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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. I think there is no need for it. There would be other suggestions which are more important. (for example cooking grenades)
  2. Crowe

    New patch 1.04

    Can someone specify this a bit further?
  3. Crowe

    Enemy_of_my_Enemy 1.4

    Thanks so far for the huge workpower you put into that awesome mission. A little request, please help to keep servers clear by using the mission name standard. This would help us to find missions much quicker. There has been one scripting error printed in the arma2.rpt Error in expression <[0,0,0]]; if (isserver) then { _snd = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", getpos > Error position: <createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", getpos > Error 0 Elemente angegeben, 3 erwartet File ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf, line 59 Group respawn processed locally: s8 -> NULL
  4. Crowe

    KiCK Mappack v1

    It would be very helpful if you name you missions by using the mission name standard. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82816 Please help to keep the servers clean from confusing Missionnames.
  5. Crowe

    Creating textures from scratch

    Alternativly you could download textures from here: http://www.cgtextures.com/
  6. Crowe


    please make this dialog useable :) http://crowe2extreme.net/pictures/xbox/xbox2.jpg
  7. This dev-bugtracker does a great job :D Does WER work for beta patches and server executable too?
  8. Hi there, did anyone already figure out how to create a island config? I tried this way http://pastebin.com/m26f5ef96 but there are all chernarus town names on the map. How can i remove them? Regards Crowe
  9. This is the result of my attempt :D to create an empty island with enough space to place objects. You can use this island like the desert island which came with OFP:CWC but it has a bit different shape. Thanks to the-f for help with the config. Download: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6873 crowe_desertisland (7.82 MB) - contains signed addon and key crowe.bikey (288 Byte) - Contains Server Key enjoy
  10. Crowe

    Desert Island

    i noticed that too and i will try to fix it
  11. Crowe

    Desert Island

    You can spawn LHDs by using this script by ArmaTec http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73882 Thats why i decided not to place a carrier. If you want a town or airfield on it - grab an editorupgrade and build it yourself. This island gives you the possibility to place anything you can imagine.
  12. Crowe

    Desert Island

    yes its complete desertet. Feel free to provide Feedback :)
  13. It seems as the old example maps are still working http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1960 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3215
  14. Crowe

    Simple island Config

    problem has been fixed, there has been a "{" at the wrong place :D thanks for your help so far does anyone know how to get rid of this bug? http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac12/iridium_5/CrMap.jpg http://www6.picfront.org/picture/9ASJH7Dom/img/picture001.jpg You can download the map here: http://crowe2extreme.net/crowe_desertisland.pbo
  15. Crowe

    Missions by Tankist

    Nice work but could you please name them as descriped in celerey's mission name Standard? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=59852
  16. Dear BIS, please release an additional 32 bit arma2server.exe for 64 bit servers, which does not manage threads. As this application will be emulated via WOW64, it uses all available cores, not mainly the last one. This would make the whole potential of the CPU useable. Please vote Yes if you agree. Thanks in advance Crowe
  17. Crowe

    Help with DEMO

    Append -server to your link to start the demo. How to upload missions to a demo server?
  18. ban.txt 2723472 banned on 45.34.32 4924792 Will ban IDS 2723472,45,34,32 and 4924792
  19. Hi all, i just ran a tool over the logfiles from 29.05.2009 to 05.06.2009. My tools counts the used nicknames per ID. And Here are the Results: Well, ist seems that someone is changing his / her nickname every minute xD I suggest other server Admins, to ban these IDs. But it means a Damage of over 50 000 € for Game development. And there are more dedicated Machines which might have noticed more. Regards Crowe
  20. Sorry. America was just an example. I did not want to offend anybody. But its difficult to buy if you you are underage and you dont have a credit card.
  21. Or perhaps players from america (for example), who just can't buy this game yet?
  22. Crowe

    ARMA 2 Launch Plans

    Please do not forget BattlEye integration :) Cheaters are very annoying! The ban system of BattlEye is more advanced ... please please please
  23. Good Idea! I would advance this by option by: Autokick if player rating falls under a certain value Votekick if player rating falls under a certain value But we should keep the administration Engine seperated from the mission Engine. Just for security purposes ... I will add a summary of this request to the first post.