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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Is it just me or are the new sounds too quiet?

    I find the sounds to be working really well, did you adjust the different sound options ? I've been playing a lot of KOTH this week-end and the new sounds are excellent (imho).
  2. boneboys

    Forums migration/update status items

    Who stole the dancing banana man (and all the other wonderful smileys) ? Please fix ;) Forums are looking very good
  3. Thank you very much, I am certain there are many that are waiting for this to be resolved. Have some :)
  4. Hello all, I've just bought the game and it would appear that remapping the keys is still not possible. This is pretty much a game breaker for myself as I'm a 4 arrow key user and left hand mouse man. I've been praising the key bind system used by other BI games for many years and I'm aware that this game does not use the same engine as ArmA and/or DayZ. Is there any news or a work around on this issue. Thank you.
  5. Comparing ArmA 3 AI with the DayZ zombie pathing or nav mesh (WIP) is not recommended.
  6. boneboys


    Excellent. Downloaded both mod & mission and played it through on local until water level was up, about 1hr 45. I only saw one server running the mission (French) is that yours ? Be sure to continue with the SP mission, I'm certain it will be a great success. Thanks, have some
  7. boneboys

    Altis Life RPG

    I'll be giving this a go. Keep it tight.
  8. You should have asked this on the DayZ Mod Forum but I will answer your question. If the Server is a Private Hive the admins may ask you for your GUID N° which can be seen when BattleEye is initiated, or open chat console and type : #beclient guid ingame This is a safe manipulation and will result in no danger for your game/account or reveal any private information. This security check was introduced in an effort to reduce the hacking that was rampant in the year that followed the release of DayZ Mod, a simple white listing system. This concerns only the GUID N°, nothing else is needed or required. If you play on an Official Public Hive Server this will not be asked of you. Please visit http://dayzmod.com/forum/ for more information concerning anything DayZ. Thanks.
  9. I believe they have a perfect right to be wary of letting their "work" out in the nature. Tonic (Wasteland) is the prime example although he has come to an agreement with Sa-Matra. Another is Rocket and his Survival mod DayZ. There are many different versions of both examples, all have taken the original work (concept) and have had it modified until it resembles nothing of the intended experience. There is also the question of server specs to run the missions, which must be respected in order that the "game" works as intended. This non-respect for peoples work over the last while has certainly damaged something that was unique and will never be the same again. That is why some of the mission / mod and Island makers are becoming "exclusive" and to be quite honest, I don't blame them. There is nothing however stopping you from enjoying all of these modified Mods as well as the originals, so I really do not understand what the purpose is of the Topic. If it was for an answer to your question, well there you have it.
  10. boneboys

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I just get stuck on the Age page, no option to advance to the next page or anything. Never had this sort of problem before.
  11. boneboys

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Having trouble creating an account (unable). FAQ gives page error and registration is stuck on Date of Birth. I've tried sending a mail to Admin but this also gives an error message, so I've no idea if a mail has been sent or not (twice). I may be doing something wrong but I don't think so. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. EDIT :Is there a wait time for validation ?
  12. DayZ won the IGN Gamescom peoples choice award. Somebody out there likes us. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/27/the-winner-of-igns-peoples-choice-award-of-gamescom-2013-is
  13. Well done SiC. Downloaded and finished, a little too easy but I believe thats down to the AI (enemy). I will pass the word. Thanks.
  14. This will only help in the continuing development of the game. Problem identified, patch applied.
  15. boneboys

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I'll be checking this out, thanks.
  16. boneboys

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    You need to put Vs 0.6 in the first Post, it may confuse some ! (me). Thanks for this, well done.
  17. Perhaps you should ask in the Wasteland Topic, as far as I'm concerned this only happens with the Wasteland mission, everything else seems to run fine.
  18. boneboys

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Wise decision Tonic.
  19. Hi again, I have unpboe'd one of the missions and receive an error (line 0 ;:; encountered instead of =) when loading, so I thought I would check out the wiki and there I receive "permission denied". So I'm a little stuck. I'm using ArmAUnPBO which works fine with other missions. Still my favorite mission, btw ! Thanks
  20. boneboys

    Who is using DevBuilt Beta?

    Everyone should be running the DevBuilds (imho), how else can the Alpha advance if nobody moves forward. That might sound daft but it's true. I always run the latest beta for ArmAII/CO so I'm just doing the same here, if something goes wrong it will be fixed soon enough. I voted N°1. Thanks.
  21. boneboys

    Making your game ready for Multiplayer

    I don't think this is a useful guide unless you are running an old and outdated machine. Any modern gaming computer can run the Alpha well enough, everybody that I play with is pleased with the performance at this time. Tweaking the different settings is the key to getting a happy medium, imho. I guess it might help some people, I'm just not sure who, laptoppers maybe !
  22. @ .kju I have a problem with this mission (set) and this mission only. I am using a G5 gaming mouse for which I have re-bound my keys. Lean left toggle is bound to key "a". This works across the board in vanilla ArmA3(2) and every other game mode & mission. The problem is that when I use this lean left key bind, it opens up the map (default M) ! I have double checked all of my Logitech SetPoint settings and can find no errors. If you have any clue as to why this should happen I would be very grateful. My favorite game mode btw ! Thanks. EDIT : I have fixed this by rebinding the key to "D". However the mystery remains as to why when bound to "A" the map opens up.
  23. boneboys

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    "Expect to have a working prototype on day one though" Now that would be interesting. I'll be waiting to see if you can pull it out of the hat, (I'm not talking about runny babbits) ! Good luck.
  24. I've jumped in a couple of times this weekend. Couple of questions... Do I need the ToH CBA running (I thought I may be missing some elements) ? Am I able to change the mission (when there is nobody else playing) or is there some kind of preset rotation ? Thanks for keeping the server up and running.