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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. Yep, it sure is a great game. As with many here, I've been playing since the first release of OFP in 2001. I tried other shooters along the way but they always got repetitive and boring quite quickly so I never stopped going back to OFP & ARMA. (I did like 'Joint Operations') Its not surprising that after the success of OFP BIS created a sister company (BIA) to work on VBS and now VBS2: http://virtualbattlespace.vbs2.com/ ARMA keeps going from strength to strength. (I'm looking forward to 'Carrier Command' too)
  2. EDcase

    space bar poll

    I agree the action of Spacebar should only be available in EASY mode. (I also think 3rd person view is cheating as its used to look over walls etc. but at least we can turn that off) But to be clear I use spacebar for optics so I don't want the button itself disabled.
  3. EDcase

    controls hanging or sticking

    I've never had this happen. If it mainly happens in MP it may be something to do with internet connection or packet sending. Check your key repeat rate isn't too high perhaps.
  4. Thats strange I don't think I've ever seen my own icon with NoFire when I'm in command of a squad... Maybe try 0 - 1 (Ready)?
  5. Welcom Seniecka Check Nvidia settings and make sure V-Sync is OFF. Make sure all settings in Nvidia control panel are set for best performance. No filtering and all optimizations ON. 1.05 will help a bit I think. You will have to put graphics settings quite low but it should be better than 7-10 fps. Lots of AI will be a big slow down as they use more CPU power. Don't test in the Campaign missions as those are bad for everyone. I use the "Village Sweep" mission to compare my settings.
  6. EDcase

    New PC but now can't alt tab

    Thats a strange one. Sorry can't give any suggestions.
  7. EDcase

    Disc Trouble

    Sorry but just because other disks work does not mean your drive is compatible with this one. It is most likely that you must update the firmware or need to use a different drive I'm afraid.
  8. Stoo, the shop where you bought it MUST give replacement by law. Even if you bought online you have 14 days to replace with no questions and no extra charge except postage.
  9. EDcase

    My FPS troubles.

    SASMonk, what res are you playing on? Try slightly lower res. AntiAliasing is also a big FPS killer. Try LOW or even disabled. Check Nvidia settings to make sure V-Sync is OFF
  10. EDcase

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Thanks for a great mission thomsonb!!! Some thoughts... Random weapon caches, or placed at destination which does not end the mission. More objectives like SecOp. (Is it possible to add the SOM module?) Another vote for co-op. Even if secondary players don't have the same abilities at the main player. Keep up the great work ED
  11. EDcase

    Track IR + Eyefinity. Has it been done?

    I can't wait for this kind of thing to be compatible and higher res. http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/products_vr920.html FULL immersion... :D Still a few years away... :mad:
  12. Hi Oktane, Any chance of something that will only disable the blur after running? Also when post is set to HIGH disabling the blur in the distance. Cheers, ED
  13. EDcase

    ppEffects viewer

    Very interesting thanks. Just a thought looking at the Chromatic Aberration effect. Is it possible do a red and cyan horizontal offset? Then we could view in 3d with anaglyph glasses. :D It won't work very well with the circular effect.
  14. EDcase

    ARMA 2 will not install for me :( !

    Check the DVD surface for any scratches. Return to shop for another copy.
  15. Hi all, Anyone know how to turn off or reduce the image blur when Post Process is on HIGH? To be clear, I don't mean the motion blur but the overall blur of the image in the distance. Cheers, ED
  16. Looking much better McRuppert Keep it going mate
  17. EDcase

    Win7 and Hyper Threading (I7 cpu)

    With HT ON I found that ARMA2 runs better with -cpucount=2 I haven't compared when HT is OFF yet. (Need it for work)
  18. [This is more of a revelation than a problem so my need to be moved] This is for anyone with an i7 (and may apply to i5 as well...) Try -cpucount=2 on your shortcut (yes 2) I get at least 5fps improvement from that alone. This is with HT is ON so holpfully no more messing about in BIOS (I use HT for rendering) I have to test if it makes any difference to have HT off as I haven't tried that with -cpucount=2 yet. Post your results...
  19. EDcase

    ArmA2 efficiency - 2 PC setup?

    Makes alot of sense as the server is only really processing the AI and doesn't need to feed a graphics card it can have a lower spec CPU and still be an improvement from self-hosting. The other thing its doing of course is data packet sending and receiving which doesn't use much CPU power.
  20. EDcase

    i7 performance improvement

    Thats what I suspected. But... If I set affinity to cores 0-3 it runs REALLY badly (19fps instead of 36fps on my test view) I think ARMA2 runs best with a 2 core system ---------- Post added at 02:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 PM ---------- Yes, try 4 and see if you get lower fps like me
  21. EDcase

    i7 performance improvement

    Thanks Bulldogs. I did update a few days ago. Says I have version 11
  22. EDcase

    i7 performance improvement

    Thanks Tawah, its good to get feeback from different systems. On a side note: Anyone else get 3 or 4 fps better when switching to 3rd person view? (without moving the mouse) I spent a couple of hours just playing with settings: My monitor is 1920x1200 but my system struggles at that res with AA and post effects so I turn off AA to get decent fps. I found that using 1280x1024 with AA on HIGH looks better than 1920x1200 with no AA plus I get better fps. System: Win7 64 i7 920 @ 3.2 (will OC soon) 6Gb ram GTX 285 1Gb
  23. EDcase

    i7 performance improvement

    For me its 5fps better than both -cpucount=4 or no cpucount Weird how the game behaves differently for everyone.
  24. I think you can go straight from vanilla install to 1.05 I think you want -winxp instead of -noxp Also use -world=empty to load quicker
  25. Thats a strange one. You could try deleting the arma.cfg file and maybe make a new profile. If that doen't work then uninstall, clean registry and re-install then patch directly to 1.05