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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Auss

    dedicated server help

    Your problem is an extremely low FPS. Anything under 10-12 and you will start seeing weird things happen.
  2. Auss

    dedicated server help

    When your playing on your server and u see the bug occurring, make sure your logged in as admin and then type #monitor 5 (in group or side channel) This will give u an output of bandwidth and FPS usage from the server. Post your findings.
  3. Auss

    dedicated server help

    gfx card plays no part when running a dedi server, perhaps listing your server cfg files etc may help in fixing the problem
  4. Yes thats normal, most of the times I put up broken or non- exsistant link..LOL (sorry couldnt myself silly question really) We cleaned up the addons site in effort to make it easier to navigate yesterday, I am correcting the all links now
  5. Are you getting any error messages? Have you downloaded and installed the correct addons? Which island and mission version are you trying to load? We've been playing it on our CTI server for several months without issues. If you can post some details we'll try to sort it for you.
  6. Auss

    Arma Firewall

    The only thing ghostwall wont do is scheduling of tasks. I'd like to see a facility to autoblock based upon preset rules, also after a preset time it will unblock the player
  7. Auss

    Arma Firewall

    There is already an excellent product that does all of the above, and its freeware. Its called GHostwall. One of the best little firewalls apps around, I would suggest all server admins take a close look at it. I have been using it for approx 6 months. Highly recomend it, It shows the county of where all IP's are coming from which is good for blocking specific IP ranges, Its can be customised to suit exactly what you need it to block/allow.
  8. Auss

    Buldozer doesn't load

    I had the same problem several weeks back and asked the same question, I got no help at all so good luck mate I gave up
  9. For anyone wanting a smaller island for CTI battles. We have a desertisland to play on. The battles are pretty intense, can get island from below http://arma.ogn.com.au/addons/ArmA-Mods-themes/desertisland.rar and the mission from here http://arma.ogn.com.au/addons....and.rar
  10. I was driving a support truck to a flag and was promptly dispatched by a KA-50 so I cant explain why its not happening for you. I didnt need to fire on the chopper he saw me and fire rockets into my truck..lol
  11. The title description sounds weird I'll try to explain. I have enclosed a screenshot of the problem. As you can see theres a line on the ground. One side looks fine and the other is all screwed up. To make matters worse when I walk on the affected side it suddenly sounds like I am walking on floor boards. Its happening in various parts of the island At first I thought it may be caused by too many different textures but my island only uses 4 in total. Then I thought maybe the textures were the wrong size so I resized them all and tried 512 then 1024 but same thing. My island is 512x512 grid size. with 20.0 meter terrain cells. The terrain size is 10240.0x10240.0 my texture layer is set to 20x20. to I have tried changing this to 40x40 and higher with same result. My sat and mask files are 2560 in size with terrain.png 512x512 and the terrain.pbl is set 20metres I checked the Mask and theres no lines at all. It seems to happen in certain parts of the island but I cant find the demoninator that the affected parts all have in common. can someone help as I am running out of things to try next
  12. Auss

    Texture issue

    Ok heres the 4 rvmat files. I mearly copied the sample map ones and edited the paths so I dunno if they would be the problem. http://sas.ogn.com.au/rvmats/ I'll resize the sat and masks to 5120 then try 10240 to see if that fixes it
  13. Auss

    Texture issue

    yeah I thought the same thing so I have changed the sat figures but still no good, I used the textures from the sample map then also tried using the textures from Sara. The textures are pisek, leslist, trava and travajih. I cant understand why I would get the floorboards sound thats the weird part
  14. Auss

    Visitor 3 Quick Tutorial

    Your pbl is named wrong. It needs to be terrain.pbl, same as the png file
  15. In the latest release the AI will now attack Base buildings. Aircraft will strafe all enemy.
  16. i found the same problem if u have heaps of objects. I switched off the view roads and plants button and it imported fine
  17. Ah thank you for pointing that out, I have updated the links
  18. Were running it on an opteron and it runs fine, but your right it is a very CPU hungry game
  19. Heres it is. I have zipped the required addons plus the mission. Can be used in a mod or in addons folder. ***Edited 25/10/07 Check for 1st post updated links for addons and missions
  20. Auss

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    Great work Alex, would it be possible to get the sat and mask plus pew files from gardinas so I could try to get it working properly in a MP envioronment? It seems to good an island to not be used in MP.
  21. Mission will be named CrCTI_ OGN xx with xx denoting the release version As for the 93 orginal version, Squeeze can answer that one I will plead the 5th, dunno..lol
  22. Auss

    My desert dream island!

    Putinix- I have whipped up a desert island to show u how the sat and mask files work. I didnt use your pew as I needed your sat and mask files to check if they were a problem. Anyhow I have included the mask and sat files that I made this island with so you can see for yourselve. I used 2 textures, the sand and wet sand which you can see near the water line. The sat file is a little bigger than the mask file, as i didnt really need to worry about a decent coast line.Just unpack the rar file and load the pew. Hope it helps you to figure it out. Anyone else is also welcome to download it. Please do NOT use this as your own its meant as a demostration, I have pbo'd the orignal which we use on our server for CTI's http://sas.ogn.com.au/island/desert.rar
  23. Auss

    My desert dream island!

    Send over your pew file to me and I'll take a look for you.
  24. Auss

    Buldozer Camera keys

    Another thing i found is to move stuff in real time in Buldozer, select a group of objects, then alttab to dozer hold left control and then u can move the items u have selected, good for aligning footpaths or buildings etc.