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Everything posted by imutep

  1. Thx for the script! Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Ammo Crate Filler Script by Monty
  2. imutep

    German 1.01 Patch is final.

    Thx BIS! :) Another mirror from Assault Mission Studio German Final Patch [1.01] & Server
  3. Thx Maruk, very useful!
  4. imutep

    Vehicle spawner for LHDs

    Thx Mondkalb. Give this a try tomorrow!
  5. SOM Modul: (Secondary Operations Modul) Using: Place the SOM modul on the map and synchronice it with the player. This modul gives you in different times secondary mission targets via radio call from the HQ. Via the communication you can accept or not accept the new orders. If you finished the objectives successfully, you become support troops or the uav or something else. Nice modul, but they call you all 5 minutes or so :)
  6. Wow, nice to see this addon now in ArmA2. Great job norrin ;) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio MP Fast Rope Addon [0.1] by norrin
  7. imutep

    Group Link 3

    Thx for new version! :) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio Group Link 3 [1.4]
  8. imutep

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Thx for the new version ;) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio VFAI - Equipment.AI [2.6]
  9. Thx for this release! :) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio HiFi Novus Aevum Hotfix[2.01]
  10. imutep

    One day 1944 [SP]

    I proudly present you my newest mission called One Day 1944. Wile ago i played around with 31st Normandy Mod and the end porduct of my playing, is this mission now! Story: In a confidential operation one of our vehicles was attacked by german troops. The crew was killed. Now it's time for us to react, in a small town! Download: One Day 1944 [1.01 german/english] Features: * Intro * Outro * Cutscene * Detailed briefing with many infos and screens * Kronkys Mine Script * Kronzkys Urban Patrol Script * Mr-Murray Backpack Script * Mr-Murray Arty Script * Suppression Script * Random Weather? * Daytime=night Needed addons: 31st Normandy mod - WW2 mod (v beta) + Fixes!! FFS WW2 Vehicle Pack (v 1.0) SARMAT Russian Structurepack (v 1.0) EditorUpdate (v 102) by LowFly Bf 109 F2 (v 1.01) Schmalfelden Map (1.0) -->Use any version of Schmalfelden you want. Low or high -->The FFS BF109 replace the one from the 31st Mod Hope you enjoy it...have fun! :)
  11. Sounds interesting. I like your AI "tunings"... Thx for this release! :) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio RMM Pack1 by Rommel
  12. imutep

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    Awesome looking island. Thx for this release! :) Mirror and news at Assault Mission Studio Klurs Island [build 8000] by SenChi This weekend is Klurs-Day!
  13. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    Ok, the Libmod 1.0 exe you have to install in the root directory of your OFP. Then you have an folder there called Libmod. And now the patches do not install, extract them with mouse right click-->Extract there--->copy the scripts and folder now in your Libmod folder in your OFP directory and overwrite all. Thats all. I do it so and all works fine :)
  14. Great Sounds. Thx for this release and your work! :) Mirror from Assault Mission Studio HiFi Novus Aevum v2.0 by Mark XIII
  15. imutep

    AMS Operation Pita [SP]

    Sorry for the late answer, but i have a lot of work last weeks. Ok, i have updated the mission to version 1.2. Its the same version as in my campaign Special Operations. Some bugs fixed and other fixes like typos and editing. Changes V1.2: * Typos fixet * Backpack translated * Enemy units random positions added * Bugs fixed (all that i found) * Works now without QG, Map Editor Update and G85 Editor Update First post updated. Hope you enjoy! ;)
  16. Good evening all! I'm proud to present you my newest mission for ArmA QG. Operation Pita is a part of my never released SF campaign. So i plan to release all 3 missions next time. Story: There is no realy story, but you have to destroy helis, depots and powerstation and any optional mission targets. Needed Addons: LowFly Editor Update Download: Operation Pita V1.02 (26.04.2009) Changes V1.2: * Typos fixet * Backpack translated * Enemy units random positions added * Bugs fixed (all that i found) * Works now without QG, Map Editor Update and G85 Editor Update Specials: * DAC (Dynamic AI Creator) * Trenches script * SEG script * Supressions script * Custom Sounds and Voices * Intro, Outro, Cutscene * Backpack script (Saves and medic) * Detailed Briefings and many informations in the notes with pictures ans sections. * German and english language (Stringtable) * Music in the Briefing Plans and Notes * long playtime Credits: Mr-Murray for the Backpack script Stoned Boy for beta tests Note: No official mission. Used at your own risk. Thanks! I wish much fun Regards Imutep *
  17. imutep

    AMS Special Operations

    New version 1.01 is out now with little bug fixes and other new editing works. First post is updated. Have fun!
  18. A ArmA QG campaign with special forces missions. The campaign is 4 missions big and i used a lot of scripts like DAC, suppressions and Trenches script. You play as US SF and SLA Spezt. The nedded addons are also the sandbagfix addon, which i used month before the Patch fixed the problem. So i had problems to delete this addon from any mission.sqm. Sorry. Story: The campaign is based on the original campaign and my version of the story tells the part of Special Operations. From the beginning of the conflict on Sahrani, about the impairment of the SLA troops, till the last fight on Sahrani and the act of desperation on Porto. Download: AMS Special Operations 1.01 (26.04.2009) Needed addons: G85 Editor Update Editor Update by LowFly Mapfact Editor Update RAE Sandbag Fix SCUD Launcher Contaminated Ammo Container OPFOR Desert Pack SLA Desert Troops SLA Woodland Troops Desert US Vehicles Full addon pack: Download (87MB) Features: * Backpack by Mr.Murray * Suppression Script by Second * Trenches Script by Blanco * Mando Bombs (Sadram) by Mandoble * Parachute Script * Rocket Cam * DAC * Random weather and daytime (at night with flares) * Guestsound and musik * Detailed briefings with images and lot of infos * Random positions of units and vehicles * Queen's Gambit is needed * Special Thanks * Stoned Boy * Sudden Death The languages are german and english (stringtable) But i must say, that my english is not the best. Hope you enjoy it. Have fun, soldier! Imutep
  19. imutep

    Some single player missions

    Missions and campaigns you can find also here on my site :rolleyes:
  20. imutep


    Thx for this addon ;) ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:
  21. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    Do not install the patches with the exe. Russian is shown in ????????s Extract the patch files and copy/paste all files into the Libmod folder in your OFP and overwrite the older one. Do it patch by patch. And it works. ;)
  22. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    OK, new version is out now. I saw that we forgot a lot of issus to translate. Sorry for this  Also the Libmod incl all needed patches are now awaylable as one dl-archive. Link is the same in first post. Changes version 1.6 =================== --> all missions reworked --> reworked briefings --> typos fixed (hope i don't missed one) --> campaign stringtable fixed (no ctd) --> all writen textes translated, also in triggers and waypoints Have fun, soldier
  23. imutep

    Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

    I'm on it at the moment
  24. Really nice screens Rip31st! Â The island looks better and better.