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About Funko

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Quick question, Me and friend were having a debate. Are the chedaki (enemys) mindless zombies? or just regular soldiers?
  2. I have been playing a coop called Cipher http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6768 I have never encountered such great scripting. Different mission location every time and units who are always in different areas. Requires you to really use your ammo wisely, especialy the AT and AA weapons. I wanted to post this because i dont see alot of servers with this mission on it. Was hoping people could see the greatness in real coops and give evo a rest. Check this one out!
  3. Funko

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    Now that 1.03 is out and I am reading that there are NEW problems i figure we can post suggestions here: 1. Speed up texture loading. takes like 20 seconds now for buildings and trees to load.
  4. i uninstalled old drivers before the new ones....come on now lol. Thanks for the help tho guys, i guess im just waiting for a new patch or new drivers.
  5. i see so i guess im going back to my 9600 for now... lame
  6. So I used to have a nvidia 9600 gt, i decided to upgrade to a gtx 260. With the 9600 i got anywhere between 25-35 fps. With the gtx 260 i get 15-30 fps? Why did i buy a better card and loose performance. This frustrates me. I have good processor, good mobo and plenty of ram.
  7. Any body see a real paintball map out yet? I remember the Tournements in OFP and I was hoping these would come back...I may just have to port them over :D
  8. Funko

    Please end evo and dom

    BIS could have done what they did with OFP and released 10-15 missions at the game launch instead of being lazy and just throwing random ai into cities and have you go clear them
  9. Im posting this thread to encourage people to stop playing evo and Dom. Evo and dom are a cancer to the arma community. Remember the number of ppl who played ofp. I can remember a community almost 3x as big. There was no evo or dom in ofp. GOOD coops (black op halo, POW, BAS missions) CTF- DEADZONE, Dropzone. (ok i was in AWOL so im biased) DM- SUNSET TEQUILA!!! CTI - Battlefield 1985 and river battle!! C&H - starting to see these on arma....hope the numbers grow!
  10. Funko

    What are the best servers?

    I bet you that there are only 2 dedicated coop servers. I just counted
  11. Funko

    Having a ton of fun with Evolution!

    Evo and Dom are really poor game modes. All you do: Walk into a city- Kill numerous AI that are just randomly placed and poorly scripted. Die and the respawn- Go back to the base and repeat. Very lame. Honestly to those who like evolution please try a real coop. One where there is no respawn and a good objective. Much more teamwork involved. I wish EVO and DOM were not put into arma 2. They were not in ofp and that is why ofp was so great!
  12. Funko

    What are the best servers?

    No, hes advertising the only REAL coop server in arma 2. If you want a real game of coop and not just that evo and dom garbage then you have to try his server. A+
  13. You know where you go to edit profile and choose face and voice thing. When i click on the different glasses they just show up white. I also have a friend who has this problem... We both have steam version. Sorry if this is an already known bug.