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Everything posted by Nordin

  1. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    You can change that file by your self, open the SAM support folder and then open sam_support_init.sqf. That is the file where you change names, firesupport missions, type of missions and so on....quite easy to understand whats what and what to change.
  2. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    @Ville You will have to setup the sam_support_init file to make the dialog show and the batteries to work. @ UGLY58, if the only thing that show is cfgsound.hpp check that he hasnt moved the file to another place or renamed it in the the 0.7 version. @ Shadow, a low FPS server will make the script to strange things and my script eats some FPS aswell.
  3. Hi! Would need some help with my UAV config file. Currently my problems are: UAV speed drops to fast when climbing Drunken pilot syndrome (going up and down instead of leveling) When speed reaches 90 kph = infinity climb (diving gives speed, speed forces climb and so on)
  4. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Works fine in MP. Small update will come this weekend with new readme and some small fixes.
  5. Nordin

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great to see that the best soundmod for the game is still going strong! Dont forget to give BAF a litte love to. Jackal M2 sounding like a M2 and not like a m240 and the same problem with the AH11 cannon.
  6. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    A .zip of the mission folder.
  7. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Send me your mission so that I can take a look and see whats wrong.
  8. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    You will need to use LDL to make the UAV work.
  9. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7655592/mina%20relaser/sam_support_init.sqf Updated for Capri. Torabora and Lingor works perfect with SAM support. Make sure that the battery is in range and so on. Looks like some of the new maps uses OA standard and SAM support works with all maps with OA grid system.
  10. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Will take a look at the maps and update my sqf this weekend....
  11. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Some (most) maps have a inverted North/South axis. If the axis is ok (looks like the OA maps) then SAM Support should work ok. To fix a map to work with my script, calculate the hight of the map and find the map name (as shown in config) in sam_mapfix variable in sam_support_init.sqf. Example: {case "ibr_isladuala": {10240};
  12. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Sorry for a late response: This will fix Chernu and Utes: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7655592/mina%20relaser/sam_support_init.sqf // "sam_artymission_delay = 10;" I presume means the delay to respond to calls. Yes thats correct +- a random time.
  13. Hi! I have problems with part of my soldiers head showing up in 1st person view when using for instance the MK48. Does anyone know what is causing the problem and what I could do to prevent it from happening.
  14. Solved it by removing all proxys and mempoints and re add them again from Binowskis US sample soldier..... Thanks for your advice Bink!
  15. Thats already done, but the head is still there. No headproxy and no headmodel left...
  16. I am trying to animate 2 GMGs on a Black hawk and I am having alot of trouble..... 1. My magazine follows the gun around in lod 1-X but not in my viewlods 2. No animation when fireing and reloading. What sources can I use?
  17. Yeah and updating that EXE every time ACE updates would be better? If you dont like it use stable versions. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12155 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12158 or just use this method instead: 1. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Installation 2. Advanced 3. Read GUI less method Have to say that I really love the new medical system! Good work!
  18. Nordin

    Strange shadow error

    The problem where solved by unpboing with another tool.... Thanks for the help!
  19. Having trouble with the shadows on a project I am working on. Pic Why does this happen and what can I do to prevent it?
  20. Nordin

    Strange shadow error

    Everything looks ok in oxygen and it works ok at short distances in game but when you move away from the solider then the spikes appear....
  21. Nordin

    RUM Assets

    Artillery (if you are using BI arty module) must be inited on the server. Take a look at my script SAM_support, my solution is a script stared on the server waiting for a setVariable / getVariable triggered by a client calling for support. SHOT, ROUNDS COMPLETE and so on are global so there should be no worries when you sort the server side out. My solution for chat messages can be found there aswell.....
  22. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Distance and direction could be used for either to call for artillery, distance and direction to target or to give CAS a approach point, distance and direction from target to the approach point. Distance in meter and compass direction. This data will be converted to a grid on your map and is much more handier to use in quick situations....or when swaging.
  23. Nordin

    SAM / Nordin addons

    You can change the settings i sam_support_init.sqf in the SAM_support folder. Firefly can drop bombs and LGB....you will have to change the load out manually or try with another aircraft type. Z = The hight difference between the caller in the target in meter. (this only makes a difference when you use distance and direction to call for artillery.)