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Posts posted by Chris_Acrobat

  1. When I try to load an old player (dead and respawned), I seems to lose full control over the unit. (Note: -showScriptErrors is enabled)

    fnc_loadMedicalTransport = 
    DEBUG = [];	// Temporarily added for demonstration purposes
    _unit = _this;	// Dead player in multiplayer
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [_this];
    _transport = _unit call fnc_nearestMedicalTransport;
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [_transport];
    _group = createGroup (side _transport);
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [_group];
    [_unit] joinSilent _group;
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [_group];
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [(_transport emptyPositions "Cargo") - 1];
    _unit moveInCargo [_transport, (_transport emptyPositions "Cargo") - 1];
    DEBUG = DEBUG + [(_transport emptyPositions "Cargo") - 1];
    // DEBUG is now: [medic_blue_1,amb,C Alpha 1-1,C Alpha 1-1,15,15]

    The code works for living and dead AI. But when I use it on a dead player in multiplayer, nothing happens. Not even an error message. DEBUG shows that fnc_loadMedicalTransport still runs perfectly, but moveInCargo seems to be ignored. Is it because the dead player has lost it's soul? Is there a way to add it back as an AI? :)

  2. Good idea, though I doubt that such a feature will be included in Arma 3 by BiS themselves, it's more like a modders concern. In the ideal situation such interface details as ammocounter, for example, should be available only if player is wearing an advanced "future warrior"-type suit, in which weapon, armor/suit and a wearer himself are combined into single information system through variety of sensors (and, of course, such a soldier should be linked with other soldiers wearing similar suits from his unit, knowing their locations, health status etc., but it's not the case of the subject). If you are wearing standard, "dumb" fatigue then sorry, no ammocounter, just a number of magazines left. Something like this, basically.

    I hope that they at least have thought about it. I think that little touch would add a lot to the feeling "I should where a helmet", usually I'm not that worried about to be shot in the head. I would just die anyway. :)

  3. I wrote his on an other tread:

    When I play ARMA, I only use HUD the first time I play through the main campaign, after that I always (want to) play multiplay without any HUD, because I feel it's much more realistic. But now with ARMA 3, this has not to be true, because it is a sci-fi, so my question is, Will it be optional to put HUD on only then you are equipped with a HUD-friendly helmet? Which is pretty much every helmet in the game that I have understood? If so, that is good! I just not want to be able to see HUD on my server then I run around as a civilian. No cyborg for me! :cool:

    What do you think about this? Would you like to force HUD only to a certain sort of helmets or headgear?

  4. HUD integration to helmets

    When I play ARMA, I only use HUD the first time I play through the main campaign, after that I always (want to) play multiplay without any HUD, because I feel it's much mor realistic. But now with ARMA 3, this has not to be true, because it is a sci-fi, so my question is, Will it be optional to put HUD on only then you are equipped with a HUD-friendly helmet? Which is pretty much every helmet in the game that I have understood? If so, that is good! I just not want to be able to see HUD on my server then I run around as a civilian. No cyborg for me! :cool:

  5. Chris, on those 3 links you posted it say no preview is available. Might be just me though.

    No, that is right. Google doesn't allow preview on .bmp-images, I chose .bmp cause the picture was already in a bad quality.

    If you wear able to see preview on pic1 and pic2, than something shod be wrong. :P

    ---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

    One possibility is you have mipmap sampling set to Low quality in your video card settings, making the text rendering blurry.

    Catalys says that I have put it on High Quality, but I'll check again.

    EDIT: Now id actually did lock a lot better, I do not know if this was "full" quality, but now I think I can sort out the rest by my shelf, thanks!

  6. ;2047249']As you might noticed' date=' there are 2 different settings for resolution in video settings menu - one for 3d resolution and one for interface resolution - you might wanna set them both to your native res (or at least interface res in case of performance issues...)[/quote']

    already have...

    ---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

    Yes interface is very low res here as well, bit of a pain....

    good, now I know that I'm not alone. no-one at Anrop.se have this, the same, problem as I do.

  7. Is it just me, or are the interface (HUD-text and menus) in a very low resolution? I believe that it is 640*480. I have to set the Interface to Very Big (or what the settings name are) to be able to read the text. Rest of the game runs in 1080p. I bought it through Steam.

    By the way, the texture on the oil rig is very low too for me.

  8. I'm also interested to make my server force the player too use ACRE. Too bad it doesn't work.

    But even if there was a force, the other players can easily cheat with just connect to an other TS3-server.

    But I hope that it in the future that there is going to be a way to make the players to have ACRE (or maybe a BIS-uppgraded radio in ArmA3? :P) and be connected to the same server and channel.

    ...Let's hope for ArmA3. :)

  9. I have the reverts problem, I have no Toggle Zoom enable but when I am in the (i.e.) HM-60 and Use my Optic sights (Dubbel-Right Mouse) so I can use the Iron sights it first work fine, but if I go back to normal and then go back to Iron sights it's in full Zoom and I can not Zoom Out. Dose this sound familiar?

  10. I have a problem that then I switch from FPS-mod to Sight-mod in vehicle, it's sometimes stuck in Full-zoom. Someone recognise this? Any one know a fix or what the problem is?

    And by the way, to the next patch, I would like to have a difficulty option that's disable Eye-zoom, or am I crazy?
