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Everything posted by Halli~SPARTA~

  1. Try running without mods,face or anything not Vanilla. Do a tracert to your friends IP.
  2. Halli~SPARTA~

    How to unban people?

    Yeah not sure I understand question either. #exec unban 1234567 <-----------users ID# goes here
  3. Halli~SPARTA~

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    No old and cautious. It's like the story of the Young Bull and the Old Bull Young bull say's lets RUN down that hill and get that cow Old Bull says lets WALK down the hill and get them all.
  4. Also servers that do not allow mods will have less Snyc time involved and as such will be smoother and Video lag even with that bad boy card you have(feels like mem leak to me) on your part could be a problem and seem like a server issue.
  5. Halli~SPARTA~

    Kill ownership

    I do not understand why that thread was closed as it is a general comment/question and not always considered a bug. If a chopper flys into a town and the gunner kills the innocent why would it not be the entire crews fault as they are a team and responsible for each other as we all know this is not BF2 it is a tactical simulator. Unlike if you jump in a Captured T-90 and get negative points.
  6. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    As I understand your hot fix or 1.04 is finished are there switches or a command line that can make the enemy strength stronger or larger and still stay in Regular mode? Haha it would be nice if Admins could shutdown a runaway mhq or chopper, What do other groups do to halt BF2 players in game.
  7. Halli~SPARTA~

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    .45 Haha It said my message was to short,OK all in last two lines come play on our Groups Server.
  8. Halli~SPARTA~

    No multiplayer servers

    Yeah that could be it make sure it is empty.
  9. Halli~SPARTA~


    If you want an Admined server join us you will not be kicked unless you do something like TK on purpose or Fly off in a chopper after being warned to get on TeamSpeak. There are also other well managed servers out there you just have to play a few and as for TS being usless well you could listen even if ya can't talk just join and make your name like thierry(no mic) .
  10. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Yeah SPARTA loves ya Xeno.
  11. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    This is directed to anyone and not just Xeno.....Has anyone found a problem with a sidemission to capture the flag, I say this as some guys could not take the flag and they tried everything.
  12. Halli~SPARTA~


    Join our Domination and if over 18 you may join our Teamspeak. Rules are try and work as a team & You must be on TEAMSPEAK to Fly oh and don't move LAV/MHQ.
  13. Halli~SPARTA~

    No multiplayer servers

    And check firewall.
  14. Halli~SPARTA~

    Specifications to run a server.

    Very good topic gents. I may try the lock deal and see what happens....Thanks
  15. Halli~SPARTA~

    Voted admins

    Thank God for that haha it would be a constant battle if they could.
  16. Halli~SPARTA~

    Voted admins

    Haha it's ok HE sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
  17. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    I use #shutdown and then our firedaemon restarts the game.
  18. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Working on this Tinker sorry it got away from me last night.
  19. Halli~SPARTA~

    ArmA2 finally in Poland!

    Great to hear bud now get in game.
  20. Halli~SPARTA~

    Fed up of Morons

    Haha, Ok well we shall have to remedy this.
  21. BINGO!!!! Oh yeah add this to the ArmA2 desktop shortcut exe. -maxmem=1024 or 1440 It will look something like this "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2\ArmA2.exe" -maxmem=1024 This will limit the amount of ram the game uses but still it's good to reboot every couple hours playing ArmA.
  22. Halli~SPARTA~

    Voted admins

    Calm down.
  23. Halli~SPARTA~

    Ban A Player

    A little off topic: Has anyone seen a Mod that works as a Fuel/air or nuke in Domination, I ask because it happened on a server saturday and every tree fell also killing all players. It is relavent to ban questions because of player id in game.
  24. Halli~SPARTA~

    Consistant 1-2 second freezing randomly

    Guys lets get this straight.........As for the defrag yes he should but that's not his problem as On our server we did a test and ALL players would freeze at the same time.
  25. Halli~SPARTA~

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Xeno good luck in what ever your next endevours are and Thanks for the Current and past projects. Regards, Halli