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Everything posted by Garcia

  1. Garcia

    The Iraq thread 4

    This one? (don't remember reading this so I'll just pick at it to show you what i see is wrong) By the order of the United States Congress in 1998 and by the approval of the US Congress in 2002 from This Resolution by that standard, every president from 1948 to now would be executed. after dropping warning leaflets three days before the first bomb dropped saying "people of these listed cities get out, unimaginable destruction will occur very soon." the US hasn't been pointing fingers since the war of 1812... from then on they pointed guns. and from 1945 on we've been pointing nukes. A BIG deterrent. EDIT: Ah... found this: He did have a plan, it just didn't work. Ahhh, so what your saying is that UK easily can kick some french ass if they feel like (or the other way around for any frenchmen). All they have to do is get approval from their own country and warn the citizens in the other country, and if the citizens in the other country doesn't take the warning serious (which they probably wouldn't in this case), then UK could nuke Paris, and you wouldn't mind? You got some neat things called international laws...if US congress says it ok, that still doesn't mean USA can go ahead bombing whoever they want. And if you warn people that a certain place is going to be bombed, be it by a nuke or just regular bombs, that neither means it's ok to go bomb whoever you want.
  2. Garcia

    The Iraq thread 4

    Christ, you keep accusing people criticizing USA of talking shit about the soldiers in Iraq... First of all, I'm sure most people here are aware that US troops probably are well trained, but that doesn't mean they are the best. Second of all, people don't question US troops actions, people question US leaders actions and decisions...
  3. Garcia

    The Iraq thread 4

    And a report by some americans Iran is 10 years away from having nukes...but better rush in now and ask questions later...a bit like Iraq
  4. Garcia

    OFP novel

    Don't see any problem in making him a General in resistance, as it's possible that the guy don't get promoted between Res and CWC...
  5. Garcia

    OFP novel

    You never see him die, but you see tanks aiming at him and then opening fire...
  6. Garcia

    The Iraq thread 4

    I won't hold my breath. Been report that he won't be executed until mid januar or something. Though I hope they just hang him now while they still can. Even though I didn't support the Iraqi war due to the dodgy way it was initiated, there's no doubt that the guy is a bad guy. If he decerves to die...I'm not a fan of death penalty, but that's mainly because you often can't be too sure about the guilt...but in this case...so do it now before he finds a way to kill himself like Slobodan did (dunno if I spelled the guys name right).
  7. Garcia

    Demo today....WOOT

    Errm, the minimum specs released on the biki earlier (before ArmA was released), are they still considered the minimum specs, or have it been turned up? Because I suppose the ArmA demo doesn't need a better computer than the whole game (?), and in that case the minimum specs are total bullshit. I've got a better computer than the minimum specs except for my GFX card, which is (AFAIK) the worst GFX card supposed to be able to run ArmA...but I wasn't even close to being able to run the demo. Turned everything down to lowest possible, but the game lagged like a bitch, even in the menu...only time it didn't lag was in briefing... Though I have to add that I didn't really expect being able to run the demo/game...but I just mean, either BIS must adjust the minimum specs or they will have to do some serious work on the game to make it run on the minimum specs Guess I'll just have to drop buying ArmA until I'm done with my mandatory military service in a year, when I'll hopefully get my own computer
  8. Garcia

    RIP Turkmenbashi

    Soon to be followed by Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden, Mr Kim, Putin, Blair and Bush? You're a left wing extremist? Bush and Blair isn't exactly nice...if Bush points and sends in his army, Blair follows...and Bush is a nutjob.
  9. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The people do not controll the goverment. The goverment controll the people. If the people don't like the goverment, they can do jack shit about it until the next election...unless the people decides to use violence... Soo...my religion book when I was about 10 years old was 270 pages christianity, and like 30 pages divided on all other religons and stuff, because of extremists? Now that was some nice bullshit. How nice. So when a nation embraces a religion and acts like this religon being the right one and treats this religion better than other, is that full religious freedom? You only got full religious freedom when a nation doesn't embrace any religious view and treats every religious view equally, may it be Islam, Buddism, Christianity, atheism or any other...
  10. Garcia

    The Middle East part 2

    Well... It's also about economic interests in the US.. If you remove everything like economic etc, I doubt too many goverments here in western europe would have the guts to do much about things with USAs policy that they dislike. Most likely to do it would be Germany and France, possibly Sweden. Of course, my view may be a bit worse than it is, because our last goverment was such a suckup to Mr. Bush...
  11. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Doubt people lose sleep over removing the word god from the pledge. And I doubt people consider is such a big deal, but it's the principle. An atheist probably wants to be able to say the pledge without having to drag some shitty religion into it. Just imagine the outcry in USA if you replaced "god" with "allah". I'd almost bet on that it would result in violent demonstrations. And that's the problem. In my opinion, all religions should be treated equally, but they're not.
  12. Garcia

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Well if you write "set unitpos" and not "setunitpos" it's no wonder it doesn't work. Sure, I mean of course SetUnitPos But all it doesnt work. Like in ofp, if you write it in the init and the AI "hear" shots then it stand and dont go prone. In arma they are gone prone even if this in init. Its obstructive to make combat intros/ourtos/cutscenes if you cant set/tell (temporary) the AI that they have to stand and dont go prone Well then it's hopefully just a little slip from BIS, I'm sure it'll be worked out in a patch. And if I don't remember too wrong, I think they actually added to the command so you can force units to stay crouched, which have been something the OFP community have wanted almost since OFP was relased
  13. Garcia

    Helicopters in AA

    Lets say you got a limited knowledge of tanks, and I say that tanks in ArmA is shitty because they can't fly, and then I go talking about how tanks can fly in real life. And then you got the other, more sane people, who say tanks in ArmA at least isn't shitty because they can't fly, because it's impossible for tanks to fly in real life too. So imagine that you knowledge of tanks was low enough for you to wonder what is true. Wouldn't you like a actual tank driver to tell you how it really is to drive a tank? (this was just an extreme example to show why I want to hear a chopper pilots opinion on the ArmA flight model)
  14. Garcia

    Helicopters in AA

    It's not that people really want it to be as close to flying a chopper as possible. It's that people say "This and this and that is wrong, because this and this is how it is in real life". People constantly try backing up their opinion on wether the flightmodel sucks or rule with their helicopter "knowledge". Only problem is, if everyone were to be right, a helicopter would be a more amazing machine than it is. The damn thing would almost be able to bake you all your x-mas cakes while travelling back in time doing a hot extraction in vietnam at the same time That's why it would be nice to have a real chopper pilot to tell how it really is, so the ones backing up opinions with helicopter fantasies could be shut up, and so people would know what's a fact and what's utter BS about choppers.
  15. Garcia

    Helicopters in AA

    No, the "ground effect" is a air-cushion that make the downwash bounce back up into the rotors giving the aircraft some "free" lift. This only happens at very slow speed. Up to around 5kts I believe. Its good that the old alt-hold is gone. It always gave me a false sense of security. Flying over a canyon meant the helo would fly down into it and up on the other side. Now you can fly in a straight line. This "weird" way of flying is pretty close to how a real helicopter works. Helicopters in OFP were cars with a spinning thing ontop. Check your key-settings. Rudder (pedals) is always that at all speeds, they just loose effectiveness around 60-70 km/h which is the same thing as in real life. When a helicopter fly faster than 70km/h the cyclic makes the aircraft handle in the same way as a stick in a fixed wing aircraft. All I can say is: get used to it (no attitude intended) Â Problem is, everybody is a helicopter pilot and a helicopter expert. Everybody knows how to fly a helicopter, everybody knows how it should feel to fly every helicopter in existance, and everybody knows how to design a helicopter. Just the same as everybody with a sick kid whines at the doctor because they are, of course, doctors themself That's why we should have had Mike Beil or some other chopper pilot here to tell us how it really is. Though it would probably not work anyway
  16. Garcia

    Helicopters in AA

    Would be nice to hear old Mike Beils opinion on how choppers are in ArmA. Now where is that bugger when we need him?
  17. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The way I see his statement is, he considers the US currency to be US goverment property, that the US goverment should be the one deciding how their coins and such should look like. Therefor a private bank should not be allowed to put whatever they like on the money. I never said I consider it US goverment property. Honestly, I don't give a shit either... To do what the fuck they want to have done. A gun can be a way to controll people, but I don't know what the fuck everyone with a gun want to controll other people to do...and I never said religion can be used to controll every religious person. But that still doesn't change the fact that religion can be used to controll people...and just to make sure you got it, that doesn't mean all people, that means some people... There is this neat thing called power. This power is something people get when in high positions, such as US president. This power can be used to do neat things like...controll people. The higher the position, the more power, the more controll over people. And if I go out and shoots someone, the police arrests me. Then the police controll me. The police does this because of laws. Laws are again controlled by the goverments and such...a goverment can controll the citizens of a nation if they feel like. There's many ways to do it, some more effective than others. And no way how you put it, you are to some extent controlled by the goverment. Ah yes...how stupid a sentence. Laws controll people. I don't make my own laws to follow. I have to follow laws made by others. How fucking stupid I am. I guess I'll just go out and blow the brains out of someone, because I don't want to be controlled by the laws made by others... How sweet. And that proves? That not everybody votes the same as their parents? Did I ever say so? Errr...no? I am saying "Do you think it's a coincidence that most people have the same religious beliefs as their parents?" And the point is that a persons choice of religion isn't as free as one would think. The choice is often "made" by peoples parents. If ones parents are christians, the child often ends up a christian too, especially if the parents wants the child to end up a christian. Oh, I guess that explains why such people had lots of support outside their country
  18. Garcia

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Well if you write "set unitpos" and not "setunitpos" it's no wonder it doesn't work.
  19. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    But that still doesn't, in any way, mean that he means it's unconstitutional... Not really...if currency is to be considered US goverment property, then a private bank shouldn't be allowed to put any religious signs or anything on money without approval from the US goverment. It would be like making counterfeit money... And that is exactly the problem... Aaaaaaaand..."the whole thing" is a mean to controll people. What do "even though people are controlled by other people" prove anyway? Some people have to be on the top, and religion can be used by these "top-people" to controll other people... Oh come on. Do you think it's just a coincidence that people usually vote the same as their parents? Do you think it's a coincidence that most people have the same religious beliefs as their parents? A persons choice of religion is very much decided by his/her parents and their beliefs. A child with atheist parents is much more likely to end up as an atheist than a child with christian parents. When a child grows up in a religious home, he grows up with the fear of being sent to hell by an angry god. A childs mind is easy to mould, and the threats about hell is enough to make the child follow christianity (or any other religion with similar threats). Yes, the choice of religion is in theory totally free, but in reality your parents often have a big part in deciding it. And if they choose so, a child may grow up being a "good" christian, and thereby being afraid of gods wrath, and therefor easy to controll for the church. And how did that goverment get to power? Why did that goverment have support in most countries? Why did that goverment still have support after doing such bad things? Do you actually think that americans are somehow immune to supporting such people?
  20. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Rub it into their face? Honestly, I don't think russians gave a shit about USA having a religion.
  21. Garcia

    The Middle East part 2

    We already love the allies we got including your nation..... A feeling that's not too mutual currently. Deep down you get that fuzzy feel for America. So, you can't hate us. People don't hate americans. People hate the american goverment, and people dislikes (very much) americans that support the american politics blindly... and allies isn't about wether or not you like the people in the country, it's about wether or not you like the goverments policies...and very few like the US goverments policy...just a shame that most european goverments don't got the balls to say anything else that "I don't like that so much...but I'm not really gonna do anything about it"
  22. Garcia

    Codemasters still working on OFP2

    Yes and the neat (and one of the most played modes in MP) CTI uses a shitsmall area...how big is the area usually? Yeah, that's right, about the whole island
  23. Garcia

    War against terror

    <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>1 month ago:</span> You terrorist! Expect to have a CIA agent on your door soon...better take you out now, and then look into if you really are a bad guy later...somewhat like Iraq
  24. Garcia

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Jimmy Carter apparently says the Israeli ("apartheid"-)policy is worse than the apartheid in South Africa in his new book, and he wants to create a debate on the subject of the USAs Israeli politics, which he means is very much controlled by Israeli oragnizations and such... Not suprisingly, Israelis have, as they always do when someone critize them, brought out the anti-semitism card. Abraham H. Foxman means it's pretty close to anti-semitism. Way to go Carter Something surely have to be done with the US policy conserning Israel & Palestine.