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Everything posted by cpl_hicks

  1. Thanks, but where do I put this? Do I create a init.sqf file in the mission folder along side the mission.sqm folder and paste this text into it as is and just change the variables? Or does it get shoe horned in the mission.sqm file as added text? Thanks
  2. cpl_hicks

    Dog Fight ccommunity (aircraft)

    The minute DCS has ground detail and assets in combination/coordination with air assets that are mixture human/Ai controlled then you might have a point. It's so much fun coordinating airstrikes with guys on the ground or the other way around, I used to do that all the time on domination and Evo servers and its a blast! All we need is more ways to combine that with a more pvp air to air aspect and I think it could be even better. Yes the physics avionics are no where close to a dedicated game but no other game I know of combines it all together as realistically as this. On one occasion I was even shot down forced to eject, shot an ai with hand gun took his rifle and fought my way back to friendlies to then get airlifted back to my squadron....Epic!!
  3. Thanks Dr, but first I would like to figure out how to do it with the config viewer in the A3 editor screen like the area in the picture below but in this specific area: configFile >> CfgWorlds >> Name_of_map >> AmbientA3 In there you will see for instance under path: configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> "Stratis" >> "AmbientA3" >> "Radius40_60" >> "Species" >> "CatShark_F" cost = 6; groupSpawnRadius = 10; maxAlt = 10; maxCircleCount = "(4 * (WaterDepth interpolate [1,30,0,1]))"; maxWorldCount = 10; minAlt = -80; spawnCount = 1; MY question is what do I do now? How do I change it? Do I go in the mission folder and edit the mission text file? Can this be changed in game? do I do the change in "init" for a unit or module? Thanks
  4. Forgive my ignorance but where is this option located?
  5. I had trouble while creating a diving mission where a few minutes into it I started hearing background war sounds like explosions and gunfire in addition to some radio mortor fire sounds and comms. I singled it out to being in the tpw mod after the issue went away when I removed it and still kept many other mods.. Does this issue sound familiar? thanks
  6. Hello, just a general question, does this mod enhance ai if you simply have it running as an addon? Do you actually have to have it integrated at mission building level or can you just create a mission without doing anything "alive" related and then simply take advantage of some aspects of having alive running as an addon without really doing anything? Thanks
  7. Just a quick check but when searching on playwithsix I see alot of this and that but I noticed not many servers taking advantage of the many addons avail. For instance I would like to see: jsrs, speed of sound or some sound mod blastcore F18 nimitz us airforce russian airforce (fulcrum etc.) all or many weapons too many vehicles to list I'm just saying usually I see 6 or 7 at most... Thanks
  8. Sounds great death, I will put something together. My plan is to eventually have Sahrani with evo running a bunch mods. You may recall this from the golden years arma. I will keep you posted....
  9. cpl_hicks

    AlienZ Mod

    Unfortunately I could not find anything posted by him in relation to this. Seems nobody is doing Alien type stuff, you were pretty much the only one. Your Aliens were great I just can't think why you wouldn't want to include it in this beautiful thing called Arma3... Are you just bitter because they work with Steam now? Things are really a lot smoother now and I think most would agree that in just about every way Arma 3 is better than Arma 2... I don't see what the problem is, the work seems already done you just need to give the "ok" and/or port it to Arma3? Anyways you do great work and it would provide a great alternative to just fighting the same old human type characters IMO. Having said that I know it is completely your hard work and if you don't wish to explain or bother with it then more power to you. The fact will remain your contributions to the community are amazing and I hope you continue... Thanks
  10. Ok thanks, the new version takes that long as well I guess because I had like 3 or more in there. Able to track down that bug soon or is this gonna take some time? Thanks, it is a great mod anyways!
  11. FYI not sure if this is the same mod but my game freezes just like this guys when loading, see link below. Anyone else having this issue? http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/ivory-mig29k
  12. cpl_hicks

    Warfare CTI - [PERF] - Seattle, WA - www.ofps.net

    I am pretty sure in real life it either does not exist or is extremely rare to have CM on a platform that small. The better way to address this is to fly extremely low while using cover and also avoid hot areas.
  13. cpl_hicks

    Warfare CTI - [PERF] - Seattle, WA - www.ofps.net

    Hey Surfer just wanted to say thanks for a great server and setup choice. I noticed I spend a lot of time and get frustrated with the equipping portion of the map and having to do it all over if the map restarts. Is it possible to throw in a virtual box so we don't need to muddle with that and maybe reduce funds to compensate for the gear advantage? Is the main downside to that the fact that people could then change to enemy clothes? Can that be controlled? I just think it would be more fun to have access to all weapons and not have to waste time creating a gear profile each time and maybe throw in things like a way stronger resistance force to compensate??... Thanks, Hicks
  14. Except for the part where myself and many others have successfully played very nice mutliplayer coop missions including domination using F18's, f16's etc doing CAS and occasionally exceeding 1000 knots and it worked quite well (in A2 and to some degree in A3). Let the admins decide......
  15. Hello, I have recently played a vanilla Altis life and had a pretty fun time and wanted to know if there is a modded version that I can setup and join using playwithsix? Thanks!
  16. cpl_hicks

    Jurassic Arma

    That is just crazy talk, women are far too complex to quantify and simulate into Arma......
  17. cpl_hicks

    Jurassic Arma

    Why does it just have to be dinosaurs? IMO the real beauty of what Rupport has done is show that it is possible to make a large animated beast and it looks great! Imagine the possibilities with monsters, aliens, giants, Giant killer robots, mechs?........... Give me an m60 and a few drums and I will piss on that dinosaur...... Anyways very nice work!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. cpl_hicks

    AlienZ Mod

    I wanted to try this with A3 but instead of them showing as aliens its plain old infantry. Any plans to bring it into A3 since we are still waiting for Visitor4?
  19. Seems like you did some proper research on this, Did Ace 2 use anything along these lines or would this be an improvement on that as well when compared? My thought is if and when an Ace3 or equivalent comes out we need to make sure they add your work to it so we can get a consolidated standard (basically create something universal so we can have a true unified simulator beyond vanilla). Thanks for doing this!
  20. cpl_hicks

    Will someone explain the whole Zeus game mode to me?

    This!! Yes Zombies is one of the first things that came to mind... I think one of the main turn offs of Dayz is the lack of real threat from Zombies, the real enemies were sociopath douche-bags.. With this we can have real scary threats from Zombies!
  21. cpl_hicks

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Point is the devs do know about all this stuff, they are doing more than most others ever did or would. So you have 3 choices. 1. be patient 2. do something to help/contribute 3. play another game This is dragging on and unproductive and repetitive....
  22. cpl_hicks

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Again, what game does it better considering this scale and variety? It will take time to bring to arma2 level. The real fun is in multiplayer and good devs can work around this, why player inferior sp and campaign anyway?
  23. cpl_hicks

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    This is not a very constructive thread, this game is too massive and ambitious to get it all working as it should and there is no other game/sim that has anywhere near the same size and multiple object/scenario/editing power as the 2 above posts try to refer to but failed to provide an example of. I know this because if there was one that even came close I would be all over it. All I can say is if Star Citizen delivers even close to its claims then byebye arma =P Arma 2 took years to where I thought it was near perfect and A3 will likely be the same...
  24. cpl_hicks

    Will someone explain the whole Zeus game mode to me?

    It kind of reminds me of the Hunger Games and if you play as Zeus then you are like Philip Seymore Hoffman character in it. More importantly it seems like it might finally give us a real 3D editor for creating maps as an alternative to the one we are used to where you just look down on a 2d map and have to guesstimate how it will look when you hit preview.