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Espectro (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Espectro (DayZ)

  1. Espectro (DayZ)

    Software Archaeology

    Darwins law will once again be in charge. Which is fine by me We know of the aquaduct because it worked. Who knows how many prototypes that didn't work, and is forgotten now. This is fine, why keep track on all our failures? The things that are to remember, will be remembered, no doubt about that. We can't have some kind of commitee to choose which algorithms we are to keep and which isn't valuable enough. And to be honest, to have some kind of software museum nowadays would be pointless. The languages which have been used will be remembered, both digital and in paper - no need to save the rest.
  2. Espectro (DayZ)

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    Nuclear power is very cheap, but as you said it yaself - it's too dangerous, as humans are bound to f*ck up. Also, what do we do with the waste? Radioactive waste is a very troublesome area, as the waste have to be deployed safely in thousinds of years. How did the world look like 3000 years ago? And now, with development so much faster, how do you believe the world will look like in 3000 years from now? You can't even understand how it will look like in 300 years! So how in the world can you guarentee that the world civilisations can store radioactive waste in 3000 years?! You can't. Plus nuclear waste facilitates will be targets in future wars, as the enemy doesn't have to bring their own chemical weapons as they are already stored in the invaded country. Nopes - the only real possibility is to use natural energy, such as water, the sun and wind. In denmark, 25% of all energy is created by wind, and by 2020 this number is expected to be 75%. Even though Denmark also have oil drillings in the Northsea, the wind-enery is a very costeffective way to gain energy - and no pollution after manufacture. It has also been good for Denmark as export. 40% of all wind-energy created on the globe is coming from a Danish windmill. Another way to create energy is using turbines driven by the tide. This is extremely powerfull, as you can calculate how much power it will create at which time. The problem with lasting natural energi, is to store it properly. We all know that windmills doesn't produce electricity when theres no wind. It is so much of a problem, that Denmark annually gives electricity to Norway, Sweden and Germany, as our country simply doesn't have the ressources to store that energy, and is forced to give it away (or simply flush it out - but that serves no purpose). Germany are having an experiement where instead of storing the energy from the windmills in batteries etc. They use all of the surpluss energy from the mills to pump water from a low destination to a high positioned lake. Whenever theres no wind, a dam is opened and turbines will start producing electricity. When the mills is up running again, the dam is closed and water is pumped right back up. The system is capable of producing energy 24/7. AnothAnother interesting way of using the wind energy, is by kites. An italien project are researching a kitedriven horisontally wheel, 2 kilometres in diameter. This 'powerplant' will be able to produce as much energy as your average nuclear powerplant and the energy will cost 1/30 of the average European price of electricity. That project is not a reality yet, but they do claim that they will be ready with the plant in 2 years. I do see some technical difficulties, but if the plant will only be 1/10th efficient as they have calculated - the electricity will still be 1/3 of the price right now. Check out an article about it here: http://www.sequoiaonline.com/blogs/pdf/metro_uk.pdf The company behind it is located here: http://www.sequoiaonline.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3 We cannot change how mother nature reacts completely, but we can alter or minimalize the effects that we ourself has created. We have to take care of our planet.
  3. Espectro (DayZ)

    Holand - i am in shock

    Hehe, thought so .
  4. Espectro (DayZ)

    i need your help!

    What a beauty! Can't help you though.
  5. Espectro (DayZ)

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    With the current models that are being made, there is something we can do to prevent this. Not forever, though, as the planet has it's natural kinda thing, but it can be slowed down to it's natural rate. Right now we are on the express train to global warming and then eventually another iceage. It's good to see countries like China is doing something about it. Europe have done it in many years - now Russia is picking up as well. Now we only lack one large country. Too bad the majority of it's citizents believe that Jesus will come down and save them before his father will destroy the planet - so theres no winning situation for them.
  6. Espectro (DayZ)


    Denmark and sweden is about to play tomorrow in Parken, Copenhagen. This is Sweden's youtube video making fun of Denmark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dcT1xOxu9c This is Denmark's reply: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMn-zPBsm8k
  7. Espectro (DayZ)

    Holand - i am in shock

    I think my parents would be dissapointed if I wasn't an organ donor. I think most people here in Denmark are. There are, of course, a few lunatics and a couple weird selfish religios people - but thank god (don't take that litterally), it's a minority. I think Xawery was actually spot on. There probably isn't a program at all, but one large media stunt. Just like the spoof commercial than Tanja would give 40.000 Blowjobs away . That was actually a small marcetingfirm using photoshop, and was never anything officially. But that's just a few examples how lousy the media is nowadays. They aren't very critical with what they publish.
  8. Espectro (DayZ)

    Holand - i am in shock

    What an ignorant, childish and stupid oppinion. That is the worst thing i've ever heard. Would you be too lazy to step on your brakes the next time a child runs out infront of your car?
  9. Espectro (DayZ)

    Holand - i am in shock

    What history books and where? It has nothing to do with free speech. If a country wants to learn their children that the holocaust have or have not been there, they print history books as they please, and censur out the rest. That is the opposit of free speech. Free speech is the ability to speak about your views on the world without getting punished. Free speech is NOT HOW you make your point - that is not the responsibility of free speech. For instance, you are not allowed to kill whalehunters, just to tell the world you think it's wrong to kill whales. Killing the hunter is a crime, and has not anything to do with free speech. You cannot deny free speech, even though this guy, David Irving, is denying holocaust, so be it. Do not argument by silencing him. Argument him by facts and the trueth. Especially on a such important topic as this. Again, I have a hard time believing you haven't misunderstood something about that guy. He havent written a history book since the 70'ies, and is only writing biographies now. WHEN he did write history books, he didn't deny holocaust. I believe he is writing his own biography right now, called 'Irvins war' or something. He have been denying holocaust in books, but they are not classified as historican books, and he is by most people not percieved as a historian. What you talk about, sounds like the typical hype that some journalists tend to get when there's nothing else to write about, and sees a frontpage article based on allmost nothing. //Edit - I'm give blood every 3 months, and have signed that they can take whatever they want, when i'm no more. I won't need it
  10. Espectro (DayZ)

    Holand - i am in shock

    Yep, heard it as well here in Denmark. I do think it's a horrible concept, and when I heard about it were allowed because of freedom of speech I was like... What? What does a gameshow where kidneys are ya price have to do about freedom of speech?! Anyway, can't be too arsed about it, it's the same TV-station from Holland that always makes these stunts. I simply think they smoke too much weed downthere . Oh, and I heard that their former leader of that particular TV-station died a couple years ago after waiting for some organ. Don't know if this was somekind a joke gotten out of hand at their annual christmas party or something. Vilas - where did you hear about countries printing the holocaust as fake in history books because of freedom of speech? I think you got it all wrong, mate. Again - I cannot see how you link this program to freedom of speech, please explain.
  11. Espectro (DayZ)

    What/how many languages can you speak?

    Danish, English, Norwegian, German, French and a bit italian (not much). //Edit, oh - I understand Swedish of course - but can't do that singing-talking thingy they do
  12. Espectro (DayZ)

    The Gerald Ford Presidential Topic

    lol, what a pointless thread. Imagine if all people here would start a thread about a person they had a crush on ? It would be anarchy!
  13. Espectro (DayZ)

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Me too
  14. Espectro (DayZ)

    Psychology of killing.

    I have been in the military, and if I was shipped out, I would do some pretty nasty things to keep myself alive, no doubt about that. I would also turn to torture if I believed I could save some of my friends using vital information. Killing or torture isn't right, but fighting in the dirt isn't nice either, and when it comes to combat, i'm pretty sure we all would react differently than sitting at home infront of the computer . I do, however, both things are a last resort, and if I could bring myself and friends out of a lifethreatinging position without aiming directly on another human, I would do so. So to answer ya question, I would probably just aim towards the general enemy position, whenever that opportunity is present.
  15. Espectro (DayZ)

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Speaking of which, does the NO SPOILERS-NIC NEPROZRAZOVAT-KEINE INHALTSANGABEN thread really need to be stickied anymore now that the game is released world wide? Same thing with the Patch 1.05 Mirrors & Torrents sticky. We are at 1.07 after all. Now you've got room for two new sticky threads... Abs 1.05 is the latest official patch for the european release.
  16. Espectro (DayZ)

    Everon 0.1

    Yea, have to agree with GranQ... Been multiple examples of how litle BI is into 'sharing information'. Quite surpricingly though, as most of the BI projects interviews somehow always ends up with one of the BI guys tell how much they are into flexible designing, open for modding etc. Ontopic - I'm quite certain that BI won't stop people from porting OFP islands into ArmA. They cant loose a dime on this . It looks fantastic, I just wish I was able to install patch 1.07, but sadly i'm not.
  17. Espectro (DayZ)


    I like to watch football (real football, not american football), because it's just magic! They peform magic with that ball with their feet! NAH! Who am I kidding? I'm there for the athmosphear and the beer. Couldn't really care less what I'm watching
  18. Espectro (DayZ)

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    It's been a year now, since I got my boxes... When are they getting removed?
  19. Espectro (DayZ)

    Car crash on Saturday night

    Espectro, sometimes driving pissed is unavoidable, either due to stress on the job (I sometimes have to go on errands for my company, and sometimes those errands have to be done yesterday) or trouble in a relationship or whatever... but it's still possible to remain safe, as long as you remain focused on driving... As for the drinking punishment, I agree, people shouldn't be allowed to drive whilst drunk... They should get their licenses revoked immediately, no matter how little they consumed... But alas, I live in a wine-producing country, so I'll probably never see that happen where I live... If you know you gotta run some errands, don't drink.
  20. Espectro (DayZ)

    Car crash on Saturday night

    Jesus... I have only tried driving pissed once, and i'll never do it again. Man that was stupid. Nothing happend though, but I would never have forgived myself if I had hit anyone. Drinking and driving is soooo stupid, and I believe those who do it gets punished too little.
  21. Espectro (DayZ)

    The Settlers II - The next generation

    Hey lads I bet many of you have played one or more of the Settlers games sometime in your life. Personally I have allways loved "The Settlers" and "Settlers II" more then 3-5. This is because they removed alot of the micromanagement and put military strength into focuse in the last three. However, a demo of Settlers II - The Next Generation, is now out! This game features everything you loved about the old settlers games, in a new graphical engine. Sadly, my god damn stupid laptop here forbids me to play it, but I heard it should be really good. If you want, you can see a trailer prior download here: ftp://ftp.ubi.com/de/siedler2/s2_trailer_1.zip Download the demo here: http://www.gamershell.com/download_14523.shtml It is in german, but you can change the language of the demo to english by: Go to data/language, rename folder 'gb' to 'de' and 'de' to 'gb', Now you can play in english Cheers Tell me what you think!
  22. Espectro (DayZ)

    The Settlers II - The next generation

    yea, I know mate.. I have the full game
  23. Espectro (DayZ)

    The Settlers II - The next generation

    If anyone is up for some MP action. Join my Hamachi channel. It is settlers 2 version 1.00: Channel name: TheSettlersII Pass: settlers URL for hamachi: https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/list.asp
  24. Espectro (DayZ)

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Aalborg, Denmark
  25. Espectro (DayZ)

    Startcraft II - now official

    Hey guys. Now, it's official. Starcraft 2 is in the works. Check out the official website: http://www.starcraft2.com Go Blizzard!