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About 70gunner

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Bridge prob on map vte MDSZ single tree hope this helps Map with location Can't drive on bridge some parts aren't at same high
  2. 70gunner

    3 M249 Variants

    Thx was looking in the ammo boxes
  3. 70gunner

    3 M249 Variants

    First addon I don't find backin the editor where to find.
  4. Scaled model from the beach until the first bunkers on the normandian coast Included waterobstacles tankturret bunker mg bunker firecontrol bunker little gun emplacement
  5. Tanks gunsight. I need to afjust to much to hit a standing target. Almost 1 click to the right to hit him is that normal or not.
  6. 70gunner

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Is there still a server running it or what to do for the pw server?
  7. 70gunner

    Vietnam: The Experience

    @Snake problem fixed thx. Got a few errors online on your server some addons that I don't have for the 1 cav mission. Nice mod
  8. 70gunner

    Wall Generator

    using LowFly's EditorUpdate. doesn't help sitll got the message: downloadable contaent that has been deleted bolsaarena don't know what this object is.
  9. 70gunner

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Nice addon just one question which sound is used. here you have some short action movies off the zsu23 I can't and don't know how to import the sound but if possible somebody can try.
  10. 70gunner

    Evolution V3.0

    Another option is to use the trucks from corazal docks with a mim of tw it's a peace of a cake. And isn't there somewhere a frap with trucks in the N - Iland. Hint during a session have a support unit just outside the village
  11. 70gunner

    Evolution V3.0

    Just hit the TOP (platform) off the tower with an at rocket is enough no lucky shots needed with that just training.
  12. 70gunner

    Gunship 2000 Campaing by Gibbon

    Nice one just did a wooly bully transport bring back some memory from BFV flying a huey with a good radiosong Buono trabaja
  13. 70gunner

    something that should be simple

    wp 1 pickup make it a loadwp set an inviseble H add "chopper" land "Getin" on act field wp 2 unload wp 3 move your civil give them  a get in waypoint and synchronize with wp1 off chopper
  14. 70gunner

    Evolution V3.0

    Nice one sidemission need to be two human player, He's up and running
  15. 70gunner

    Refuel/Rearm/Repair script

    wrong thread sorry