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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    They Came From The Desert

    Updated (v1.2). Check link above.
  2. Blake

    On His Majesty's Service

    Updated (v1.2). Check link above.
  3. Blake

    Tony Montana Must Die

    Updated (v1.1). Check link above.
  4. Blake

    Where are the Players going

    Yeah right, too bad I can't see that when I'm having a blast while I shouldn't. I'll never step back to OFP except maybe for nostalgia reasons and ArmA is running much smoother. If you want a comprihensive test, just put 200 AIs on desert island OFP and then same 200 in Rahmadi on ArmA. See which runs better...
  5. Blake

    Dedicated Server - Hardware Requirements?

    I've been running dedicated server on 6mb/512kb cable modem on XP 2500+ machine. It could host 10+ players easily and hordes of AI without lag so I think your setup can host very big battles.
  6. Having tested it in MP, dying is almost more fun than playing now This is probably the best spectating/AAR feature I've seen in any game so far. Light years ahead of the already good OFP spectating script he made. I just wish it would be included to stock ArmA somehow
  7. Blake

    Is this game worth buying?

    The performance is fine for me and runs very smooth on 7900GT on normal detail. People will have to realize that this is cutting-edge game and will not run 100fps everything maxed out even on the best cards like 8800. Oblivion's detail system is a fake, cities are only included partly when exiting them and view distance is much lower and you can't zoom into distant ranges. ArmA looks so much better and realistic than that.
  8. Blake

    Will this system run it?

    I hope not, I bet it will just give a headache My mate is unfortunate to have one and he can't even play Europa Universalis III (strategy game) with it let alone AA.
  9. Blake

    THE place for getting missions?

    Maybe moderators could move this topic into user missions and pin it there so people could easily find sites hosting missions...
  10. Blake

    On His Majesty's Service

    This mission appears to have problems with 1.04 (the AI won't shoot agents). I'll wait for 1.05 and see if BIS comes up with a solution.
  11. Blake

    Maximum Number of Players

    Detachment Kyllikki will do some serious testing this week as ArmA hits the shelf here. I predict 40+ people connecting to our server mostly from same country so I think it can give some reference on performance. Our OFP server could host 30+ players without any major problems and I expect ArmA to top that.
  12. Blake

    Worth to buy the game now?

    Well ArmA with same number of AI troops + twice the view distance runs better than OFP on my current system so go figure about performance...that's called optimization.
  13. Blake

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    Maybe those couple of missions have somewhat incompatible description.ext files compared to others? Perhaps it can be fixed by editing those missions a bit.
  14. Blake

    How does the UK version run

    Well then you realize it's ArmA ongoing process which will improve and gather more popularity, US release isn't even out and so on. We're at the begininning now, not at the end. If you have no patience to hang around that is your choice.
  15. Blake

    How does the UK version run

    So you're saying OFP 1.0 was blistering with online activity? Please, I'd like to hear more about this.
  16. Blake

    TrackIR Explained

    Agreed. I hope also that big manufacturers like Logitech start manufacturing similiar device so the price would go down. There's still lot of 'air' in the pricing.
  17. Blake

    The Iraq thread 4

    It's said that the pilot was National Guardsman with no prior training to recognize British vehicles which at that point formed 1/4 of the invasion force. I'd say this is almost criminal negligence in pre-war in pilot training. On the video pilot identifies orange marking on vehicles as 'Orange rockets on mobile launchers' or something. Maybe he saw elements of Dr.Evil's hideous WMDs being paraded to the front... US Army/USAF lawyer etc. was also interviewed on BBC about on the video was classified for so long and the answer was something like 'it could give enemy valuable information, like in this case a very sophisticated ground attack aircraft utilizing special attack techniques...' I mean come on, what is so secret in over 30-year-old A-10 ground-attack jet with only limited electronics and on the brink of being phased out of service? And the attack techniques in the video...just flying and strafing a column of vehicles, nothing new to Sturmovik pilots of WW2 era. If incidents like these are not investigated properly I bet US will have trouble finding allies for the next war.
  18. Blake

    Shilp Shetty

    I was referring to this BB scandal, people did die due to cartoon uproar and embassies were set on fire. This time it was avoided. Luckily she was not muslim or things could have gotten out of control. Kind of scary that today's internet and mass media can spread flames from issues that few decades ago would have stayed localized or undetected globally.
  19. Blake

    recharging batteries

    Yeah, its dangerous to reload non-reloadable batteries. Use proper reloadable ones. Period. Only safe way to reload batteries is to get to schnorkel depth and start diesel engines.
  20. Blake

    Shilp Shetty

    What a fuss about nothing. Kind of reminds me of the recent cartoon uproar, luckily riots did not break out and nobody died. But it's just fact that today we live in such world of overdone political correctness that every incident in a trashy soap or reality show requires minister-level condemnation. But if i were locked in a house with miss Shetty insulting her would be last things on my mind though Â
  21. Blake

    DEFCON: Everybody Dies

    Ahh, this brings back memories from old CBS Coleco Vision game 'WarGames' which is of course related to the movie. I loved it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarGames_(game) EDIT: Thx Eizei for link to 'Threads' I've looked forward to watching that...
  22. Blake

    They Came From The Desert

    Guns - but they are horribly inaccurate.
  23. Blake

    On His Majesty's Service

    Thank you for the kind words I noticed some bugs, updated version in the topic post.
  24. Blake

    Goodbye Placebo

    *salute* Farewell, Paul!
  25. Blake

    CiA co-op night

    With compliments to CiA, Local Defence Detachment Kyllikki celebrated 89th independence day appropriately on 6.12. 2000hrs. A flag-raising ceremony was held at the church followed by a company inspection. After that a parade was held with our CO observing the troops while marching music pounded. 25 men attended and promotions were handed to several distinguished soldiers of the detachment.