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Everything posted by De_little_Bubi

  1. from all i heared the game should start. you're passing the minimum req so you should run it at least on minimum settings. Don't know if you could go on medium-high but you can give it a try :)
  2. you said something like AMD Athlon 3500+ 2.21ghz single core, 1gb of DDR2 Ram, and a Asrock 939 socket mobo. After that you said a lot of $$ and then how good other games works. Sorry i have no clue whats in your pc O.o
  3. Damn it. This would be realy a mess in international multiplayer. You call the name of the town you are in and all the other guys dont know what you mean :/ But ok maybe its better than names i cant speak out^^
  4. De_little_Bubi

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    lol just look at the pictures in the link above your post (direct link to the picture) Look at the forest in the background. You can see the beginning of the roots.
  5. but how can an average german arma2 player (me^^) determine whats a spoiler is and whats not?
  6. well you know that you can set it off since ofp?
  7. no he just checked the "Collector edition?" thread which links to the czech special edition
  8. De_little_Bubi

    Collector edition ?

    no thats all i got :/ ok its more than i expected :) and im happy to have this confirm cause now i can search a buyer of my normal version which i will buy on the 29.05.^^
  9. De_little_Bubi

    Collector edition ?

    Alexander Harlander from Peter Games (Morphicon/German Publisher) just confirmed via email that there will be a special edition in germany. Original E-Mail: Translated:
  10. De_little_Bubi

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Just found on the german arma2 publisher company portrait: translated: Morphican would expand his market to consoles and handhelds with new multiplatform titles 2009. Highlight would be Arma 2 which would be on pc and next-gen consoles.
  11. De_little_Bubi

    I want to ask you guys a question

    the x360 is sticky cause there where many guys hwo opened a new thread to ask "where is the x360 thread" so hmm maybe if you open some new threads with "where is the ps3 thread" you get a sticky ps3 thread or a ban :) anyway, there is more unofficial information about a x360 version than a ps3 version^^
  12. De_little_Bubi

    Just one squad?

    there were always 5 team razor members (look at the press package from 2008) but they said more then one times that you can play 4 different characters in the team.
  13. De_little_Bubi

    Will ArmA II Have VAC Anti-Cheat

    never saw cheating. only beaming caused by lag^^ arma2 isnt completly on steam dont know but can "normal" copies use vac too? i it is limited to steam user only its pointless.
  14. looks like the press kit from 08 edit: i remember, i made this character test these days :) Who are you? (Unfortunatly in German, you can use the google translator)
  15. De_little_Bubi

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    if you see them, its already to late :O
  16. lol earlier. never saw some dev-team releasing earlier. very cool :)
  17. dito. under water plants look good :)
  18. I think there should be a trailer where all newcomer can see what the game is about. a trailer which shows the possibilitys of the game. Make any map you want with gamemodes (nearly) only limited by your imagination etc... seriously after the fraction videos which introduce in the story such a trailer is a must have for marketing.
  19. you didn't get it right. nobody said that anybody have new builds but dont write about it. just that they are using old build from february but published the reviews in april. of course bis worked meanwhile on the product so ther is definetly a newer version at least intern in the bis studios. edit: to the videos: like the graphic and the sound (specialy when the enemy mg is firing through the woodfence) voice of miles is great too. hope at the end every voice sound so good. the ai isn't doing much^^ ah and somebody should explain to the player, that there is still with nightvision "on" a left and a right side ^^
  20. lol sorry didn't get this name stuff :/ thought higher number = better card... damn is there still any concept for their naming? edit: maybe lapa whanted to post in "latest press..." the thread which is normaly always #1 in this subforum^^
  21. well gamestar.de latest published specifications (05.05.2009): (sry german but i think the model numbers are the same as in every country^^) so your system: AMD Phenom X4 9650 Quad-Core - fits in recommended (amd athlon 64 x2 4400+ or faster) 8GB PC2-6400 DDR2 - fits in recommended (2gb) 750GB 7200RPM - fits in recommended (10gb free space) ATI Radeon HD 3200 - fits in minimal (ATI Radeon 1800 or faster)
  22. big NO for general online registration from my site (registration for online play (not lan) ok ) looks like you guys have internet everywhere and everytime. maybe this little situation: You are on a lan party (mostly there isn't internet connection), ArmA2 isnt installed but you have the bag of cds. You found some guys who wants to play ArmA2 and you have to install it... another fact against online registration is the instability of our economy. who can garanty me that there are will be registration server in 10 years? nobody, thats still the truth
  23. t-34 wohoo :) i like the videos. cant get enough arma2 stuff.