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Everything posted by Feint

  1. Good idea: AttachTo ticket is here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7228 Thanks man. I appreciate your kind words especially coming from you, one of the best modders the Arma series has seen. Gracias, sir. :) Thanks! Thanks to you and everyone for your support!
  2. Feint

    RQ-11 Raven A

    I think I found it. Yeah, it's a wiki changelog. There was a link to it on every page. Duh. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Special:RecentChanges Yeah, it's bugged. Thanks for trying to help. I'll have to figure out a workaround. Thanks for confirming that other people are having problems.
  3. Comment of the month. Hilarious. (opens blinds and shrinks back from the sunlight) @Mick, I think a lot of people know where you're coming from. We all care about the Arma games and we all think of this community as something special. What other game has tons of people creating tons of content for free? Maybe lots of other games, but I don't play any of them. We all want to keep the game realistic, but the only way to get some realism into the game is to explore what the game can do. And sometimes, to heck with realism. I had a ton of fun with this mod where you can have fun with the new physics. No, it's not realistic. Or is it? But keep in mind, you can cater the game to how you want to play it. Das Attorney is a great modder and coder and we need to encourage him so he can help solve the next generation of limitations and give us all new cool stuff to play with.
  4. Feint

    MH-9 Door Control

    I assume you already tried _targetChoppa lockCargo [1, true]; to try and lock that front right passenger seat, right? And you already tried lockTurret, right? Hmm. I wonder if there's a way to just remove the action so that it's not possible to even try to get in. If it's possible to find the action ID for that gunner seat, then you could just remove it. But I don't know how to do that. Good question. I don't know off the top of my head. If you want it to happen automatically (like when you hit the GetOut key), I'd explore using an eventhandler with that specific aircraft to run a script that opens the door when you get out. It would look something like this: [color=#000000][font=sans-serif]_helicoptername [/font][/color][b]addEventHandler [getOut, "pathToGetOutDoorFile.sqf"]; [/b] And then pathToGetOutDoorFile.sqf: // insert your private line here // GET THE STUFF PASSED TO THIS SCRIPT FROM THE EVENT HANDLER _vehicle = _this select 0; _position = _this select 1; _unit = _this select 2; // FIND THE DOOR THAT SHOULD OPEN [color=#000000][font=sans-serif]"driver", "gunner", "commander" or "cargo"[/font][/color] if (_position == "driver") then { _vehicle animateDoor [(WHATEVER THE DRIVERS DOOR IS),1]; }; if (_position == "gunner") then { _vehicle animateDoor [(WHATEVER THE GUNNER DOOR IS),1]; }; // ETC. Unfortunately, I would guess that the timing might be off with the door opening too slowly for the unit exiting the vehicle. So I would add this to the script and see if it works: // CHECK IF THE DOOR IS NOT OPEN YET while {!(animationState nameOfDoor == 1)} do { _unit switchMove "nameOfHelicopterDriverOrCargoAnimation"; sleep 0.1; }; Of course, all of this might just be a fools errand if BI implements a special getOut move for helicopters with doors. I'm not sure how it works in TOH, but it would be worthwhile to use Eliteness (see below) to explore how those people get in and out of helicopters. Maybe the getOut action in TOH has a check to see if the helicopter has doors and if so to animate those doors and to wait until that animation is finished. I used an amazing program called Eliteness to unpbo the pbos and then to look at the animation names. You can grab Eliteness and depbo (which it needs to function) here: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files I also found this in the TOH forums which describes all of the animations available for their helicopters: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127119-Doors-Off Side note: Has anyone tried animateDoor instead of animate for the doors? I haven't tried it yet and am wondering what the difference is. Maybe the door knob rotates before and after the door moves if you use animateDoor.
  5. If I changed the position of the target 0.1 meters at a time, it would be super smooth, but too slow I would think. Changing the target position 1 meter at a time is almost too slow for me honestly, but I can't be too picky about these things or I'll never finish any of my work. I'll take a look at Blakes Workshop though because I love the work he's done for TOH. Thanks.
  6. Thanks. Once I figure out setVectorDirandUp, I think I can give people the option to set the up and down angle of the underwater mine. It works awesome right now, but it breaks a lot. So I have to figure out why. That's a good idea as things are changing with the Alpha that are messing with my other mods. I'll have a look. Thanks.
  7. Exactly :) You can "Like" my facebook page and see what I'm working on. Right now, I'm concentrating on the RQ-11B Raven addon which is almost finished. After that, I need to figure out why the heck I can't get this one thing to work with the underwater mines. I wish I knew trig better. I'm sure there's a simple solution if I was just better at trig.
  8. I think it's possible but I have to figure out what color/alpha levels the IR lasers are. If anyone knows, that would save me a lot of searching around. I had originally planned to tie in the visibility of the laser with the new command "humidity" so that if it's 100% visible, the laser would be 100% visible and if it was 10% humidity, the laser would be 1 percent visible. What do you guys think of that? One note is that the end point of the laser is a target-able laser (the same one that you get with West laser designators) that you can shoot laser-enabled weapons at. You can see the end point of the laser visible in the video as a red flashing dot. I can't control the color of that as far as I know and so that is a visible laser dot. It's also red, so I was thinking of making the laser line red, but I love the way it looks when green. So I'm kind of torn between looks vs. reality. The camera is moving independent of the UAV, yes. Right now, it's basically looking at a point on the ground. And to move the camera, I'm moving the point one meter in whatever direction you choose. Smooth? When zoomed in, it's jumpy. But when zoomed out, it looks smoother as an illusion of distance because a 1 meter change looks small when you are 100 meters away from whatever is moving. When the end point is locked to a target, it's super smooth because it's actually attached to that target using attachTo. Does that make sense? I could theoretically make it smoother by moving the end point with setVelocity instead of setPosASL and setPosATL, but...I never thought of doing that until I just wrote it just now. There would be lots of problems doing it that way though because the keystrokes would add up if someone holds down the key and yadda yadda yadda I'm using setPos. :) I didn't show it in the video, but the Raven folds up into a backpack. Unfortunately, something changed with attachTo so that I can't get the animation to work correctly for assembly and breakdown. I'm working on that trying to think of a workaround or some way I can use setVectorDir commands to get what I need instead of setDir. But I also have to figure out why some objects are going in their correct space and some are not. I'm guessing it's a visual bug but who knows? Baraka deserves all credit for the models including the Ground Control Station and the Raven A and Raven B models and all the parts. He did a great job and I hope to show off his work soon when I release this.
  9. Sokoban in 3d would be doable. :) Regarding your disable request, do you mean adding something to the init line of an object to keep it fixed in place? That is possible yes.
  10. That's annoying. I'll update in a little while. Thanks for telling me. EDIT: First link fixed. I've contacted Armaholic to fix the link. DOWNLOAD HERE:
  11. Feint

    RQ-11 Raven A

    Thanks Germanfragger but I am pretty much an experienced expert at using attachTo at this point. It's broken at the moment in A3. Ticket submitted here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7228
  12. Feint

    RQ-11 Raven A

    I was hoping to release this yesterday, but I found that BI changed the way attachTo works and they also changed some basic classnames that I was using as a dependent for all of the Raven parts. It seems like they've also changed the way gravity works or something because objects don't bounce the way they used to. When I drop the Raven, it no longer bounces at all. It just drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. So I have to redo some basic things. But first, I have to figure out what they changed because the BIKI wasn't updated with the changes as far as I can tell. Is there any place on the BIKI that lists the most recent changes? I feel like I saw that once before. UPDATE: I added the ability to change units of measure when in the camera so users can switch from Metric to Imperial. I also figured out the classnames for the laser designator end points and how to attach them to things. So I've added the ability to laser designate things. If there's a way to add a laser pointer that can be turned like a turret and turned on and off without the aid of a unit, please let me know. Or, if there's a way to just draw a line in 3d in the game world, I swear I saw a function or a script or a module for that, but I can't find it. If anyone knows, I'd like to explore that as well and see if it's useful. I've also added the ability to lock onto people and vehicles so it makes tracking targets much easier. I'll make an update video once I sort through the attachTo and inheritance madness.
  13. Feint

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    LOL, I think you might be speaking from experience.
  14. Feint

    MH-9 Door Control

    I think there's a lot that can be done with getText but I'm not a big expert on that. Part of the problem is that there are no standardized names for doors like "Door0","door1", etc. All of the door names are proprietary to that particular class of vehicle. Maybe someone smarter than I could write a script to use getText to find anything that can be animated in a model, but to have that happen automatically depending on the vehicle is beyond my skills. I'm not sure that's even possible, but I won't go so far as to say it's impossible as this engine is pretty flexible.
  15. Feint

    Unable to bind Ctrl+ any mouse button

    I found the same problem the other day when I was reprogramming my mouse. I tried to bind two of the previously unused buttons on my mouse to Shift + Ctrl + whatever and the game won't do it. It creates two separate entries. Not sure if this is a permanently blocked key combo or not. I haven't tried to see if you can hit Ctrl + Shift + whatever in Arma2 yet but that would be a good place to start to see if this is just an Arma thing.
  16. I really think the stamina toll that jumping takes really really adds to the "realism" of this addon. In fact, I would be willing to bet that all of the people who are critical of this addon haven't played it and don't realize that you can't jump forever with it. I would almost add more of a toll on the stamina for when you aren't carrying anything. You can see in the video I made that at the end, I am able to do about 5 jumps plus full sprinting without too much effect on my stamina. I figured that's because I'm not carrying anything other than clothes and a first aid kit. Glad you liked the video. :)
  17. Feint

    MH-9 Door Control

    ST6Predator wrote .pho, not pbo. But now I'm realizing that it was a typo on his/her part. So yeah. By the way, I know what pbos are as I've authored many addons for many years (see sig). LOL Either way, thanks for posting that link. I think that will also help people come to grips with this stuff. :)
  18. Had some fun with your addon tonight, Das Attorney:
  19. Feint

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    OFF TOPIC: I wonder if you would be willing to do a video tutorial on how you make your amazing objects for the game. From start to finish, I think a video like that would really help a lot of people (including me). :) Thanks for making all of these great objects. I'm inspired to get back into 3d modeling (I haven't done it since the days of Quake).
  20. Feint

    MH-9 Door Control

    I am not familiar with how .pho files function, but what your asking is a little strange to me and might be beyond the scope of this thread. This thread is mainly meant to show what can be done within the editor along with a few scripts. I've not created a new addon, i.e. a new standalone vehicle with opening doors. The scripts available in the download will show how to use content that is already available in the games files, and with a little creative wrangling, you can add new functionality to the game that wasn't there before. Does that make sense? Of course, I could have made a new config with this functionality built in and released it as an addon so people could just place the new helicopter with opening and closing doors already built in, but then it wouldn't be as easy for people to learn. I think .pho files are something new to me and maybe new to Arma editing in general. If you know how to do it, by all means I would post your findings in a new thread. Sounds interesting.
  21. Feint

    MH-9 Door Control

    No problem. Happy to help people just starting out. If you have any questions about what I've done, please feel free to ask in this thread or PM me.
  22. Nice job on giving people and inside look into your process and in getting mentioned in the SITREP. Looking forward to downloading and trying the weapon!
  23. Feint

    RQ-11 Raven A

    Cool. Thanks a lot! That helps me with a few different things. Bookmarking. Regarding the laser pointer, I thought you were referring to the laser targets that exist in Arma2. The laser pointers can only be projected from a weapon that is being held by a unit. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to just spawn the laser pointer and have it actually be on and working.
  24. It's called NY Infiltration Part 1. If you have Splinter Cell Double Agent, you can find the songs inside the game files. They aren't encrypted. I believe they are in a folder called "SCDA Infiltration Themes". There are a bunch of songs in the game files including Cinematics, Fight Themes, Full Themes, Menu Themes, Timed Cues, and more. Most aren't longer than a few seconds. But some are full length songs. One of my favorite unreleased soundtracks. ---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ---------- Thanks man. :) You rock!
  25. Feint

    RQ-11 Raven A

    BEFORE? Baby, I'm already in the Alphaverse of A3. ;) But to answer your question, yeah, I'll modify the final version and port it over to A2. LiveFeed on the actual GCS? No. But it has been on my mind for quite some time. I'm thinking about it. I think I know how to do it. But PIP kills my fps, so it would be something I'd want people to be able to turn off. Also, there's really no good way to hold the GCS in your hand unless you are locked into an animation or it's sticking out the side of your rifle or pistol which would look weird. Soooooooooooo.... I don't know. I can't decide. It would certainly look cool though. Laser marker? As far as I can tell, they haven't been implemented into Arma3 yet, have they. Does anyone know the classnames of the lasers if they have been implemented? I can easily implement it if I can get a classname. LOL, did I just say "easily"? Vulnerable to ground fire? I can't. It's some kind of engine limitation. Bohemia Interactive just doesn't want you shooting its birds. Until they make the birds able to be killed, I'm not sure I know how to do it. I think maybe I have to change the cfgMoves for the Raven and add a "Death" category or something. I'm a little scared to delve into all of that as inheritance and classnames and other config crap is so annoying to me.