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Everything posted by tuxinator

  1. A great job, I'm impressed and enjoy ArmA2OA now in another dimension. We had already tested the RC´s and were thrilled. We wish all at BI a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Also we would like to say: "Thank you BI for that nice Christmas Present."
  2. Webpage back online under new Subdomain -> http://amt.kkwebservices.de
  3. The ArmAtoren Modding Team is proud to Present you the First AddOn in it´s History. The Dingo 2A2 with a 40mm GMW Grenade Launcher. It comes along in 3 different Types of Comouflage. This Addon recommends BwMod (www.bwmod.net) and CBA Addon. Pictures can be found here --> Dingo2A2 Release Thx to ... ... the BW Mod Team for their patience, the successful Addons and the deployment of configs to learn ;-) ... Xeno and Rocko for the ACE 2 and CBA adjustments :-D ... BIS for the fourius Series which startet with OFP followed by ArmA and ArmA2, thx for the great Engine and the possibility to use Mods in your Engines. For Permission requests on Reskins and/or Replacements go here --> AMT Board Over there we also have a Board for Bug Reports and Suggestions ;) The AMT Team wishes you a Lot of Fun with our Addon. >>> DOWNLOAD IT HERE ---> DINGO2A2<--- PS: remember to read the readme file !
  4. Hello all, i changed the Link to the Download in the Thread opening Post. So please all who copied the Link to our Database please change the Link to the new one, because we changed the Database Plugin for our Board, thank you all. regards Tuxinator/AMT *****UPDATE***** Hi all, the Dingo2A2 has been updatet to Version 1.2 further Informations are listed below. >>>Download<<<
  5. Hi wld, Darkhorse registered on our Website and we checking up everything over there. regards Tuxinator/AMT
  6. @Darkhorse 1-6 : I wonder that you ask for the Permission and not WLD or anybody from Project RACS. We don´t have a Problem on that, but we wonder a little that the Beta Testers are asking. Please do a request for the Permission in our Board and explain your Wishes about Weapon changes there, thank you. @all : Changed the first Post in this Topic and posted a Link to our Board for Permission requests. But for all i post the Link to it here again = AMT Permission Request Board It´s because we do not look so often into this Board and to give all interestet People the Chance to have a quick Answer for their Requests. regards Tuxinator/AMT
  7. tuxinator

    Belgian Army

    Hi all, unitalpha has a PM from me, but for so far i can say Permission is granted :D
  8. unitalpha you have a PM ;) @IceBreakr : The german Army doesn´t have any Dingo without a Weaponstation on it, so there won´t be a Version without it.
  9. No more Commend because the discussion gets senseless
  10. Back after a lot of Work. Now we have Sig Check on and the Problem with Users connecting on a non ACE Server is solved for us. But we only get that solved in Fact with the change of the Server Host, because the old Server we had was to slow on Bandwith and on mounted RAM, RAM was also non ECC. Now we have a Machine with ECC RAM and perfect Bandwith, so we dont get anymore a Signatur Check Timeout as before and thats the Reason why i was writing my Commend as i did. But what is with the other Clans/Coms having the same Problem, because good Servers are real Expencive in Germany ? Shouldn`t the Community works together ? For so far leaving with best Regards and wish u all having Fun while playing ArmA.
  11. I know about the Thing u mean, but if we let our Server run with Signature Check on, the Server turns into a Snail after a little Time gets slower and slower until it stops. Also its not our Fault that your Mod uses renamed Files for the Stock Units that results in a Memory Error after someone connected to the Server with your Mod while the Server runs without it. So in my Eyes its your Turn to prevent that this can happen.
  12. For now i already hate your Mod ! Why ? I`m one of the Bier AIG Server Admins and everytime someone connects with ACE on to our Servers which are running without that Mod the Server crash down and need to be startet new. As Modder u should let the People who download your Mod know that they have to watch on which Server they connect and the Servers they connect to needs to have the Mod also running to work properly and don`t crash the Server. The Mod is good, but that People can crash Servers without the Mod is not good and makes our Banlist growing, because we kick and ban averyone using ACE or XAM on non XAM eg. non ACE Servers. You should think about that and find a Way to solve that Problem. P.S. : Nobody cares about what is writen on our Page about connecting with ACE and the resulting ban, also it is in our Server Config, but no one Reads what the Server brings up as Message. We also Named the Server with "Bier AIG COOP ACE ---> Ban" but no one cares, what the Hell, i don`t care anymore about it and ban immediately everyone who connects with your Mod.
  13. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    Yab i know about that, but i mean i want it as Feature in ArmA2, so the Mapmakers dont have to implement it into their Maps because it is allways present as Function. To have more Tools as Admin such as Ingame Bann (just build in now in ArmA2, thx for that) would be Nice. Like in the Admintools i heard about for BF2, in these more than one Admin can be active. Why i want such a Function, very Easy, if u have an Admin logged in and he is gone for a short Break or only to visit the Toilet another one can Handle TKing People or Cheater or other Crazy Guys. In the Moment we have to wait for the logged in Admin or he has to log out before he gets AFK.
  14. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    What we miss as Admins is the Spectate Script, this Script should be a Feature of ArmA and not a Script to build it in, in Maps. For Admins it would be very helpfull to have the possibility to Watch what the Players do. I had last Year Days on our Public Server where i was spectating for 8 and more Hours on Evo Map, to kick Teamkiller, Guys who are not engaging the Main Target and People who does Sidemissions. All of the above are Things that killing Teamplay, so they all get kicked for the first Time and get banned for repeating their dumb Stuff.
  15. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    Some Time ago i started a Website for ArmA Server Admins to stick together and change Informations about kicked and banned Players, but the response was to small to keep that Page alive. But if there will be enough Admins that wish to have such a Site i will restart a new one. To get the most Admins together and pull on one side of the rope will make it much harder for Teamkiller, Cheater and other Specialists, becuse the Server Admins change Informations about them and the Banlists, that was the Idea behind it.
  16. tuxinator

    Help logo squad

    Our squad.xml from ArmA 1 is taken for ArmA 2 and we only put in the new ID`s, works like a charm.
  17. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    Thank you very much for the Flowers, good to read that others like the Way we act. We are not a Clan, we are a Community and all of our Members are just playing ArmA for Fun. It is very simple to keep a Server in good Condition for the Players, our Rules we have shows us that we are moving the right Way. For an Example : someone connects to our Server and respawn at the Main Base, like on the most Evo Maps. He or She moves to a Ammobox and Pickup a Weapon and shoots around at the Base. If we get aknowledge about it from other Players we try to tell the Player what he or she is doing wrong and that we have a Rule that Prohibites Shooting at the Main Base. The Reason for "No Fire at Base" is simple, some "Friends" seems to have Fun to stay at the Main Base and Kill everyone who Respwan at the Base. If there is no reaction about the "No Fire at Base Rule" we kick the Player, if we know who it is. If the Player reconnects and do the same Stuff we ban them. If a player accidentally shoots another and not be excused, he exhorted to do so or he will be kicked. If he repeats his actions he is banned. If we are caught a Cheater, he will be immediately banned for life. But for all of this i repeat what i have written about Admin : But for good working servers you need a lot of People who take care about it, because u cant be online 24/7/365 We have in the meantime 27 paying Members and they all have Adminrights on the Servers and we have two elected Super Admins. The Job of an Super Admin is in ArmA1 and 2 to ban Players and to unban them. We also have a PR Admin to recruit new Members from the Public Servers or to give Infos to People who are interested in joining our Community.
  18. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    A good Community is open to new Players and helps People who are new to a Game to find their Way into it. We have Public Servers also as Closed Servers, we think it`s the best Way to serve Quality for all Types of Gamers. If we have seen that someone is a good Teammate on the Public Servers it is no Problem for us to let them Play on our Closed Servers, but they have to follow the Rules. Some others whrote it here and thats also my Point of View, a Community needs to have Public Servers to give anyone a Change to get into the wide Community of ArmA or ArmA2 Players. To have only closed Servers isn`t helpfull in that Way, only for the People who plays on these Servers and after a while u will get Bored of playing allways whit the same Teammates.
  19. tuxinator

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    We have rules for our servers and our admins know them. If someone is doing something wrong we let them know what they did wrong, if we know who it ws and if he or she does the same dumb stuff again we kick or kick and ban them. Many People do now know how we take care about our servers and they love to play on them because we clean them from carbage. But for good working servers you need a lot of People who take care about it, because u cant be online 24/7/365 ;) About ***, this is a endless run betwen BI and ***, nobody can win this run. BI brought to us BattlEye and *** found a Way to get around it, also they have always a new cheating tool for every version. The best Way to prevent them from doing their stupid stuff is to kick and ban cheaters. But remember, for good working servers you need a lot of People who take care about it, because u cant be online 24/7/365.
  20. Hello all, if u like to use more Memory so try the Ready Boost Thing described somewhere here in the Board. I had read about it here in the Board and i bought a USB Memory Stick with 4 GB. After i included it into my System (Vista Home Premium 32-Bit) i was able to switch all Visuall Stuff from Normal or Low to the maximum Setting and i have the same Framerate as before under Normal, Low Settings. Now my ArmA looks realy Real, it's amazing to play now. So far from my Opinion about more Memory and Arma ... regards Bier AIG Freak P.S. : Found it, was in this Topic and postet by "=ACU=Tech" on the second Page, thanks a lot for that advice, works like a Charm now
  21. tuxinator

    Armed Assault on Linux through Wine

    KDE ? I'm not stupid, did u ever hear about Fluxbox ? P.S. : Indeed was KDE the default, but they also change to Gnome
  22. tuxinator

    Armed Assault on Linux through Wine

    @Baddo I know the difference and i did test under Win not only the DX Version, i tried also the OpenGL to have a Fair test. @arigram Sorry but these words i postet must be said, because from my point of view ArmA will never run propper under Linux. U can try Wine or Cedega but it wont work P.S. : I wont start a Flamewar betwen these OS !
  23. tuxinator

    Armed Assault on Linux through Wine

    Hi all, Interesting topic, i love to use Linux because it is no resuorce Monster like any M$ Product is, specifically Vista I tried to get run an existing installation of ArmA under Mandriva 2008 Spring with Wine, but the result was a frozen Desktop But wath i wont to say is that it is on the Hands of the Developer from ArmA to get that done ! Why ? Because others can handle that too ! How ? Look at Epic Games and what they do for their Community, since Unreal Tournament 2004 they have also an Linux installer implementet and i checked that out. I made a test on two OS, one was an Windows 2000, the other a SuSe Linux 10.0. On both OS i installed UT 2004 and used a resolution of 1280x1024, under Windows i was getting about 25 up to 29 FPS, under Linux i getting 70 up to 75 FPS. This shows what kind of resource Monster Windows is and i cant understand that Developers dont try to get their Stuff also running under Linux. A lot of People i know will change to Linux if they dont need to run Windows for a Game or Application they need. It would be nice if there where more Developers that Programm for both OS and after a while there will be more Users that switch over to Linux. But this will be a Dream, because M$ is too Big and to much used worldwide
  24. tuxinator

    Trick/Cheat to accumulate $$$

    Hi Fresh, yes indeed i do, we had some Time ago aRound on Warfare Map and had taken two Towns. As we moved to take the 3. Town a Guy came up in a Cobra and startet to Fire at all our Troops. We where on OPFOR Side and i took a Strela and i Hit him with 3 Strelas and some of our Bots Hit him too, but he had not even a Scratch. Normaly a Cobra will be Ash, so i wrote down his ID and we banned him for cheating, because no one can Buy a Cobra after that short Time since Map start and the Cobra dont have a God Mode Switch.
  25. tuxinator

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    Thank you Mark, great work, i go and test it. Great to see that u take so good Care of it