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About dansireuk

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    Private First Class
  1. dansireuk

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Yeah I run a dedicated server and join it on the same machine. This has always worked fine playing the mission on Arma 2 with 3 or 4 people joining.
  2. dansireuk

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Just reproduced the issue again now using all default params for the mission. Client and server logs here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vavo4listr5o47d/0vbq2xA60Y There are a lot of errors but not sure if they are caused by this mission or not. Either way the pauses do not happen in any other missions I have played on Arma 3 yet. For the first few minutes of a new game it is fine. Then gradually within 5 mins these slight pauses start every 10 seconds or so. The pauses appear to get worse with time from then on.
  3. dansireuk

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Love this mission, used to play it all the time on Arma 2. We seem to be having issues with the Arma 3 version though. Running it on a dedicated server and all of the clients get a recurring pause every 10 seconds or so. It seems to get worse as time progresses too. No issues running the coop missions in the beta. Anyone else seen this? I can send logs if they will help? Cheers!
  4. Is anyone with a dedicated server able to test one of these missions please on the latest stable build? I want to rule out any possible setup or configuration issue on my end. I did try a community mission and that did appear to work although there were still many errors in the server .rpt. Thanks, Daniel.
  5. That may explain it then. Are they still enabled in the dev build?
  6. I am attempting to set up a dedicated server but seem unable to load either of the two alpha missions (Headhunters & Escape From Stratis). I am running the dedicated server and client on the same PC (using the steam_appid.txt trick) I get the receiving data message for a short while but am eventually kicked back to the missions selection screen. If I try to start the same mission again I see the message: Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_modules_f_sites Any suggestions? Thanks. Server log below. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4XTZr1qNsoDQ01xUWJDeU1qTWc/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Has anyone managed to get this mod to work using the in game expansion manager instead of the -mod parameter? I can load all of the other mods fine through the in game manager, but even with noBlur enabled it seems to have no effect. I think it is because its not possible to arrange the order so that it is loaded last. Reason I need to use that is because I use a hack (http://colorclutch.sourceforge.net/) to force Arma 2 to use my monitors ICC profile, which involves launching the game via a separate .exe, which unfortunately does not pass parameters correctly to Arma if they are wrapped in quotes, which they need to be to load combined ops etc.
  8. dansireuk

    CRcti Proman

    I have just gotten used to using the commander now so I can set up a base at a runway :) Had a great game earlier with some mates on Chernarus. We started at the grass runway near Charnagorsk and it took us over an hour just to capture as it was split in to two capture points so double the resistance! Was scraping the barrel for funds just before the capture as we had no other towns yet. Good fun. What steps are involved with porting this (KB Edition) to another map? I'd like to give it a go on Duela or Lingor. I don't have much experience with the editing side of things. I tried merging an unpacked PBO in the editor and then saving it to the MP missions folder but I guess there is more to it than this.
  9. dansireuk

    CRcti Proman

    OK, so this will only work with a human commander who can control where the base is built. I have been playing with AI commander so far.
  10. dansireuk

    CRcti Proman

    Been playing th KB version and it's great, performance is good too! One question though. How are we supposed to use jets? They spawn at the aircraft factory so there is no runway to take off :confused:
  11. Latest noblur beta is working fine for me now with the latest Arma 2 beta (89223). When I reported an issue it was before noblur was updated.
  12. dansireuk

    CRcti Proman

    Thanks! I had no idea that existed. Going to give this a try at the weekend.
  13. dansireuk

    CRcti Proman

    Is there an add on free version planned?
  14. Just a heads up, the latest @okt_NoBlurBeta beta is no longer compatible with the latest arrowhead beta (89223) released today.
  15. I had a crash while playing a long game on Warfare BE the other night on the latest beta. The .rpt indicates its something to do with tbb4malloc_bi: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4XTZr1qNsoDZTViZjI4YTYtOGNiNy00ZGMwLWE5N2YtODMyMDhjNDJkNDU2 I am also trying to diagnose a separate issue which may be linked but need to test further. I think the client may be degrading over time performance wise in the latest betas, as I don't seem to get it on official 1.60 patch. It is time consuming to reproduce consistently though. I have reverted the beta to use tbb3malloc_bi, so will see how that goes. Specs are: Specs: i7 920 Bloomfield C0/C1 @ 3.8Ghz 12GB Corsair Vengeance @ 16000Mhz Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R Rev 1.0 Geforce GTX 580 1.5gb Windows 7 x64 Ultimate Edition Arma 2 is installed on an OCZ Vertex Turbo SSD.