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Everything posted by Grizzlie

  1. CNN It was yesterday, but i haven't seen anybody to say a word about it. Does it mean that for you it is not worth mentioning? Even a "memento"? Or symbol of biggerst in the history violation of human rights?
  2. Grizzlie

    A New AH-64 Pack

    U can have some bad guys around Truck can be destroyed, helipad no.
  3. Grizzlie

    A New AH-64 Pack

    May i have little suggestion? Do u remember Col. Klink's hardened shelter? There was cart with bombs. Can u do something like that with all rockets, launchers and ammoboxes for your Apache? This + jeep + towing script + camonet hanger from RKSL = very nice rearming point And i would suggest to remove HeliH from list of things having rearming abilities, or add nice helipad from F3WX pack
  4. Grizzlie


    Beeing honest instead of UAZ i would like to see SKOT or TOPAS.. But looking good
  5. Grizzlie

    AH-64 Pack Release

    I'm sorry for that I have a question to scripting magicians. Is it possible, with OFP limitations, show difference between AH-64 D and AH-64 D Longbow? Longer range of view, longer range of rockets ect. and for instance something like with DKMM Tunguskas - sending data from Longbow to other choppers in group?
  6. Grizzlie

    AH-64 Pack Release

    @ SM_Azazel Do search on google "nose art" - i have found bunch of pics of CH-47's arts But please, don't kill this topic wit all those OT posts. It is good subject for TO thread "nose arts: pro&cons and pics"
  7. Grizzlie

    AH-64 Pack Release

    http://www.bradmesser.com/J2_BonusPages/noseart911.html It can show a bit more about nose arts treatment. Well, nose arts and pilot's "logos" have almost 100 yeart of tradition, so banning them is plain shame. But now back to topic. Is it possible to make this paintings the way roundels r made in some addons? If u want one, just put command in init field...
  8. Grizzlie

    Programs that list all files in a directory

    U always can go to console and use old good dos "dir > list.txt"
  9. Grizzlie

    Submarine hits mountain!

    If u have red "Hunting for Red October" u should remember that submarine commanders does not like to use active sonars. On this deepth GPS is unusable, so u cans have only inertial navigation aids, which r not as good as GPS. No maps, no windows... I think it is one of two: navigation error (possible but ...) or noone knew about this mountain till they found it ;)
  10. Grizzlie

    AH-64 Pack Release

    Few months ago there were discussion in A&M:D about Apaches. AH-64 D Apache U may find there some additional info, about lodouts too
  11. Grizzlie

    AH-64 Pack Release

    I can say only HURRRRRRRRAY So long awaited new Apache with other lodouts!! Loading now
  12. Grizzlie

    Multiple bomb drops

    Hmm... And what about using evenhandlers? For instance plane is dropping bomb, and u r creating some more ones? It should be "AI friendly". It can be a little unrealistic (count bombs dropped by one plane), but u can remove some before flight (i hope so). I'm not scripter, so it is only "wishfull thinking" that it can work...
  13. Grizzlie

    Multiple bomb drops

    Maybe u can combine camcreate with setvelocity? It will be some recalculating to get proper data from "getdir" and "speed" of dropping plane but u will have initial data for setvelocity of bomb.
  14. Grizzlie

    Bushranger BETA release

    Is it possible to leave doors open when engine is off, and close them when engine starts? Maybe a bit unrealistic, but i think it would be good for those who likes opening doors, and won't disturb ones who doesn't care?
  15. Grizzlie

    Networking/Filesharing/LAN Problems.

    U can call me masohist, but having XP pro i would prefer to configure build-in FTP server on it, or any other free one, and i bet i would take shorter time than setting filesharing. I had a bit more complicated situation (MAC <-> PC), but in 15 minutes problem was solved.
  16. Grizzlie

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Merry Christmas to everyone
  17. Grizzlie

    War Quotes/Sayings

    "Who fights with sword, dies because of sword" "On war and in love all tricks r allowed" (french one )
  18. Grizzlie

    Unpleasant implications for the gaming industry

    I'm wandering when someone will patent human genome and will be getting fees from newborns... Sometimes i really think that AK is boy's best friend
  19. Grizzlie

    European Politics Thread.

    I can only say: "point of sitting changes point of view".
  20. Grizzlie

    European Politics Thread.

    Hands out of Radio Free Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With BBC it was ONLY one source of information in communistic countries. If u haven't been living in communistic country u can't understand what does it mean. And if US woudn't interfere waiting for UN, half of Europe would be still part of russian empire. UN is not panaceum, it is outdated medicine for cold taking when u have cancer.
  21. Grizzlie

    Romance of 3 kingdoms

    A word about aircraft carriers. Having cheap workers and largest docks is not enough. U have forget about one little word - know-how. What happened to russians AC? UK has not build any AC for few decades, and watch what problems it has, and u want to tell that country without any experience can build it just like that? And about stealing technologies - i think more important is time than money. stolen technology u can use in year or two, compared to even decades to discover it.
  22. Grizzlie

    Romance of 3 kingdoms

    I think that most important thing is not about selling weapons, but selling military technologies. As we all know China is big exporter of weapons. As i can say EU countries or USA RATHER sell weapons to RATHER stable countries, that China was selling weapons to everybody who wanted to buy it. I really do not want unstable countries to get chinese weapons made by very modern technologies, becasue i'm afraid sooner or later (rather sooner) UN troops would face it.
  23. Grizzlie

    New US Army Heat-Ray in Iraq

    So i have proposition. Go back to cakes and foam cream!!! It is for sure non-lethal. There is no good or bad weapon. There r only bad or good ppl.
  24. Grizzlie

    [B.B.S.] Christmas pack

    Could be "snowballsheap" made as ammocrate?
  25. Grizzlie

    European Politics Thread.

    I would say that there is 3 groups of immigrants: 1. Neofits - "more christian than Pope" - 2. who wants to integrate, but don't want to forget their roots 3. who wants country they r living go their way-intergation "a rebus" - that other ppl has to intergate with them. With 2 first groups there is rather no problems, but what with 3rd? It is not big group, but i think majority of problems r with them. @Ex-RoNiN - it is very "politically incorrect" ;)