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Everything posted by DVD

  1. DVD

    Whats this message ?

    Well "same sh!t but different"... But sure, try to dl the needed add-on. crCTI has nothing to do with this "C&H what Bohemia called CTI". @qawa1967 all needed addons for the @arma version are here. http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/items/825/crcti_rev052_beta_release.zip You will find more on http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/
  2. DVD

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    The changes sounding good, but no "brainless dancing yellow fruits" from me as long setpos bug (TT 2166) is not fixed.
  3. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    We speak about a game, not about country, wise boy.
  4. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    OMG ... Thats bu****** ,.. well however ... BI plz add an alternative option to lock the weapons sight view so it is like in OFP. For those who like this more .... we had it for more than 6 years.
  5. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Your problem was the stupid overpowered recoil and the not very sharpe sight. Recoil has an effect on the whole overbody, so the head never stands still while you shooting, even with such tiny recoil of a AK74 or M4. But what do we have now? .. 0.00% effect on the body while shooting the gun, stupid arcade crap. A soldier would never hit anything if he would hold his gun like a ArmA soldier does it now.
  6. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    This was the most stupid change ever. The aiming till 1.04 was 1:1 OFP style, and No1 had any problems with it. Only a bunch of guys with Track IR had this "pink dream" of an bullshit acrade CQB aiming. http://www.myvideo.de/watch/1130390
  7. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    @FriketMonkey A dutch friend of me, got ArmA online from BOL.de On topic: Let me quote myself from page no.6 *update* I miss the crosshair not only in choppers and planes, also in groundvehicles, or let me say in all vehicles
  8. DVD

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Yup fanboys turn everything into a mess, sooner or later.. So now.. What would make people happy? - TexView 2 - Oxygen 2 - Visitor 3 - Linux server - fixed animations (smooth and fast like in OFP) - fixed & better sound - working setpos commands for static objekts TT 2166 - no flying objects TT 2229 - no ugly pulsing HDR - shadows which not disappear after 90m (visible up to 1000m would be cool) - a T80UM or T90S - working crosshair in helicopter & planes (OFP like) .. a) to lock on targets with mouse, b) for a smoother flight example on youtube
  9. DVD

    Commanding a tank

    The tank commander needs a "turn off engine" option for the tank driver. And realod HEAT/SABOT should be a option in the action menu if the main gun is selected, like in OFP.
  10. DVD

    beep beep beep

    No, it's b***s***.
  11. Not much more unfair as HDRPrecision=16, lol.
  12. DVD

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Ok... i'll test more.
  13. DVD

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Is it possible that the installer is broken? The patch just needed ~1s to get ready installed, and i wonder, because the file is 65mb, and 65mb need more time usually. My intro screen shows 1.07.5157 ... but i dont feel a difference at the flight modell, after a short test with Ah1Z & KA50.
  14. DVD

    Beta 1.07.5154 feedback thread

    - fix the animations ... - fix the M136/AT4 ... example movie (from Jan 07 - patch 1.02) - fix the MK19/AGS30 ... example movie (from Jan 07 - patch 1.02) - add a option (key) to lock the sight view, like it was since OFP 2001 and till patch 1.04. example movie 1 example movie 2 - add a option to the player, that he can order his own driver AIs (all driver AI in his group), to turn off the engine of the vehicles. (same as in OFP "in tank - select driver AI - press 6(action) - press turn off entrie") - add better sounds, VBS got some realistic and good one ... ArmA not - fix the 3D soundengine - improve the "destroyed vehicles", add other textures .. and create the "flat wheel" if a wheel is damaged (like in OFP ... ), the burned wheel looks strange and plz ... - fix setpos bug (2166) or add a new comand (2535) ...
  15. DVD

    Balancing in ArmA

    I don't understand why BI does everything to turn ArmA into a nerve-killing, annoying, rigidly thing. They should have a look into OFP and learn from it. Adding a "feature", like a endless runnig engines without adding a option (like in OFP) to order the own AI to turn off the engine, is one of these nerve-killing & annoyings crap in ArmA. Multiplayer in ArmA is less fun as OFP MP games...
  16. DVD

    A10 Thunderbolt

    Thank you ... you got a PM, with some files.
  17. DVD

    A10 Thunderbolt

    Hi EvEnLeaSe44, can i copy your smoke? I modified the A10 (sound, brust mode, LGB version & tracer) for my CTI units mod, and was just working on my own gun smoke, but hey you made it already. So can i take it into my config? 2 links so, you can see, what i am talking about ... my little CTI project A10 movie (youtube)
  18. Lol, sweet ... you know some1 might call this cheating *joking*
  19. DVD

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    In ArmA player doesn't need to fix his "broken" (kneeling or standing) bodyposition. Look at that first yuuuupeeetoubee video and you see that soldier needed to place his elbow again to right spot (what else not visible in camera?). If only frontal foot is in wrong angle, it raises weapon sway. There are about 10 minor things that needs to be correct in bodyposition when shooting from kneeling or standing and trying to reach maximal possible stability. With standart rifle, those things stay after each shot in correct angles/positions. But how about big guns like that? Recoil is too big, but it represents things that are not present, or even possible, in ArmA. Maybe it's good to fine tune it, but not to make it that mild as in that yuuuupeeetuuubee video. I dont like to live with unrealistic recoils, just because the simulation isn't perfect. Second, you ain't wrong. But the truth is also, that there will be always a lag of simulation. - Why do i reload all the time with the same speed? - Why dont i run out of blood if i am wounded? - Why is there no need drink and eat .. or to sleep, after hour of fighting? - Why dont my weapons stops working from time to time.. why ... and so on, and on .. Ridiculously, crazy recoils are a bad compromise, to gain realism.
  20. DVD

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    @raidzor (old) AK47 / AKM /RPK47......... used 7.62x39mm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-47 (newer) AK74 / AK74M / RPK74 used 5.45x39mm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-74
  21. DVD

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I don't think so, even a player needs time to aim.
  22. DVD

    Developer kit...  where?

    The RHS Mi24 beats every stock ArmA addon. AH64 - Mapfact Ah64 I bet noone start to retexture the M4s, because OFP had 1000 & 1 M4 packs, might be even the biggest M4 fans take a break. About soldier skins ... the best for me: Hepcats Maries reskin