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Heavy Metal

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Everything posted by Heavy Metal

  1. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    Now I know you have been fed major BS. It is not at all like than in 90% of the country. If you are not involved with the criminal element or hanging around high crime urban centers, your chances of getting shot are extremely small. I have never had to arm myself in fear. Some advice, don't believe most of what the BBC tells you about America. From what I have seen of the British press and knowing how it really is, it is like claiming a fun house mirror is giving an accurate reflection. You sure you didn't see someone advocating allowing ADULT students with valid carry permits be allowed to carry on college campus? I think you are misrepresenting things her somewhat.
  2. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    WHY? It's not a shame at all, less guns = less deaths no matter what anyone tells you (OMG i am so off topic shutting up now) Actually, no it does not. Your gun deaths have not gone down in spite of your gun bans. Finland and Switzerland seem to be doing fine despite trusting their own citizens with a bit of freedom. In Science we have a saying: Correlation does not equal casuation. Perhaps you might find things are not as you have been led to believe if you read this: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/493636.html
  3. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    Yeah, its a shame. Even the French get to own AR-15 and now the Irish can too.
  4. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    Uhh...no. The 74 is a decided improvement over the 7.62 AKM but it will not outrange the M-4 due to the M-4's greater inherent accuracy, more accurate ammo and better sights. Bullshit ! you seem to forget that the AK74 is a rifle and the M4 only a carbine. Let alone the barrel length, whic is longer at the AK74 provides it with a longer shot distance. Dude, you are the one full of crap. Don't call bullshit on me. I have had contact with both weapons in the US Army and own civilian legal copies in real life. I have fired both weapons extensively. The difference in barrel length is 1.5 inches, this is trivial. The 5.56 is a higher pressure cartridge with 15% more case capacity than the Russian 5.45. The 5.45 is the lowest power cartridge in service with any major power. The AK-74 is a mediocre optics platform due to the flex of the sheetmetal reciever. I have a PO 3.5x21 Optic and a semi-auto only AK-74. I also have a semi only M-4 clone although the barrel is 16 inches due to legal minimum length requirments. It requires an ATF form 4 to own anything with a barrel length less than 16 inches. These are a hassle and I have only gone thru the trouble of getting one and it was for my AKS-74U. This extra inch and a half only gives me 50 FPS over a 14.5 barrel though so it is virtually insiginificant ballistically . By my definition, the AK-74 is a carbine too. One mans rifle is another mans carbine and vice versa. The 1913 Rail on the flattop M-4 reciever are a far more rigid mount. The siderail on the 74 has too much flex with any kind of heavy magnified optic. The M-4 is an inherently more accurate platform. This is not seriously debated by anyone in the know. There is simply too much twist and flex in the sheetmetal reciever of the AK-74. Also, the gas piston upsets the barrel harmonics to a degree. Sure I can talk about it, it is as proven as the fact the sun rises in the east. American ammo is simply more accurate, more consistent and better made than the steel cased, steel jacketed, berdan primed Russian 7N6. Russian ammo goes bang and is cheap to mass produce. That is why they use steel instead of brass and copper, not for accuracy. There are confirmed reports of ACOG equipped M-4's getting kills at over 600M in Afghanistan and Iraq with standard issue M855 ball. What does a scope have to do with penetration? The iron peep sights on the M-4 simply blow away the post and notch sights on the Kalashnikov series. The ACOG is a much lighter optic for the same task as the PO 3.5x21. The PO 3.5x21 is a good optic but it weights a ton and tends to flex the 1mm sheetmetal reciever of the 74. There is an inherent accuracy penality before you even fire the first round. My next 74 is going to have an Aimpoint M-3 mounted on an Ultimak Gas tube Replacement Rail. I do not care one bit for the side rail. You cannot get a cheekweld with it as it has to set the optic high enough to clear the top cover on the reciever. This is not a problem on the M-4 series.
  5. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    Uhh...no. The 74 is a decided improvement over the 7.62 AKM but it will not outrange the M-4 due to the M-4's greater inherent accuracy, more accurate ammo and better sights. I have fired both weapons at over 500M in real life and the 74's sights are a real limitation over the M-4's peep sights. A 74 with good ammo is a 2-3 moa weapon. the M-4 with good ammo is a 1-2 moa weapon. Unless you are using a magnifying optic, the notch sights will not allow you to approach this on the 74. If someone would make a camera that would mount to a 1913 milstd rail, I could get you some definitive muzzle climb values for given ranges and given shooting positions with different weapons. I could co-witness the camera with a laser and you could measure defelction. An important point to be made is you will have far less muzzle rise firing from a solid prone position than firing from a standing position.
  6. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Atari also publishes in the US, could there be something in the works there??? Placebo, what is up with this leaving the building thing?
  7. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    You didn't live thru the dark ages of 1985-1988.
  8. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I will wait for a sanctioned version. At worst, I will get one from the UK.
  9. Heavy Metal

    BIS, Armed Assault, and north america

    Right, Upper Volta is now. Please leave politics out of this discussion
  10. Heavy Metal

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    A really nice Topo map sounds like a good idea.
  11. Heavy Metal


    [butt Head]Don't make me come over there and kick your ass!![/butt Head] Thank you Placebo! Â I was hoping something would be done about this earlier this week. I don't mind waiting, I just don't want one bit of the experience to be compromised.
  12. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Has it ever been confirmed or denied of the Czech version has english text support? That special edition looks sweet!
  13. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Just buy a copy from Amazon UK if an American publisher does not materialize.
  14. Heavy Metal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Mandrin, Wu or Cantonese? There is no one Chinese language. English is the most spoken by virtue of the establishment of the British Empire. Specifically the decision of the Crown to set up shop in India.
  15. Heavy Metal

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I was just making fun of the typical reactions less-than-amazing screen shots get from gfx obsessed gamers (aka gfx whores, not prostitutes). And yes, I guess I am a bit stupid, I simply can not deny it anymore in light of recent events. I am of course referring to ever replying to your post in the first place while I could've just passed it with a long sigh and forget I read it. I've certainly learned my lesson here so good day to you sir and my apologies if you feel that I insulted you or your contributions to the community. From Heavy Metal to Heavy Metal. I just understand the half of it and i'm not sure if everything is meant in a cool way. But you apology. And when you apology yourself than you probably meant everything in a way i didn't understand as well. So my apologies back. (Damn language barrier) End the end were all on the same side and want the best for all. No reason to argue here  Why is someone trying to drag me into this? I am strictly lurking till the US release.
  16. Heavy Metal

    Engine comparison

    Sinister? He looks battle weary, AKA thousand yard stare.
  17. Heavy Metal


    But the real question is does Guba show his face again?
  18. Heavy Metal

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Thanks, I will give it a try.
  19. Heavy Metal

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Pappy, I am still getting out of memory errors and I am patched up to 1.96. I am not runnning XP SP2 if that makes a difference.
  20. Heavy Metal

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Pappy, I did a clean install with 2K3 on top and am getting memeory leaks. Teh game starts freezing up after a few minutes and after a couple of freezes, it CTD's.
  21. Heavy Metal

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Seems most of them voted back in January, I would consider that an appreciation for Democracy. As far as the front end to the game. It's just a damn game people! Don't get so serious about it, it is all in good fun. It's all just pixels.
  22. Heavy Metal

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I keep getting numerous CTD's on the single player 'Ambush'. I did a clean GOTY install and patched it and put 5.0 over top of it so it is as clean as I can make it.
  23. Heavy Metal

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    I second this. I too have a lot of trigger time on the M16 and M4. The casings usually come out at about 3-4 o'clock position. Sometimes if you are laying to the right of someone, their casings will hit you. Here's me and my baby down at JRTC in Louisiana: JRTC CONVOY HAULT Monty I finally figured out this is why they put the top button on your BDU blouse. If the line was going hot, I buttoned my top button and flipped my collar up. You only have to do the hot brass dance once to learn the hard way. P.S. an M16A1 without the deflector hump will put it at 5 o'clock.
  24. Heavy Metal

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Have you considered ditching the Kord and going to a DShK? The Kord also screws up some missions because the Tripod height won't allow sighting over top of the sandbag berms. More on the DShK: DShK
  25. Heavy Metal

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    A properly timed M-4 will throw the casings at a 4 o'clock direction with 12 o'clock being the muzzle end. Trust me on this, I have several AR-15's and trigger time on the real thing.