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Everything posted by Auss

  1. I was playing around with a few scripts I found here on the forums, mainly for picking stuff up. I found this script below ID01 = this addAction ["Take jerrycan","pickup.sqf"]; (placed into the init line of the object you wish to pickup) private["_obj","_caller","_id"]; _obj = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _obj removeAction _id; _caller addWeapon "ACE_JerryCan_Dummy_15"; deleteVehicle _obj; hint "Object picked up"; (Cant remember the author sorry) anyhow I tested it on a few items and it works well, but when I tried to pick up an ACE jerrycan it appears as a Banana in my gear tab...LOL then, when I drop it its on the ground as a Banana. I thought I was going Bananas so I checked my ACE mod to make sure its updated and it is. Can anybody shed some light on this dilema?
  2. @Cuel- Doesn't work, the objects spawn on the ground after I spawn the custom composition. I added the line to each objects init space
  3. Thanks for the reply cuel. I have been using the @RTE Editor but found issues namely missing objects, after placing more than 10 objects it seems to lose the rest.
  4. Using the method above is there anyway to set the height of a specific object when making a custom composition? I would like to place some sandbags above a wall
  5. I have RTE running but when I place more than 2 waypoints on a group of infantry i get the DLL error
  6. Auss

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Take your time my friend, it'll be done when its done. Quality of work is the key to any manual :)
  7. we saw the same thing tonight. There were 15 players all playing on the server, those same players all had pings below 100. As soon as I put an AAS map on we had around 6 players crashout with BE kicks within 60 secs of the match starting. I changed the map and all was fine again. Very strange.
  8. $able - I entered a guid to ban then saved the file, I then typed bans to see if it was there and it wasnt. The offending player had left the server but one of our admins got his GUID in a screenshot. I also confirmed it in the server log file. Does BE/server need to be restarted for the update to take effect?
  9. I have a script which spawns a unit The problem I have is that I cant seem to work out how to detect when he is dead so it will trigger an objective. It works fine when I place a unit and call it northgroup1 and then put "not alive northgroup1" in a trigger. Any ideas?
  10. Fantastic News My Murray!! Thanks for all your efforts :)
  11. This is fantastic, thanks Tophe!!!
  12. I've been using the random script from Mr-Murrays excellent bible. But when I host it up on my machine it seems to generate different values for each client. I am using a trigger at the start of the game with Bluefor present calling it via "this exec "random.sqf". Anyone have any ideas? Cheers
  13. JW - The links for the scripts that spawn groups as needed are dead. Would you mind reposting them again as I would like to use it.
  14. Gents I appreciate the help here but I cant seem to get my head around it. Kylania I followed your post up till the last section, I cant seem to work out how to call my spawning scripts after we have generated a bearing. I understand how its calling "west" but I'm not sure on getting it to call my "westspawn.sqf"
  15. I can confirm its working in MP. Thanks Kylania I'm almost there. 2 questions, 1) Can you explain please how the script works (so I understand better) :) 2) Whats the best way for me to now use that script in my mission to call other scripts based on what direction it calls? for example I have north.sqf which spawns inf if North is called.
  16. Thanks for your patience Kylania I've just tried that in the editor and its working, I'll test in MP with some clients and let you know, thanks again!!
  17. Ok I put Into random.sqf file then launched it via a bluefor present trigger, [] exec "random.sqf" on activation line, still not getting any hints in the editor?
  18. Thanks for the replies and explinations Shk and others. I tested it in MP mode (me as the server) and nobody saw the hints. Anyone have any ideas of how I can generate random values? I want to spawn enemy in a random location around a base.
  19. Couldnt seem to get this one to work?
  20. Thanks MulleDK19 Thats getting there, it now triggers the hint however as you mentioned it only works on the leader and noone else in the group. ---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ---------- ({alive _x} count units northgroup1) < 1 This is what solved my problem. :)
  21. Thanks for the exlination HeliJUnkie,I was reading about local variables etc and thought this may have been an issue so I've removed the _ its now northgroup1. I then added a trigger and on condition: not alive northgroup1. and on activation hint "northgroup1 is dead" The unit spawns fine and starts running to a waypoint, when I kill him I dont get the hint still. Is it becasue the trigger has fired before the script has run? therefore trigger doesnt see Northgroup1 so does nothing?
  22. Just tried that also with the same result. It still doesnt seem to detect that units dead when I shoot it.
  23. Thanks Pwnstar but that doesnt allow me to put it in a trigger.
  24. Auss

    Two PC's on One Connection

    Are you Windows ICS? If so thats the problem, has been a known issue with OFP/Arma etc
  25. So then I guess this recent poll on OGN is wrong? http://forums.ogn.com.au/showthread.php?t=65585