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Everything posted by baddo

  1. baddo

    "Invalid CD Key"

    You should contact the publisher of the game.
  2. Yes, I know that has been announced. I could have written my post better, I admit. The VBS is not going to be on console is my bet. But maybe separating its core from entertainment products is not going to happen. But we don't know, that's BIS' call. The PhysX SDK is free on Windows, Linux and PS3. That would be one console platform for which you get PhysX for free. http://developer.nvidia.com/object/physx.html I understand this so that with PhysX, you can make a commercial console game without paying nvidia anything. But for Havok you always need to pay if you make a console game. But if they make an xbox360 version then they need to pay in both cases.
  3. baddo

    Game physics

    Actually an empty fuel tank is alot more dangerous than a full one. Yeah if you are going to weld a fuel tank, better fill it with water first as much as possible to make as much of the gas come out as possible! But it depends what kind of fuel there was. Gasoline, very flammable. Diesel, not even nearly as flammable as gasoline. Basically, the "heavier" the fuel, the less danger there is for a gas explosion. Well if you want to get really technical about it... gas itself does not explode, or burn very easily. Its the fuems that the gas emits that actually burn, and can also be very explosive in a confined space. Thats why, as dale0404 says, an empty tank is much much more dangerous then a full one because there are more fuems in an empty tank. When I said gas I meant the fumes. I think it is correct to say "gas" because that's what it is. Might be a problem with the English language, it has more than one meaning for the word "gas". I mean of course a non-liquid gas explosion (fast burning).
  4. baddo

    Model boolean subtraction

    I will have to disagree with you about the "bad idea anyways". Boolean operations are extremely useful to have in 3D modelling. And I never had any 3D modelling program crash when doing boolean operations. Could you perhaps provide examples of which programs tend to crash when doing boolean operations?
  5. baddo

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Thanks for this work.
  6. baddo


    I played it and it didn't crash. With the 1.14 patch, ArmA has not crashed even once on my computer. But I admit, I probably don't play so much.
  7. baddo

    Game physics

    Actually an empty fuel tank is alot more dangerous than a full one. Yeah if you are going to weld a fuel tank, better fill it with water first as much as possible to make as much of the gas come out as possible! But it depends what kind of fuel there was. Gasoline, very flammable. Diesel, not even nearly as flammable as gasoline. Basically, the "heavier" the fuel, the less danger there is for a gas explosion.
  8. baddo

    Hard drive accesses

    I some time had a thought of if it would be possible to install the games into a RAM disk and start it from there. This would require plenty of RAM first of all. Then you would have to have an operating system which supports that amount of RAM. Then you would create a "disk" into the RAM. And install the program into it. Then start it from the RAM disk. I never tried this because it would first of all be too expensive for me to try. But I was thinking if it is possible at all. If it is possible to make it work then it could speed up data access several magnitudes. Because the game would not access the hard disk drive, it would move data between different regions of RAM. The operating system would probably still try to interfere and mess things up by caching to hard disk drive but I think for that we could disable paging file, as far as we can go with that. Of course this requires so much RAM that it isn't really a cheap option to try out. And I don't know if the games work if we try to run them from a RAM disk. I think some of the things you should try are: - Ensure you load only the addons that are actually needed. This is obvious but I've seen people often not even thinking about it but just loading everything they have. - Optimize your hard disk drive: a) ensure it is running in its fastest mode. if problems getting it to its fastest supported mode, check that the cable which connects it to the motherboard is correct one, because it affects the maximum speed mode that can be used. IDE 80 vs. 40 wire cables can both be used but with 40 wire cable the speed is limited. I don't know if you have IDE or SATA or what. b) defragment it! - I think you should also ensure that you have updated your Vista with latest updates. I heard from friends that this will speed it up clearly. I think then it's mostly up to the maximum performance of the hard disk drives. That's a broad topic. You could then research if it is worth to invest into a faster setup like having a RAID or something like that.
  9. baddo

    P3D Inheritance

    Yes, why not. Are there any potential problems with that.
  10. baddo


    Well I had a feeling that it's probably Pi when I first read what you wrote about "3.3".
  11. baddo


    Good to hear that the problem was that simple. Because it was so simple, I wasn't sure if that was the problem at all The same mistake is made in levels of higher education too so there is no need for you to put your head down in shame over this. It's so easy mistake to make, but usually you notice it soon when you get weird results, like having a right-angled triangle which has its catheti not equal length when the angle is 45 degrees... which is of course impossible.
  12. Yeah. The free AGEIA PhysX has become free NVIDIA PhysX. http://developer.nvidia.com/object/physx.html NVIDIA is developing a driver which enables the use of PhysX in CUDA. On new NVIDIA graphics cards. They say they'll keep supporting older versions of PhysX too. Make no mistake, the PhysX doesn't need a special hardware card to work. It is not tied to NVIDIA hardware. This bit about the Havok: "commercial non-game application distribution is not allowed" might be a problem if BIS would like to use it for free. Is VBS a game. I don't think it would pass as a game as it is not meant for consumers but for militaries, even though it is basically a game. That could mean they would have to pay for Havok regarding VBS. That could mean PhysX could be a better choice if one wants to get a free state-of-the-art physics engine. Although it seems for a Xbox 360 license they would have to pay. The content pipeline could be the deciding factor though. I don't know which is stronger in that regard. Maybe BIS has researched these options already. One thing probably preventing them a switch is that they have already built their own systems and switching now would likely mean a lot of re-writing of their game engine. But we can't know, maybe they have done it already and we'll see much improved physics in next BIS game...
  13. baddo


    Make sure you are not confusing radians and degrees in your calculations. It can really mess you up if you don't notice this little error. From your description it is not clear to me if you know this already. Calculating with TI-89 which is set to use degrees from "Mode->Angle": sin(45)*10=7.07107 cos(45)*10=7.07107 You calculated in radians but gave the angle in degrees in your "correct math" results in the picture. You should of course get the same result for both sides of the triangle with an angle of 45 degrees. Let's convert the 45 degrees into radians: (Pi/180)*45 --> 0.785398 radians Calculating with TI-89 which is set to use radians from "Mode->Angle": sin(0.785398)*10 = 7.07107 cos(0.785398)*10 = 7.07107 The "ArmA values" have been calculated by giving the angle in radians Calculating with TI-89 which is set to use radians from "Mode->Angle": sin(15)*10 = 6.50288 cos(15)*10 = -7.59688 Because, as I think, your description isn't very clear, I do not know if this actually solves your problem or not. Maybe you already knew this all and I just didn't understand your description of the problem.
  14. baddo


    You will need something which is called a loop and one example is in the script posted above. #Loop dostuffhere andsomemorehere goto "Loop" it will jump from the line goto "Loop" to the line #Loop as long as the mission is running, if you don't use some way to exit the loop. In ArmA we have other, maybe better ways to have a loop. Look for while as an example. Read the BIS Wiki and what scripting commands there are. You will need to repeatedly tell them where the hunted group is. But I think you should not give them the move command all the time, but give them some time to actually do their work. You could have some condition, like if the hunted group has gotten too far from the hunting group and the hunting group isn't even in its latest waypoint, then give them a new waypoint (move command) to the new location of the hunted group. Or something like that.
  15. baddo


    Some scripting commands which are useful: To get position of an object such as a soldier: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPos Example: getPos ( leader BDO_huntedGroup ) To make the hunting group move to the new position: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/move Example: BDO_huntingGroup move ( getPos ( leader BDO_huntedGroup ) ) The two groups can be named by doing this: To initialization field of a unit in the hunting team: BDO_huntingGroup = group this To initialization field of a unit in the hunted team: BDO_huntedGroup = group this To prevent units from fleeing (if you want to make the hunting team tougher): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowFleeing Example (to soldier's initialization field): (group this) allowFleeing 0 This will get you started I think. Ask for more help if needed. You will need to learn a little bit of scripting in order to get it done. Don't be afraid of the task, there's plenty of help available here.
  16. baddo


    Sure you can do that. You can for example check the position of the hunted group's leader and sent the hunting team to that location. This is called "cheating" by the way. Make the call periodically. It's simple but will achieve a feeling that the one team is determined to hunt the other team down. If you want more sophisticated, for example to hunt individual team members at the same time by separate units of the hunting team, then I think you understand now how to do that too. You can check each unit's position and send the hunters after them as you wish. But remember, this is "cheating" and has often nothing to do with the AI "detecting" where the hunted units are. For OFP there is a script pack called "Group Link II" which does a good job. For ArmA someone did a conversion of that work, you could check if it works. Also you should maybe make sure that the hunting team doesn't start to retreat (assuming it is AI team). allowFleeing.
  17. baddo

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Please try the game without loading any addons and then report back if you still have the same problem. Make sure that absolutely nothing that wasn't made by BIS is loaded.
  18. baddo

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    There are 1.14 servers. The problems is likely at your end of the cable. Check what settings you have in the server list screen. If there is everything like it should, maybe also make sure there is no firewall blocking ArmA.
  19. baddo

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    ... Get real man ffs  there are more serious problems to deal with that this crap, complaining about some crappy missile if thats make its any better to play ... I just want to give you support for what you said. I agree. It's great to see the energy and the enthusiasm, but I think it could be spent better.
  20. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I still don't get you here. I don't install Windows XP for a hobby, but I do it when it needs doing. How does it cost money? Unless youre thinking of getting someone to do it for you, but I'd say that the average user could do the job themselves if they read up on it. Have you ever heard that someone might be using a computer at work? Does it not cost money when that computer is not in use when it should be in use? I think it does cost money in those situations. Even the "disk image" way takes quite a lot of time away from a working day. Easily ruins a day if the computer was critical for someone's work. That means wasted money. The more highly educated person is in question, the more money is likely to be wasted if the tools are out of use even for part of a working day. I've worked in an office which did about 99 % of the work using computers and it didn't really need a big problem with some software or hardware when pretty much the whole day was ruined. That means that a lot of money gets wasted quickly. I understand if someone gets some fun out of doing computer maintenance work even when it is not necessary to do it. I've done it too and enjoyed it some time. The point here is that even if it's no big deal, or is even fun for some people, a lot of other people find it to be just extra work which should be avoided if by any means possible. Companies which use computers in their work to generate most of their income, it is especially important that this kind of 'hobbyists enthusiastically tuning their computers' attitude is wiped away as well as possible. Of course, at home, we do what we want with our time. The point is, it was suggested here that a re-installation should be done, but in my opinion the people who are asking about it should know that re-installation of the operating system is not automatically the right option to choose, not even at home. I saw it suggested that way and felt the need to file a differing opinion.
  21. baddo

    1.14 The Last Patch For Arma1?

    First you complain about new features. Then you want more features. Make up your mind already ! "we can't even filter for a CTI game properly" This is exactly the kind of stuff that should not be a reason to make a patch. Indeed, introducing new features is a double-sided sword or how do you say in English... on one hand you are giving "new" for "free" for your customers, but on the other hand you are greatly increasing the chance for new problems. I'd personally just want to see bugs fixed and no new features introduced. Ideally I would not want to see even the first patch. I am such a radicalist. Some say that's not a realistic goal and I disagree with them. When "patching" in itself becomes The Thing which we praise and want, then things have gotten out of hands in my opinion. It's the entire computer software industry to blame, not just this one little company.
  22. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    It takes 20mins and makes your computer go faster and crash less. Surprisingly enough, its not my favorite hobby either, but I am quite happy to do it when things don't work. I don't quite get how its a waste of money, because it doesn't cost you anything to put your computer's copy of Windows into the drive and go through the process. I wasn't saying that Windows should be reinstalled for its amusement value, but rather, when you install a new motherboard to make your PC go faster, it may be a good idea to slap on a new installation of Windows to ensure everything runs smoothly. In addition to my own experience of working with more computers than I care to remember, my suggestion is vindicated by your own story about how Windows didn't work when you changed motherboards. Some people may get lucky and not have to reinstall Windows, some wont be lucky. Perhaps I should have said "Make sure you are ready to reinstall Windows in case it doesn't work", regardless, what I suggested works for everyone and probably works better, even if it requires a little bit more work @Raj; I second that 9600GT, or if you want to spend more money; a 8800GTS 512MB (not the older 320MB or 640MB which are completely different despite having a similar name) It costs money if you are intended to do serious work and not just hobby with your computer. Disk images are used in companies to fix that problem I know. The 20 min. you are talking about is not at all realistic for most people and their computers I think. My computer takes, if my memory doesn't fail me now, something like 2-3 hours to install WinXP. Then that isn't enough, there is a lot of work to be done before the system can actually be useful after that. I'll take an analogy from repairing cars, because that's something suitable here: your car's engine is not running smooth. Then your friend suggests that you need to change the distributor, spark plugs and spark plug cables to fix it. Then you go do it. And then your car's engine is running smoothly. Then someone points out to you that only one of your spark plugs was broken, nothing else was broken. Then you insist that it was better to change everything that was suggested, "just because". Did you enjoy spending all that money and time into fixing something that wasn't broken? This applies to computers as well, don't fix it if it isn't broken.
  23. Hello, thanks for the addons. Any further work done? Regards, Baddo.
  24. baddo

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Is that a problem? You can put the ArmA DVD into your DVD drive anyways, if it bothers you that it isn't there when ArmA is running... Â It's meant to be like that. Some people think it is better that we don't need to insert the DVD into the DVD drive when we want to play a game. I agree with those people.
  25. baddo

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Be careful what people in computer repair stores tell you I think it would be fair to say that even if it were possible, it wouldn't work nicely. It also would require reactivation ( When things like new disk drives and graphics cards make it cry for reactivation, think what a new motherboard will do). One way or another, its just preferable to reinstall Windows. So you WANT to be re-installing Windows... how nice! Â But me? I'd rather not do that if by any means possible. It's not among my favourite things to do. It's a waste of time and in some situations also a waste of money. Thus, it has to be avoided if possible.