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Everything posted by Auss

  1. Auss

    Frame rate hit caused by jungle

    Ah ok, I just want to fix a few trees and some rocks as they look quite good for a jungle I am creating Cheers
  2. Auss

    Frame rate hit caused by jungle

    Your old Jungle pack is buggered. There are LODS missing from certain distances. If you dont mind I will fix them?
  3. Auss


    This function works well. As long as you set up the terrain condtions it will make a decent road. The reason why it loops and does weird stuff is because its attempting to find terrain that matches the parameters you have specified
  4. Auss

    Terrain Size

    Its probaly because you have saved it as an 8bit, it will need to be a 16bit png
  5. Auss

    New error !

    lol its all good, now go get some sleep
  6. Auss

    New error !

    can use both png or paa, I prefer to use paa instead, not sure if there are any differences I have never been able to tell. I wasn't referrng to the file extention but rather the correct file name
  7. Auss

    New error !

    Dont u mean "terre_mco.png"
  8. Auss

    New error !

    Are you sure this is correct?
  9. Auss

    Berzerk Map Pack

    So does this mean that Zay has spat his dummy and left?
  10. Auss

    berzerk 2 needs you :)

    Yep same here we run four 1.09 servers, its heaps better than 1.08 and I couldnt find your mission anywhere to test. Can u post a link and we'll test it out
  11. Auss

    2048 x 2048 maps

    Ok done some tests as it was annoying the crap outta me..lol It seems Incorrect Texture size buggers it up. I got the error with 2048x2048 by 20 meter cell terrain and 20 meter texture layer size. Whereas a 40 Meter texture layer size fixes it,Can anyone else confirm whether this is a bug or my PC
  12. Just wondering if anyone else has come across the same problem. I am working on a map 2048x2048 by 20 metres terrain cell size. When I place an object in V3 it shows in Buldozer but when I select it in V3 and move it, When I tab back to Dozer the object hasn't moved. I have to close and re-open Buldozer. I have changd map sizes and it works ok on smaller maps. I've even tried 2048x2048 with 25Meter terrain cells
  13. Auss

    2048 x 2048 maps

    So how to fix? Any ideas I've re-installed and its still happening.
  14. Auss

    QG Addons

    Desert2.pbo in the QG addon contains the wrecked ship
  15. I've searched the forums looking for an answer to this, I can find class names for all QG addons except the shipwreck Does anyone know what its called in the editor?
  16. Auss

    Bizarre resolution problems

    With those specs you will struggle to get any decent FPS at all.
  17. Auss

    Using Custom addons

    All fixed, I cant belive how simple it was, and feel kinda dumb after relising how silly it was. Move the folder to the root of P drive    Thanks Planck
  18. I am trying to use some custom addons in my map.( the addons from Alex's maps) The problem is when I open Buldozer I seem to get a white addon. Buldozer then displays a path telling me I am missing a .pac file. I have de-pbo'd the addon and placed all its contents in the P:\CA folder. I have also placed an addons.txt in the root of P: and defined the addon in there. Is there anything else I need to do?
  19. Auss

    Using Custom addons

    Righto I'll try that cheers
  20. Auss

    Map Making (A to Z)

    I use Notepad+. Shift click a huge chunk of them and do a mass edit in one hit.
  21. After many months of coding and testing, we are finally ready to release a beta version of Crcti with JIP. It has been reworked and quite a lot of new items added, but we need help in finding more bugs. some screenies below New features added - Ability to add floating objects, eg place AT guns,HMGS on walls or buildings - reworked GUI to give functionality - Added map feature to command AI - Players blocked from swapping sides once ingame - new island, desert Island - plus heaps more stuff cant remember..LOL We are in the final proccess of updating the latest version for release. Now its still in beta mode and we are aware of a few bugs especially when players have slow connection and try joining. Known issues Being worked on - when joining player may not receive cash (go back to lobby and rejoin game) - Unable to use the comms centre to buy remotely - Player cannot rejoin after leaving (must take slot on same side) this was to stop players leaving and rejoining on the other team to give base location away (this is not a bug) Big thanks to Squeeze the main scripter whos persistance and dedication has gotten us this far, also thanks to Dr Eyeball for coming on board and rewriting the GUI and helping squeeze with the coding. I'll post the mission shortly. ***Update*** 25/10/07 Addons files below (contains desertisland and SSara PLus new addons for the RC1 release) Addons Missons Saralite mission DesertIsland Mission RC1 Version on SSara Version F (required addons) Updated 3/11/07 http://arma.ogn.com.au/addons/ArmA-Mods-themes/OgnctiUpdatePack.rar Mission from below http://arma.ogn.com.au/addons....ara.pbo ****Update**** All links above removed. All addons can be found below http://arma.ogn.com.au/addons/updater/ Or use Yomas updater.
  22. Auss

    Using Custom addons

    The problem is that the path V3 is displaying as incorrect is actually the right path. I have checked thats it correct and the .pac file is there. As for changing the texture paths, are they found in the config files?
  23. Auss

    Road confusion

    Ok then thank you. I'll start recreating my road network
  24. I've started making another island (yes got the bug again) but I cant seem to get the roads sorted. I have installed the tools and have the CA folder with roads in it. They were installed with V3. However I seem to be getting the error below. Texture error I'm sure its something simple. I'm not using the roads from the roads.pbo, I am selecting the default roads when I create them , can someone point out the error of my ways please?
  25. Auss

    Missing textures

    Doh my bad just found the unwrap thingi in your tut. Thanks again