, but very funny. So have fun people...and feedback would be nice Sorry for my bad english. <span style='color:brown'>Mappers:</span> Imutep: Missiondesign, Gameplay, Scripte, Intro, Cutscenes, Outro; <span style='color:brown'>Mission Charaktere:</span> Cpt. Dwight Orasio - BLUFOR Special Forces (Player) Lt. Ron Wood - BLUFOR Special Forces (selected Player) Michael Dafoe - BLUFOR Special Forces Jack Miguel - BLUFOR Special Forces <span style='color:brown'>Side:</span> West = BLUFOR (Teamleader) <span style='color:brown'>Language:</span> English version (follow the Dl-link and under"Archiv" you find the file AMS_BelleFoille_V1.23_eng) German version (this is the file AMS_BelleFoille_V1.23) <span style='color:brown'>Specials:</span> > Intro (long), Outro and Curscenes > Missionlevel = hard > 3-5 Missionorders > Selected player in the mission > Guest music (Prodigy and Bill Brown) > long playtime is guaranted <span style='color:brown'>Used scripts:</span> > Urban Patrol Script > Random Building Patrol Script > IED Script > little own scripts <span style='color:brown'>Special Thanks:</span> > M-E for Beta testing > Stoned Boy for beta testing > Bill Brown for Music > Prodigy for Music > BIS for ArmA <span style='color:brown'>Used:</span> ArmA Version 1.08 or 1.09beta <span style='color:brown'>Pics:</span> Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 <span style='color:brown'>Download:</span> Belle Foille 1.23 - [sP] Mission <span style='color:brown'>Needed Addons:</span> Editor Update 1.02 by LowFly G85 Editor Update 0.9 by G85 Mod <span style='color:brown'>AMS-Website:</span> http://www.assaultmissionstudio.de/ <span style='color:brown'>Contact:</span> admin@assaultmissionstudio.de Have fun! Regards Imutep PS: <span style='color:red'>PS: This is an unofficial Mission from the game Armed Assault. Use the mission at your own risk. Bohemia Interactive and Morphicon has nothin to do with that.</span>
  13. imutep

    Belle foille - [sp] mission by ams

    Last version released. Dl-link on first post. Changes in V1.23 > script updated > little other changes Enjoy Imutep
  14. imutep

    Map Making (A to Z)

    This Tutorial is well explained and clear for everybody. Step by step the beginning and learning in the island construction. It helps me. Great job and thx Now i take a look at Part5 Edit: Sorry, but can you make the Screens a bit bigger. I can read your wroten things not good. Thx
  15. imutep

    Sarve Island

    Some screens from the island a new mirror from BIS.4Players Sarve Island Regards
  16. imutep

    Sarve Island

    Nice to hear Will give this a try
  17. Thanks for this great Soundmod Mirror from Assault Mission Studio. AACF SoundMod 2.0 Regards Imutep
  18. Happy Birthday Excellent work, MehMan.
  19. imutep

    Map Making (A to Z)

    Thanks! This is a great idea. A good tutorial for island making is what i've searched for.
  20. imutep

    SJB Weapons Pack

    They're looks great. Can't wait for this pack
  21. imutep

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    Great looking units
  22. Hello... in OFP when i setDammage a unit to 0.8, he cannot stand an go. In ArmA it doesn't work Is there a script command, where a unit can not stand? In wiki i did not find anything. Thanks for any help
  23. imutep

    Unit can't stand

    Thx for help... I try this one with bullet in his legs. Hope it works.