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Everything posted by Aviafan

  1. Hi everybody. I don't know, maybe somewhere my problem already was described, though on the main wikipage (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Troubleshooting_Vista) everything I've saw I did and it didn't help. I meet problem that game loads very slow, and when it loads it has very slowly moving pictures with weird textures http://img362.imageshack.us/img362....mg] I've saw this message: "Make sure you have adjusted your startup shortcut to include -maxmem=512, in some cases it might be necessary to tweak it further back. Try 384. " and tried everything, even -maxmem=256, but nothing helps. My configuratoin: Windows Vista 64 SP1 4Gb RAM (I was trying 3Gb, doesn't help) Intel Core 2 Duo 2,13 GeForce 8800GT NVIDIA drivers 175.19 DirectX9/10 Redistributable I have K-lite codec installed Looks like everything works, but something with video drivers or memory... though I have last version of the driver and I was using maxmem option... Any help would be extremely appreciated!