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Everything posted by Azrael000

  1. I am sure that at 10am Czech time they will get to work! But you know morning coffee or something stronger :p And link will be available at 11am Czech time!
  2. Azrael000

    Combined Operations update

    Actually, what i am saying was to optimize units of ArmA2 while combining it with Operation Arrowhead One more thing thou, There should by combined Warfare module for Combined Operations and some other innovation to consider projectiles detonated by computer programing PS: those are same rounds fired from Barrett XM109
  3. Azrael000

    ArmA feedback thread - based on Beta Patch 1.15

    About Balance, yes APS and G18 would be nice, but as of US has M16A2, M16A4, M4, M4A1, than east should at lest have added, AK-47 and AN-94, and against M249, an RPK-74M with 45 rnd mag, same stability as m249 and no second slot blocking. And why i am talking about this! Because in best MP game type "Warefare" east has less weapons and many players don't like to play on maps that require addons download. i could make warefare with Vilas or RHS weapons, but many players will dont play it, and some who will play wil say that their weapons are cheated and i would like to avoid it.
  4. Azrael000

    ArmA feedback thread - based on Beta Patch 1.15

    Hi i have one suggestion for developers. You could put two new weapons for east to give better balance, AK-74 or AK-103 (or any 7.62 AK or AN), and some LMG, because west M249 makes carnage, especially in warfare.
  5. hi guys, i would like to present to you a bug its from queen's gambit but 1.11 path don't fix it so i decided to show it to you. The screen on the left represents Armed assault infantry models that has no problem with aiming. The screen on the right shows infantry models from queen's gambit that has an aiming problem. (Mercenaries, spy, guerrilla, and some new civilians) http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/2959/bugza2.png
  6. Azrael000

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Hi guys there is a problem in queen's gambit that has not been solved in 1.09, the new models of characters added in QG has an pistol aiming bug when you turn on optics and it would be nice if in next patch you will change vertical rudder at least for jet's because its only working at low speed and it should work even on high speed and allow to turn without rolling a jet it will increase aiming (easier bombing runs or dogfight MG aiming) of jet specially for players that use gamepad's PS: i don't know where else i can post my problems so i posted em here
  7. Azrael000

    Autumn (recolored) plants

    AWESOME addon however it would be more realistic if the ground and grass be re-textured too, flowers in autumn doesn't look realistic, but still its extremely good addon Don't worry about South Sahrain, there is small "Błędowska" desert in Poland and its not so strange in autumn PS: thanks to only re-texturing, "DrugsVegetationFix" addon works with your addon, i just checked it
  8. Azrael000

    Addons vs. Patchs

    HI When new patches comes out some addons need to be reworked. I want t know how to make modeloptics look normal in ArmA 1.08 ? Because in 1.05 every thing was normal when i used optics from OFP, but now i see only small part of it. PS: How can i make in a machinegun, ammo move animation, just like in anny Arma M-Gun, and is it possible to apply this animation on Minigun to rotate the barrels HELP HELP HELP
  9. Azrael000

    New, Tiny Duke Nukem Forever Screen

    Well for me duke nukem is fornever i love Duke Nukem 3D i played all 11 versions for different platforms, 3 pc expansions and countless mods but for thoes who bellive that Duke Nukem is King of the Kings i only say, HRP.Duke4.net you have to see it to bellive it PS: thoes guys make old DN3D totaly new adding 1280x1024 resolution 16x anisotrophic philtering and all things, monsters, babes, weapons in 3D
  10. Azrael000

    Addon Research Topic

    HI i want t know how to make modeloptics look normal in ArmA 1.08 ? Because in 1.05 every thing was normal when i used optics from OFP, but now i see only small part of it. And how make in a machinegun ammo move animation, just like in SAW, and is it possible to apply this animation on Minigun to rotate the barrels HELP HELP HELP
  11. Azrael000

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Simple answer ps3 cpu is created by toshiba, they improved pc cpu by adding more cores ps3 processor is 8x core pc processor its not about abilities its about making more money PS: sory for the language i am steal learning
  12. Azrael000

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    yes i am playing arma and i dont understand your point i am posting because in a meter of time games must be expanded and improved have you played on ps3 or at least on ps2 for example on pc need for speed carbon (i dont like this game but its good example) needs at least vertex shaders 1 and processor of 1000 mhz while on ps2 its work without scratch on 300 mhz processor, i am programer my self and its comes to times where we must force pc games developers to make their products to work same as on consoles and dont try to tell me that there is some differences in programig because programing pc games is nothing, ps2 games programing its a hell and they are still beater, do you dont see that people like you who protecting them are only their comercial weapon you buying what they want you to buy, in next game they will also improve not much but peoples will still buy it and will say oh what a fabulous game and developers will laugh and counting their money. PS: MORE IMPROVEMENTS IN PATCHs PLEASE, and if moderator will remove this post this will mean that i am right
  13. Azrael000

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    To ArmA developers: Please add to ammo parametrs number of projectiles and projectiles dispersion so we can made realistic shotgun shells you know 100 projectiles in one cartridge fired in same time it also would be nice to have Flashbangs and Infrared Goggles (Thermal vision)
  14. Hi this topic is list of things that should be improwed but they are NOT 1. Shilkas fire shoul be quartet fire system but it is NOT its only fire 1 shell that take 4 from index and there is only muzzle efect on all cannons (but only one shots the same problem is on AH-6 Gattling Guns) 2. Its also imposible to create a Realistic Shotgun that will fire 100 Projectiles from 1 Shell you also not be able to use lamp mounted on a weapon 3. Swiming and water are improved but infantry should be able to go Up and Down in the water (think... Anice SubMarine Battle) in the end i want to say that 4 years is enough to deal with thoes problems (NO NEW ENGINE ARMA IS USING MODYFIED OFP ENGINE) PS: if my language is odd i dont care i am still learning
  15. Azrael000

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    Simple i want a cd/dvd witch all posible addon editor like PBO editor Bin editor P3D editor PAA editor and others