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Everything posted by DnA

  1. DnA

    New pics of ofp:resistance

    Continue this conversation here
  2. DnA

    Which ofp site is the best.

    This poll started out as a nice poll, but unfortunately went a 'bit' off-topic. Closing...
  3. DnA

    Which ofp site is the best.

    Which ofp site is the best? Well duh
  4. I voted for Vietnam btw I totally agree with IceFire, although it will be quite difficult to implement, a water physics engine would be so extremely cool! New features would include: rivers, lakes, zodiacs, naval battles, etc.
  5. Well, when having more than 2 air vehicles flying in formation there are something some problems with the AI ... they have troubles flying in a perfect formation and sometimes stay behind. Make sure the 2 choppers have the same azimuth* when they start and are both at the same distance from the waypoint. Also, make sure there isn't any reason for crashing one them ... like having them start on top of eachother (though I guess that would crash them both) or making them fly very low. I myself often place the 2 choppers in seperate squads and then just place their waypoints next to eachother. If they then take off from nearly the same place and fly at the same speed, they will often fly in formation. *Direction which they are facing at start-up of the mission.
  6. DnA

    Does anyone have any info about this new OFP

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Planet of War, a strategic warfare addon for "Operation Flashpoint" uncovers a completely new type of gameplay for the frequent OFP users. No longer are you the victim of a predefined mission. Now you can build your own base while playing against another force. You can train your own troops, as well as research new technologies and vehicles! This is possible by the use of a completely new interface which has developed into a smooth and easily controllable menu system. You can compare the possibilities to the hit titles Command and Conquerâ„¢ or Duneâ„¢.<span id='postcolor'> That quote was taken from the PoW web-site and although the idea is great (somewhat similar to our Conquest project), you have to pay for it and that's a shame I'll see if it's really as good as they say and then think about buying it (hopefully a demo will be released?).
  7. DnA

    what res u guys play at

    I play the game at 1600x1200x32 like Gimbal, though on a 19" monitor and it looks amazing [offtopic]The only game I played on 1024x768x32 on my current specs was Max Payne, because it somehow crashed on a higher res[/offtopic]
  8. DnA

    Patch 1.42

    By the way, the 1.42 patch also fixes or rather blocks the use of the well-known MP cheats that were discussed lately
  9. DnA

    Laser and A10

    Studuk, yes you can then order the A-10 to attack a target ... let's say a BMP directly and it will may then also choose for its maingun instead of its LGBs, but you can also select the "Laser Target" as a target which is totally independent from the BMP ... the then targetted object can also be just a piece of ground, a tree or a house and you can even move the "Laser Target" around. This makes the laser target a more powerfull weapon than just assigning a known enemy (like Dr Jekyll said). I agree though ... you should just be able to designate a target and any A-10 outside your squad should then be able to bomb it succesfully.
  10. DnA

    Operation Flashpoint - Making Missions

    Err ... hmmm ... who actually made this 'book'?
  11. DnA

    Public Beta Tests

    There have been a couple of public beta tests a while back ... in which the community greatly help the search for bugs and if BIS ever think it's needed again I'm sure they will ... you'll be likely reading about any such development on the BIS mainpage or any up-to-date fan site
  12. DnA

    Laser and A10

    My experience is totally different ... I think the A-10 bomber has been improved heaps! To make your bombing run near perfect place them in the same squad as the laser designator soldier (who is leader too) and set the A-10's skill to the max. For me the bombs now drop perfect on their target
  13. DnA

    I hope for the next patch

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish I could just get the damn thing to work. I still get booted to the desktop!<span id='postcolor'> When did that problem start for you? I remember a lot of problems with laser designator when it was first introduced (I believe in one of the public beta patches). If it's that problem, I suggest a fresh install of OFP and then install UU2 (unless you have the US version), UU3, UU4 (revised with 1.42).
  14. DnA

    OFPN Tutorials

    Thanks for that ... I will fix it a.s.a.p. Something went wrong when I applied the new HTML template
  15. DnA

    PATCH 1.42 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

    Whole bunch of mirrors over at OFPN
  16. DnA

    PATCH 1.42 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

    Whole bunch of mirrors over at OFPN
  17. DnA

    Havent posted here in well over a year

    Yers ... Goocher was one of the dudes back in the old days ... remember IRC when we went apeshit whenever a BIS developer came in? lol GO is nice ... I play it for some variation in my daily gaming dosis. I like it because it's really aimed for teamplay and has some very nice features. Does it even come near OFP? No way, not a chance in a life-time ... OFP rules
  18. DnA

    Havent posted here in well over a year

    Awesome to have you back here mate! Hope you enjoy another tour through the magical islands of OFP
  19. DnA

    Favourite LOTR character!!!

    I think Legolas is the best in the movie too ... he really is what I imagine to be an elve and acts his role out real well. In the book I like Gimlie the best
  20. I voted for the SpecOps raft since that would open up heaps of new missions if done correctly. To work correctly however OFP will need a water engine allowing for better boat simulation and swimming/diving
  21. DnA


    We sure do plan on making some new fancy trailer soon Right now we are working with 4 dedicated scripters (me, Sith, Snake1999 and Spinor) on getting parts of the AI script to work. We already made a script which makes an AI unit perform a recon mission on any given town on the island, this squad then reports back found enemy units and gives this information to the General. The General will then look which attack profile matches best to the intel and proceed with an attack if all other conditions are OK. We are also far on our way with a logical movement script which makes a unit move from one point of the island to another using the shortest and safest route depending on danger factors in certain map areas and more. Next to that we also got a large part of the command system done thanks to Spinor ... including hierarchical squad command and lots more. Oh and the buying system has been done for roughly 70% now Still, this is a massive project if we want to do it right and it may therefore still take quite a while before a final version is released (we are still unsure of beta's).
  22. DnA

    What the!?

    The only times this happened to me were when I had just crashed out of OFP or another D3D application. A simple re-boot always did the trick for me.
  23. DnA

    OFPN revised

    As you may have or may not have noticed we've changed OFPN quite a bit. Indeed, it's nothing visual, but we did a complete work-over of the underlying HTML code so the site should be much faster now. We also added the use of CSS stylesheets, but since these aren't fully supported yet please report any problems to us. Next to that we've received a lot of link exchange e-mails from you guys which we will all process very soon. Another thing is that Brent will from now on maintain the entire editing section with his team from ofpediting.net. This means it will be updated and expanded over the coming weeks. Welcome to the OFPN team guys! We hope you enjoy your visits to OFPN and if you have any problems please contact us. Note: as you may have seen we now have our first hosted web-site, the Wintermarch mod. If any of you have a good, OFP-related web-site which you would like to have hosted just like Wintermarch, please let us know: jcjland@students.cs.uu.nl, sith@3dactionplanet.com!
  24. DnA

    OFPN revised

    Well, just about any good quality OFP-related web-site. If someone contacts us for hosting, we will first talk to them a bit to see what they want and what they already have ... and then we decide Oh one thing though ... squad sites will probably not be hosted right now ... maybe in the future, so thanks for bringing up this point Brent