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About bensu

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  1. @gruso: Have a look at your /etc/openal/alsoft.conf. Search for the entry "frequency" and set it correctly (48000 I guess) and make sure it's not commented out. This fixed the problem with my external card.
  2. I also have sound problems with my external card (Focusrite Saffire USB 6). However this seems to be not Arma related since I have the same problems in Cities: Skylines and some other games. Have a look at this: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=44862 I couldn't try it myself yet, but maybe there is a solution. Edit: I see that the linked thread is already six years old, so I don't know if that is still helpful...
  3. bensu

    Joystick support

    I actually meant some kind of preset so you can select the OS in the filter section, but typing linux in the search field does the job too.I posted the bug here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=25544 Could someone else please test his controllers and give some feedback?
  4. bensu

    Joystick support

    I'm sorry, I must have overlooked this. I tried this method now but unfortunately this is a little bugy. After I did the controller mapping in steam Arma 3 recognized the joystick (Saitek), but it only saw one direction of each axis. So i could map for example the action "turn left" to "Axis X-" while turning the stick to the left. But when I tried to map the action "trun right" to "Axis X+" while turning the stick to the right nothing happend. Now, after I rebooted the PC and started the game again all axes where suddenly recognized. I mapped everything, tried the settings but saw that I did a mistake in the mapping, went back to the settings menu and the odd behaviour started again... So, currently I cannot say when this happens and when not. But there is a second strange behaviour. When the axes are recognized correctly, pushing the stick forward is recognized as "Axis Y-". But when the odd behaviour occurs it is recognized as "Axix Y+". I uploaded a screenshot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yeo1bl07zn5hrxi/arma3_joystick.png?dl=0 the white mapping is the correct one which I did when all the axes where recognized correctly. Both times I pushed the stick forward. I will try my second stick now to see if this is related to the stick or a general problem. I will add a bug report then later. Btw, do you think it is possible to add Linux and MacOS to the OS's in the bug tracker? Thx, Ben
  5. bensu

    Joystick support

    Is there currently any joystick support in the linux port? I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo and a Logitech Wingman Extreme. Both are running fine under linux, but none is not recognized in Arma 3
  6. bensu

    Public Beta

    Try playing around with the sampling rate. I had the same problem, but max. was standard. After setting sampling to 150% I could set it to high
  7. bensu

    Public Beta

    The SSD seems to have no big influence on the performance besides loading times... I copied the Linux version on a hard disk. Same settings, but set the textures on high to match the Windows settings. Result: Linux: 1. run: 30 fps 2. run: 29 fps 3. run: 29 fps So an average loss of 1 fps over the SSD, but this might also be due to the texture level
  8. bensu

    Public Beta

    Ok, so as promised here is my first little comparison between the Linux and the Windows version. First my specs: CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.2Ghz RAM: 8Gb DDR3 1333 GC: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 OS: Windows 7 - 64Bit and Opensuse 13.2- 64bit (Linux) So, what I can say so far is that the Linux version runs really really well. I didn't expect this since the port uses a wrapper layer which usually takes some of the performance, and since my PC is, as you can see, not the newest I thought I would get some trouble. The port seems to be stable as I had no crash so far and it ran at the first try. A little problem seems to be the sound engine as gun fire sounds a little different on the Linux version than the Windows version, however this is no big thing. At the first run I noticed also some Frame drops when turning/firing etc, but this seems to be gone now. So, here some benchmarks: First the settings: (Same for both OS's, Windows settings in german) Linux: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uymrlpu4cdadd0m/arma_settings_linux_1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4nm8syw0q1nu5kg/arma_settings_linux_3.png?dl=0 Windows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p1hq8jzgbz0t7xt/2015-09-01_00001.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5160xss4geim02/2015-09-01_00003.jpg?dl=0 This looks already not bad, does it? But it gets better! On Windows, when you are at the settings screen, the fps rise, but drop again when you return to the game. On Linux however the fps counter is more accurate! There is no change in the fps when you enter the settings menu. What you see is what you get! (Edit: Seems to depend on the situation. That is not always the case) So, now I ran Arma3Mark 0.51, Stratis version: And here it comes: Windows first run: 29 average fps second run: 28 average fps Linux first run: 30 average fps second run: 31 average fps Whoa, cool! It's even faster on Linux! Okay, i have to say that I cheated a little bit ;) The Linux version is installed on an SSD, the Winodws version on a standard 7200 hard disk. But anyway this is a fantasic result for a ported game which uses a wrapper(!). I have no idea how much the ssd has an influence on the result, but I must say I'm quite happy with it. The external Team did a really fantasic job! Well done! Edit: I see that i had the textures on high at Windows and standard on Linux, sorry. But I think that makes no big difference
  9. bensu

    Public Beta

    First impression on linux: runs great, I'm very impressed! I will do some comparisons now with the windows version and report later
  10. bensu

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Well, I can confirm Dead3yez observation. I have a Phenom II X3 720 CPU which is a 3 core processor but actually it has 4 cores and one is just locked. However if you are lucky there is a possibility to unlock the fourth core. So I updated my BIOS and *tada* I had 4 cores But before I read Dead3yez post I was about overclocking my CPU and did several tests with my 3 cores. Now I did another one with the full 4 cores and as you can see I got a major speed supply. :) Between 2 and 3 cores however there is just a little difference... System: * Phenom II X3 720 (@4cores/3500Mhz Northbridge: 2400Mhz) * 4gb RAM (1600Mhz DDR3/9-9-9-24-2T) * Asrock Mainboard with AMD 770chipset * Nvidia GTX 275 * WinXP 32Bit * ArmA2 Beta Patch (can't remember which one ;) )
  11. Hm, you could say that the other way around too: Just because he is the only one complaining doesn't mean he's the only one feeling this way. ;) Personally I think the best voices had been in ofp. But those sounds belong to codemasters don't they? Do we only need one command for each action? Hm, I don't know... but I agree that voices need a major rework for OA
  12. bensu

    Secondary Monitor as Map

    I didn't read the whole thread but I like the idea. I think its much more realistic than stick the map right to your face and you can't see anything else. I always feel unsafe when I use the map ingame because an enemy could pop up in that moment right in front of me. :p
  13. Hm, yap, that could be a problem. On the other side VPN's are nothing new too. Yap, unfortunately I don't know how much additional work this would take. But couldn't you just compile the game with several options disabled? (in theory ;)) okey, I really don't know. I just learned a bit of Delphi and nothing more... ^^ Yap, that is true, statistics would be nice. And your friends really just play it in LAN? Okey, I have no real counterargument on that. I could just say that this is a minority but as you said, we have no statistics ;) And CoD was actually just an example for a game which had such an option and was sold well. I don't think that CoD gamers would play ArmA if that is what you mean. AoE2 for example had this too. All in all I still believe that the pros surpass the cons but yeah that's a subjective view :)
  14. Oh, come on. Please read the thread and try to understand it. Of course everyone who wants to play it should buy it, that's no question! And of course 35€ is not too much. But a "free" MP-client would just be additional publicity for BIS and it would simplify ArmA sessions on LAN parties. Just have a look at CoD which has a similar solution: afaik it is the game series with the most sold copies worldwide! Someone who is really interested in the game will buy it and won't stick to the MP client. And those who are not interested are just not buying the game. Those are no loss for BIS since in any way those wouldn't buy it, whether they played the game for free at a LAN party or not.
  15. Indeed there are less and more limited demos out there nowadays. But I have a different explanation for this: The bad quality of the games. A lot of bugs and no really innovation. They just don't want to screw their potential costumers :p. In German you could say its about "Die Katze im Sack kaufen" (Buying the cat in a bag) Sorry, but no you wouldn't get 3 games. Just because this MP-Client would need nearly all gamefiles doesn't mean you would get 3 full games. With the MP client you could do nothing else than join a LAN-Session. No SP missions, no editor, no online MP... And now if someone played the game at a lan party for free with this MP Client and he had a lot of fun, he would surely consider to buy the game or its successor --> new costumer for BIS. Without the client he wouldn't have played it --> No new costumer for BIS. In my eyes its clearly a win-win situation. More fun for the gamers at LAN parties & more(!) sales for BIS And I think its one of the reasons why those games mentioned above (CoD, CS...) got so famous. Hm, I believe this MP-Client with full LAN-play support is still redundant enough because at the end of the lan party there is absolutely no use of it anymore. :)