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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Auss

    Deamon tool

    Bloody hell I didnt think this would cause this much confusion. My apologies I should have said FIRE DAEMON...lol I presumed wrongly that anyone interested in the post and read the post contents would have assumed I was refering to a fire Daemon tool.
  2. Auss


    click on it and it enlarges to double size
  3. Auss

    Shootin' from Chest!!!

    You may have the Austin Powers addon installed, that addon will shoot bullets from your boobies. That'll be it 4 sure...LMAO
  4. Auss

    Australians At War Mod

    Excellent work guys the models look very well detailed. One small bug which is of no significant importance. The Land Rover model you are using was not the design that was used in nam. The model used was the 1 and 2A which has a completly different front end to the defender shape. The headlights were not on the guards but further closer to the grill.
  5. Auss

    Dedicated Server Tipps, Tricks and Tweaks

    for setting up profiles I posted this thread, I guess in hindsight I should have put it in here http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=63398
  6. They are stored in the default users folder which is a hidden folder
  7. Auss

    Deamon tool

    Are you running multiple instances of ArmA on one server?
  8. Auss

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    If I were using them in Real Life I'd be happy to know that. With ArmA you can blow the front of the hummer off when the nade launcher is working properly I've also noticed when I run this version and open the MP screen I get a popup telling me I can download 1.05, WTF?
  9. Auss

    Dedicated Server Tipps, Tricks and Tweaks

    This way is not recomended as you will need to do this every time you restart the server.exe. A better way is to use a Deamon tool which will let you set the affinety perminently
  10. Auss

    sound like ***

    I hear farting sound quite alot, but it dont come from my PC
  11. Auss

    server admin duscussion

    Nuttys gone Nutty
  12. Auss

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Nah I've experimented with this, the nade def doesn't come out the barrel but the sound still triggers. I've fired point blank into buildings with no damage to either me, the hummer or the building
  13. Auss

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Not sure if this has been raised but occasionally the MK19 Hummer fires grenades but nothing comes out the barrel. She's a shooting blanks..
  14. Auss

    server values

    Since patching to the latest hotfix, Players are reporting that choppers are being shot down much more easily, i.e one maybe 2 rounds from small arms fire and they take significant damage. I was wondering if the Armour= value in the server config file would add armour settings to choppers or does this apply to body and tank armour only. Also has anyone else found this to be the case where choppers are now much more prone to enemy fire?
  15. Auss

    server values

    server will read the profile from the default users folder which is a hidden folder
  16. Auss

    107 HotFix issues

    there will be a beta folder in your AA folder. make sure your shortcut on desktop is pointing to that exe file that folder
  17. Auss

    server admin duscussion

    Great work nutty. Would be very interested to try it out once you have a working version
  18. It uses the default users profile( this is a hidden folder), simply a case of making changes to those files if u wish to disable 3rd person
  19. Auss

    Armed Assault Mod Manager

    What do expect you have put it in the squads/fanpages.
  20. Auss

    aussie oi, etc

    Glad to hear your enjoying the game. Come visit us at the link above and say hello.we are having a big organsed coop game this friday night if you can make it.
  21. Its easy to call renforcments when low on inf. Put a trigger in that calls the renforcements then put this in the trigger thislist<3 When the number of troops reaches less than 3 the trigger will fire. so if u have 20 men and u want it to fire when theres 5 simply change the value. As for keeping the troops away, you can put all their waypoints down then use the trigger with the thislist command and sync it to the 1st waypoint, when it fires the troops will role in
  22. Sync a waypoint to the alarm trigger,
  23. This is easy to overcome if you have a dual core machines. Simply run the dedicated server.exe on one core using affinity to set the core, then run your client on another core and connect the same way u would normally
  24. Auss

    Vista Server, US Version ArmA

    We run 2x275 opterons and using the firedaemon tool you can restrict any service you create to any core. The problem with settign the affinity using task manager is it will not keep this setting if you stop the serice.
  25. Auss

    aussie oi, etc

    Biggest Aussie ArmA site here my friend http://forums.ogn.com.au/forumdisplay.php?f=886